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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Howay man, can you blame anyone for feeling this way? It's a fucking terrifying thought, and being positive is a lot better than being negative. Realistically yes we're a poor side, and we could easily go down if we don't pull our fingers out. But the reality also is that we still have games left with which we can save ourselves. Rather focus on that than on how shit we are tbh
  2. I guess that means you think we're one of them? I fear the worst, but I've been looking at the mackems fixtures. Every season for about 30 years I've put a 2 quid bet on with my mackem mate who will finish highest between us. Remember back then 2 quid would have bought 2 pints of beer. He asked me for my 2 quid last night and I said f*** off the season ain't over yet !!!!!
  3. Is that a "no" then? It's a yes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/content/images/2005/05/24/jim_trott_203x152.jpg wow James, you're on a funny roll today
  4. Massive pressure must be exerted on the club to thank Kinnear and Hughton for their services, and remove them from their positions at the end of the season. All the while using this time to search for and identify candidates to take over on the 2nd day of the close season. This is the only scenario that would allow me personally to continue to support and believe in Ashley's regime and vision for the club.
  5. seems that it's been settled now from the BBC: West Ham and Sheffield United have reached an out-of-court settlement over the long-running Carlos Tevez saga. Tevez helped West Ham achieve Premier League survival in 2006/2007 while the Blades were relegated. The Blades argued Tevez was ineligible to play and an independent hearing ruled in favour of their claim for compensation from West Ham. A compensation figure has not been disclosed but the BBC understands it is in the region of £15m in instalments.
  6. IMO their bigger mistake was hiring Keegan in the first place, and the situation we find ourselves in is a direct result of that mistake. The only way they can rectify this is by letting JK go in the summer and bringing in someone worth their salt to start the rebuilding and get us playing some good football getting the best out of what we have.
  7. Thing is mate, for me it's no longer about relegation. If we get relegated, we deserve it as we really have been shit all season. If we stay up, then we will have done well. But it's not about that anymore. I'm more concerned about the future of the club and the direction we're moving in. I know I will be misunderstood when I say this, but I would prefer a scenario where we spend a season in the championship with a bright young manager with ideas than survive and spend another season in the top flight with Kinnear in charge.
  8. But it's like us signing Andy Cole now, at age 39, and saying give him a full season to prove he's good enough! Joe Kinnear will never be good enough in this day and age. Agree ENTIRELY with the letter btw
  9. This!! Must be made captain next season.
  10. That's what I'm confident of as well. They never have an easy time up here, and hopefully we will prove it again.
  11. I think Nile Ranger is one of those players who might go stale if not introduced to the first team early enough. IMO he should have been played while he was on that shit hot scoring streak. Players like Owen, Rooney and Fabregas may have never made it if they weren't given their chances as early on as they were. Must play for the first team before the season is out. I have a feeling he'd do well.
  12. The more you criticise the ownership of the club the more I become convinced what a set of twats the NUSC are, last week you were trying to convince us that you werent anti-ashley, yet every post is...Anti-ashley. Im not pro-ashley im pro-NUFC and moaning about ashleys running of the club isnt goint to achieve anything. Your a t*** and so are the rest of NUSC. What has this got to do with the NUSC? Let's not derail. I'm pro-NUFC. You think endorsing Ashleys actions is going to achieve something? You have been using this forum to promote NUSC therefore your comments are indicative of NUSC comments, on one hand your saying your not anti ashley on the other your using every thread to criticism him, I couldnt give a f*** who owns the club, I just care about the team out on the pitch that i pay to watch. Have i endorsed him? If i did what would it mean? f*** all. Have i set up an anti ashley supporters club and called it NUSC? and if i did what would it achieve? f*** all. What do you think of how we've performed on the pitch in the last couple of years then? What would have to happen on the pitch before you started thinking the people in charge were incompetent? Relegation? Weve performed poorly under sounsess, roeder, allardyce and Kinnear. Very well under robson and keegan (both times), honours even i would say. Success on the pitch would not convince me the owners were competent or incompetent, the two events are not as clearly related as you are making out. Are liverpool a well owned club? Are west ham a well owned club? theres a difference between well owned and well run, and an even bigger difference to a well managed side. relegation would kill me, as it would most NUFC supporters. Now ive answered your questions honestly, i would appreciate it if you did the same. Why have you decided to feed on the misery of NUFC supporters to form a so-called supporters club to feed the media hysteria surrounding our club? WHy are you charging people for this pleasure? Who gave you the mandate to speak on behalf of the majority of us who realise its about more than Mike ashley? I believe you saw a opportunity to take advantage of the fans misery to form a group where by you could appoint