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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. tbh, bayern were just terrible They were absolutely rubbish tbh, and I'm quite surprised at that. It's unusual for a german team to be as unprepared as they obviously were last night. Having said that, Messi, Xavi, Etoo and Henry were on top form last night. Man of the match for me though? Andres Iniesta. What a player!!
  2. in before the lock by the way rob, any correlation between the dates?
  3. Has more passion and desire to win. It's that instinct imo which makes him the great player he is. Rooney has more passion to win? Based on what? The fact that he shouts at referees and gurns after missing chances? I don't think you can get to where Messi has without a massive desire to win. His body language. Rooney typically will hurt more after a defeat. He is a bad loser. I'm talking about the desire to win in match situations. There is no doubting Messi's dedication to his game and self-improvement! Afterall, he is the best player in the world, and I will not deny that at all. I just think some people under-estimate Rooney's immense talent because he's English and plays for Man Utd. I might be a bit more biased in favoring Rooney's style of play, as it is similar to how I wish I could have played football. Personally, I prefer the all-action, all over the park style that Rooney plays.
  4. Precisely. Rooney is like the ultimate superstar "utility man". A rich man's Steve Watson if you like
  5. Has more passion and desire to win. It's that instinct imo which makes him the great player he is.
  6. The best in the world at what he does. Absolutely phenomenal tbh. Wayne Rooney is not the best in the world at anything, and he never will be. Bullshit. His natural understanding of the game is top rate. Although Messi and Ronaldo are the better players, Rooney can do some things better than them. He has a drive and passion to win that exceeds theirs combined. Add that to the wide array of skills in his arsenal, and a powerful right foot, and you have a lethal combination. IMO he really can be one of the greats. Apart from all his other qualities, his ability to anticipate what's about to happen and get into just the right position to receive the ball is quite fantastic. The best in the world at what he does. Absolutely phenomenal tbh. Wayne Rooney is not the best in the world at anything, and he never will be. Bullshit. His natural understanding of the game is top rate. Although Messi and Ronaldo are the better players, Rooney can do some things better than them. He has a drive and passion to win that exceeds theirs combined. Add that to the wide array of skills in his arsenal, and a powerful right foot, and you have a lethal combination. IMO he really can be one of the greats. To say Rooney can do something better than him (Messi) and I am sure you are just watching English games in your football world. You're wrong about that, because I've probably watched Messi more than I've watched Rooney this season.
  7. Have to agree. I'm a huge admirer. His occassional outburts irritate me but he is a great player and does everything you could want really. I'd take him over Ronaldo every single time. ...over Ronaldo?? World Player of the year and Ballon d'Or of the year right? over 40 league goals last season, when has Rooney got anywhere near that? Not to mention the amount of chances Ronaldo creates for others. Sorry just find that statement incredible. I hate to admit it but I have to defend Ronaldo here; not been talked about thatmuch during this season, and he's already got 20 goals, not to mention the 70ish goals of the past 2 seasons. The bit I don't agree with is "zomg thats amazing for a winger". He's only a winger in the sense of him starting there in the official formation. The amount he drifts from there, and amount of simple goals he gets from 10 yards out after being laid on by others suggests hes just a roaming forward, starting from the wing. A few of Rooney's performances recently have however suggested he might be starting to realise some of the potential to its full capacity. Perhaps I have been going on a bit about him recently, but I don't think he's ever played better than he's playing now. Man U were looking quite jaded last night, and he absolutely carried them through. I'm pretty sure they'd have lost 2 or 3 nil if it hadn't been for him. To that natural athletic talent and skill, he's now added a very shrewd and creative football brain. He's one step ahead of defenders all the time. 2 and 3 steps ahead at times tbh. As you say, last night, HE was the team. He carried the work of 3, maybe 4 players. A player like that is worth his weight in gold to a team. Man Utd are better off selling Ronaldo before they can even think about selling Rooney. Ferguson knows this, and I suspect that if you ask him, he would tell you that Rooney is his most coveted player, probably since Cantona.
  8. He's got to go for me. If I were him, I'd sign the contract and let the club sell for a good 7m in the summer. Newcastle and Owen were just not meant for each other.
  9. Sit in the Directors box. So are they out there for a laugh basically with fuck all esle to do with their time?
  10. It's been mentioned that the reserve game was attended by Beye, Bassong, Nolan, Barton and Coloccini. Do you think they just randomly choose to attend these games, or are they asked by management to do so? I think it's a wonderful thing personally, as the seniors show support for the entire squad. But how does it work? do they sit in the stands with some coaches? are they in the dugout?
  11. a cant see any reason why we need to play a tall guy. the best way to beat a team when you cant pass a ball very well is not by starting a 20 year old next to an out of form striker and punting balls at him, and its even more wrong to try and do that against a team like stoke who play long ball football much better than we do because that's all they have. we need to keep the ball against stoke, regressing to long ball football is what they want. A very good ,well-made point...I don't see playing route 1 against Stoke doing us any favours.It's playing to their strengths... Playing Carroll doesn't necessarily mean we have too play long ball football, he's decent on the deck and will give us an outlet as he can hold the ball up, plus bearing in mind the team we are playing, who's strength is set pieces and high balls, his aeriel ability will come in handy at both ends of the pitch. I would play Carroll but i wouldn't be telling the team to launch it route one all the time, i want us to get the ball out wide and get to the bye line and get crosses in. I don't know why, but I have a soft spot for Carroll. I think he's got the makings of a really good center forward. IMO if Wenger had him instead of Bendtner he would turn him into a better player than the big Dane.
  12. Hopefully they have learned that taking Oba off completely removes any goal threat we may possess. Hopefully they've also realized that Jonas shouldn't be on the wing. Hopefully they've also realized that if they want to play Owen they need to shift to 4-3-3.
  13. Amazing turn of events or just like last week. Tbh he needs to watch them in action as well. Besides, if we;re looking to call on the likes of Smith and Xisco and Edgar at any point, it's best they are match fit at all times.
  14. The extra 'o' in 'loose' for a start. absolute gold this thread is!!
  15. He's looked fast as f*** off the mark to me like, shame there's not much else to him I think he can finish tbh. If only that chance against Everton (?) had gone in!!
  16. Yup looked in real distress. Wish him well. Decent signing he's been.
  17. starting McLoven with Carroll with Owen behind them you heard it here first
  18. Haven't seen any of your contributions elsewhere on the board. I'm curious to know what you think of everything that has transpired here as a liverpool fan. I'm quite sure you're quaking in your boots as far as the title goes. Peter Lovenkrands > Fernando Torres lyke
  19. big man??? he isnt even 6 foot, hardly big? You ain't seen him without any pants on. actually i have, when the toon trained at maiden castle i used to work at durham uni, after our lunchtime 5 a sides we used to share the showers with the newcastle sqaud after they had finished training and? is that all you're giving us?
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