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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. colback Would rather go for Ki ...looks a very good player even playing in a s**** team like Sunderland...... he would cost money which pretty much rules that out. He's a brilliant midfielder, but I get the feeling he's a confidence player, and Al Pards will have none of that. He'd ruin him in about 2 weeks.
  2. Colback would be an upgrade on Gosling, but that isn't saying much.
  3. He's played out there by fuckwit because of he's willingness to defend and run all day, now he's not doing that he looks shitter than s***. Any manager with an ounce of sanity would use his workrate up top where the bloody lad belongs. But no, fuckface sees a hard worker and thinks f*** his attacking quality, i need an extra full back for my bollocking shitarse defensive claptrap that doesn't work anyway cowards formation. is that Gouffran you are on about?
  4. As a pure central midfielder, Cabaye should be starting in their midfield IMO. With the class he has in front of him and to his sides, he would thrive, especially in the bigger games. The only thing is that he may go missing if he's not the focal point of every transition move.
  5. I'd f***ing take it up the number two if it meant getting the second alternative. I think we've found the message to pull behind the plane lads. :lol: :lol:
  6. Why would they include a gallery of Freddy Shepherd pictures? Who the f*** wants to look through that? my thoughts exactly
  7. Again. Only playing devil's advocate. But what should they be saying? "We's gon sign alllll the players!"? I hope to f*** that it's just standard press officer bollocks, and we start doing our business on the quiet again, and bring in much needed reinforcements. I am an idiot though so take nothing from the straws I clutch at. This myth still floating about then. tbf we did sign a few players that slipped under the radar until their confirmation/MA wore their name on his shirt. i'm so sick of the hullabaloo that surrounded the Remy/Gomis/Grenier/Cabella sagas. Prefer to do them the way we did Tiote, Cisse, Anita(ish) etc..
  8. Again. Only playing devil's advocate. But what should they be saying? "We's gon sign alllll the players!"? I hope to fuck that it's just standard press officer bollocks, and we start doing our business on the quiet again, and bring in much needed reinforcements. I am an idiot though so take nothing from the straws I clutch at.
  9. Load of absolute bollocks . The video, the claim, and the cause he's supposedly fighting for.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26928782 Awful news for him and for England. Could have been a star in the making as England's wild card this summer imo.
  11. him on twitter: "m8 were 8th. u would off took 8th at the start of season. getting rid of pards? why?? hes a good guy an good manager. its ashley needs to fuk off" me on twitter: "m8 were 9th"
  12. Not at all defending the Ashley hierarchy or owt, but hasn't Charnley been at NUFC for some time before Ashley even took over? or am I missing something? I guess he could have quit if he didn't like the way things were being done, or Ashley would have sacked him if he was in any way contrary to his methods or something. Is Charnley a geordie?
  13. Stop with all this negativity lads. It's depressing. Utterly utterly depressing and demoralizing. I know it's only football and there are other things in life that matter....but fuck me.....Pardew get the fuck out man!!!
  14. Has this f***er blamed it on the boogie yet? Edit: Too late
  15. I think the booing was for the decision as much as anything. Of course it was. But I didn't hear any chants specifically aimed at the "manager". Makes a massive difference IMO. The booing was supposedly "understood" by Al Pards as fans' dissatisfaction with the result.
  16. This for me was the absolute worst thing that happened on Saturday. How this one substitution wasn't followed by howls of exasperation from the home fans, and shouts of "Pardew Out/You don't know what you're doing", I'll never know. This one hopeless useless substitution perfectly sums Al Pards up for the fraud that he is. GTFO man ffs. Shola was boo'd onto the pitch. Aye I know that. But its not Ameobi's fault he came on. Massive amounts of venom should have been thrown in the direction of the cunt and his cronies in the dugout for bringing him on. Al Pards did leave his seat early, so wouldn't have been there, but I'm sure he would have heard it if the entire stadium (whatever was left of it) shouted for the sack.
  17. This for me was the absolute worst thing that happened on Saturday. How this one substitution wasn't followed by howls of exasperation from the home fans, and shouts of "Pardew Out/You don't know what you're doing", I'll never know. This one hopeless useless substitution perfectly sums Al Pards up for the fraud that he is. GTFO man ffs.
  18. Chiriches has been very good for Spurs. Apart from one or two mistakes, he's been one of their better defenders this season.
  19. Agree with this. Load of nonsense recommending former players unless they demonstrated exceptional leadership and charisma or strength of personality, really. Even then it's like throwing darts blindfolded. I agree with this as well. Ashley doesn't seem to have the vision and/or the football knowledge to spot a good up and coming manager, and give them their chance here. It's not just a question of who would agree to work under Ashley, but also who would Ashley accept to work for him. For this reason, I think the only way forward with the current miserable ownership is to bring in a vastly experienced and relatively decorated manager. Someone old enough and experienced enough to be able to handle the relationship with MA, and still exert his authority and leadership on the playing squad. Someone in the Hiddink/Pellegrini mould, only less successful, seeing as Ashley would never pay what it would take to hire anyone of their calibre.
  20. I'm fairly certain, based on nothing at all, that Ashley is seeking legal advice on how to get rid of this sack of shit. At least that's what I have convinced myself. Al Pards' excuses and explanations in the media are at an all-time high when it comes to the illogical, senseless rubbish he is serving up. I have convinced myself that he knows it's twitchy arse time now, and that he'll be out on said twitchy arse relatively soon. Some time in the next 6 years.
  21. There's a wafer thin paper between the two, both are utter shyte. I'd take the dignified and honest shyte over the classless spineless loose shyte any day.
  22. Yaya Toure moved to Barcelona from that poor league Edit: He ended up at Barca. Spent a year at Monaco. Still. Point stands
  23. Which makes it the wrong decision IMO. If they do go down, he has the experience of managing on a budget in the lower division, and could have given him a crack at bringing them back up.
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