yourself chief mouthpiece to gain a little bit of noteriety (sp)and cashflow to enhance your sad existance, and again you are a t***. We're in a worse position now than we were at this point of the season under any of the managers you mention. We've not been this close to being relegated in 17 years. Cheers for the character assassination. But I have nowt to do with the organisation of the NUSC. I've not been to a meeting. I've not been to the rally. I support the people giving their time and energy, usually with no recognition (it's been the likes of Lee Ryder naming the most active members to have a pop). You think I'm a t***? Fair enough. I prefer to think I'm one of the few people who'll take the time to even debate you and others on this subject any more. It's no wonder good posters like Alex, Parky and Tooj have stopped bothering though. Any discussion of Ashley's running of the club decends into an exercise in NUSC bashing. Ashley-bashing....NUSC bashing....there's always bashing of some type going on it just depends which side of the fence you are sitting.Anyone who stops posting on the site because they don't want to hear a different POV is probably more comfortable on TT where there isn't even a debate and good posters like Baggio are ridiculed as WUMs. I wasn't so much Ashley bashing as answering another posters question factually. What this had to do with the NUSC, or why it makes me a t*** still hasn't been explained. Anyone asking questions of Ashley and his people are seen as being NUSC members. Shouldn't be that way. But then again, anyone answering questions about Ashley, or asking questions about the NUSC is seen as an Ashley sympathizing glory hunting sky fan. Both are wrong imo, but that's the way it is.
  13. Cacapa was bought on a free as an experienced squad player Butt was a 29 yr old England international who had learned everything he knows about football from Roy Keane and Alex Ferguson Geremi was signed on a free Viduka had scored 19 goals for Boro the season before he joined us. Signed on a free IMO the wasters we signed are the ones who haven't played as much football in return for the transfer fees+wages that had been spent on them Owen Duff Barton Viduka (if you consider wages) Smith Luque
  14. That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular? This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management. not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off you couldn't make it up Ashley hasn't paid it off. He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest. Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did. Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman? But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club. After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year. Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club. It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come. Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday. I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank. It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club. We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells. And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year. Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda How's that man? It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club. There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory. Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties. I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours. We want Newcastle to do better in the league. But that's my point exactly. It does not matter to me if it's beneficial to Ashley as well. I couldn't care less what Ashley does or benefits from the club, so long as Newcastle United is better off as a result. He has made several serious errors in judgment, but one cannot ignore the massive job being done in terms of re-structuring the club's finances, and bringing on the youth policy, to ensure our survival as a football club once this whole crisis has blown over. Nail on head. Are we? Do you truly believe the under 18's and a low rate of interest on our borrowing are the things stopping our inevitable implosion? We clearly haven't been better off on the pitch in the short term. But it's a long and complicated process, trying to halt the slide we were on when the previous board had sold up. All things considered, including the uncontrollable economical climate, we could still come out of it in a better position than we would have had we owed everything to creditors. Only time will tell HF mate. Only time will tell. I put the same question to you that wasn't answered elsewhere. Do you think an improved under 18s team and an improved rate of interest on our debt will see us start climbing the league? What changes are planned to make sure we aren't fighting relegation next season? Well the idea of collecting rising youth talent from around the globe, and developing them, may save us a few pennies here and there when building a squad. If we're diligent and lucky, we could unearth one or two stars. The one thing I am still hoping for is that we sign a top top class youth coach with a track record of working with kids. Otherwise the whole plan is futile. I don't know much about Dickie Dollar, but I was hoping for someone like Roeder who has done it in the past. Joe Hart wouldn't be a bad shout either. Improving the interest rate on our debt will save us a few more bob as well. Adding bits of bobs to one another would increase transfer budget, hence giving us a better chance of buying better players. What Ashley REALLY needs to do now is to bring in a top quality manager. Keegan was one of course, but he was the wrong choice for so many reasons. Kinnear clearly isn't, and Ashley has got to realize this and move him on at the end of the season.
