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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. That's one of the bad things about living in Sweden, especially in a town like this where ice hockey is the King of sports. At least I'll be able to grab me a six-pack of Brown Ale on my way home from work. and then nip out for more at half time ? Nah man, you can't buy alcohol after 7 pm (6 in most places even) in Sweden unless you're at a bar. tis true in norway too
  2. You shouldn't have swallowed last night then, I did warn you! Skirge should have listened to an old experienced head like you Bon
  3. Must be a 5-0 demolition. Our fortunes MUST turn!! They just have to I think. We've had decisions against us, injuries, and awful football for so long, I think it's all meant to come together even if just for this game to get our hopes up.
  4. ridiculous really Gerrard & Ireland for me
  5. From NUFC.CO.UK No Aaron Spear anywhere in sight?
  6. this thread it's like the elixir of life absolute gold Praise t'Lord Ranger be thy name
  7. herein lies the culprits. this is the cause. the rest are merely symptoms
  8. Clearly an impact substitution. No doubt in my mind. Jonas was warming up all game long before coming on. Smith was the other impact sub we had ready in case we took the lead and brought him on to protect it. After singing his praises, and going on about needing to feed Owen with a steady supply of chances, surely Shearer meant to throw Jonas on when he did, and when some Stoke players were already on yellows/tiring etc..
  9. The most prevalent aspect of management that Shearer has exhibited so far I would say is his incredible focus on the job at hand. His interviews and PC's have been flawless. He has projected that air of relaxed yet focused confidence, and having a manager like that will give the players and fans a mountain of support. It must be really difficult to keep that wry smile on his face, and speak with such an assured/assuring tone at all times. It's such a sensitive time for the players and fans alike, and Shearer recognizes that one slip of the tongue could put a monkey-wrench in all immediate plans to stay up.
  10. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/debt-burden-knocks-gloss-off-uniteds-record-profits-1666766.html oh god to see it go tits for them; i'd LOVE it Rather it happened to Liverpool myself tbh. True Man Utd fans are sound, and I tend to discount and ignore the glory hunter element of their support. However, the Liverpool fans I know (true and glory hunting) are masters of cuntery, wummery, and sour bindippery. s***-spinning c*** buckets. The lot of them.
  11. James Taylor? Phil "the power" Taylor Liz Taylor? Maybe we can get her on the pitch to proposition one or two of the Stoke lads
  12. You never saw Gary Kelly then or Massimo Taibi
  13. Makes sense since Taylor is quite small compared to Edgar We will need as much height in the side as possible, which is why I also reckon there will be starts for Nolan and possibly Carroll.
  14. Stunning inch perfect cross for Drogba's goal last night.
  15. I think Seb will partner Coloccini in the center, with Beye back to RB and Edgar will get a start at LB.
  16. Agreed. Boro are probably the most insipid and lifeless football club in Europe after Monaco. Pure unadulterated dross.
  17. I see what you're saying, but Messi's not much of a fanny He has a pretty low center of gravity and is harder to knock off the ball than you think.
  18. True that. If Ferguson had bagged him when he left Lyon, they would have won the title since then in consecutive years. Can't believe he keeps getting overlooked as a top player. Maybe it's his late run of injuries.
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