  15. Butt was signed under SBR, and if I'm not mistaken, Geremi was signed before FS sold up. Viduka had scored 19 goals for Boro the season before he joined us. So one could argue he wasn't totally past it.
  16. Dont forget the role that was played by football agents in all this time
  17. That sentence in bold is probably one of the biggest piles of dogshit I have ever read on this forum This is the problem with anti-Ashley posters and the likes of the NUSC. Banging on about what's been done wrong without even attempting to acknowledge the point of the original post, which is about clubs going facing real financial difficulties if they spend beyond their means without any proportionate success. Does this sound like any club in particular? This is the problem about those who have bought into Ashley's propaganda and have posted on this thread without correctly interpreting what others have said - there was absolutely NOTHING in my posting which mentioned Ashley's spend - if you look again , you will see that I said he has messed up Jumbo style ; this has nothing to do with the spend but EVERYTHING to do with his decision-making...and I stand by that 100 % , as would anyone unless they think that creating a situation where KK walks out, employing a third-rater like Kinnear after making an abortive effort to sell the club(and then offering him a 2 year contract) etc etc...is good management. not arguing with any of that like, but i love the chelp that Happy Face has railed off into about spending on managers under ashley after a massive amount of the debt ashley paid off was built up by the previous owners in appointing s*** managers on big contracts, allowing them to spend a fortune on s*** players then sacking them and paying them off you couldn't make it up Ashley hasn't paid it off. He's changed the lender....to himself...so we save on the interest. Ashley has sacked managers at a rate 3 times more frequent than Shepherd did. Why do you support this course of action while deriding it from the previous chairman? But I don't see a problem in Ashley being repaid the loans he has made to the club. After all, if it was a PLC the shareholder(s) would all be entitled to dividends from the club each year. Is it really so dreadful to expect to be repaid for loans made to the club. It makes sound business sense to me, and once the loans are repaid, and providing the club is on a stable financial footing, then the club will, if run sensibly along the lines now set out by Ashley, generate ample funds for player purchases for years to come. Hopefully players will want to play for NUFC for the kudos of playing for a top well run and successful club, rather than that last big payday. I have no problem whatsoever with him loaning the club money interest free rather than a bank. It's just as beneficial for him as it is for the club. We save on interest and loan repayments until he sells. And just like the banks, he gets the full amount back, even if players he's signed decrease in value to zero and we're left with a shitty squad fighting relegation year after year. Started off brightly but you still insisted on twisting a perfectly good and reasonable post to fit your agenda How's that man? It's just as good for Ashley being the clubs moneylender as it is for the club. There's no negativity in that, no underhand, money laundering, assett stripping conspiracy theory. Just a fact that it's a common sense approach for both parties. I'd have thought my agenda would be the same as yours. We want Newcastle to do better in the league. But that's my point exactly. It does not matter to me if it's beneficial to Ashley as well. I couldn't care less what Ashley does or benefits from the club, so long as Newcastle United is better off as a result. He has made several serious errors in judgment, but one cannot ignore the massive job being done in terms of re-structuring the club's finances, and bringing on the youth policy, to ensure our survival as a football club once this whole crisis has blown over. Nail on head. Are we? Do you truly believe the under 18's and a low rate of interest on our borrowing are the things stopping our inevitable implosion? We clearly haven't been better off on the pitch in the short term. But it's a long and complicated process, trying to halt the slide we were on when the previous board had sold up. All things considered, including the uncontrollable economical climate, we could still come out of it in a better position than we would have had we owed everything to creditors. Only time will tell HF mate. Only time will tell.
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