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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I see you edited out your smiley. Was the other one a bit much? I stand by my comment. Palacios is meant to be a box to box midfielder but he hasn't scored a goal since he's been in England (doubt he has much assists either). As i said before, i rate him as a player but he's not the sort of player we need imho. The fact that he hasn't scored....doesn;t that tell you he's disciplined enough to sit tight and let better attacking players get about the business of scoring? Yep, that's what Alan Smith never scoring told me as well. Smith was a fucking striker cum midfielder under Ferguson! If Palacios is a DM, then he's a fucking DM. Simple
  2. I see you edited out your smiley. Was the other one a bit much? I stand by my comment. Palacios is meant to be a box to box midfielder but he hasn't scored a goal since he's been in England (doubt he has much assists either). As i said before, i rate him as a player but he's not the sort of player we need imho. The fact that he hasn't scored....doesn;t that tell you he's disciplined enough to sit tight and let better attacking players get about the business of scoring?
  3. Yes there must be a real possibility Kinnear said that "dont go in for any risky challenges against a team of s*** kickers because we dont need another injured striker" not that unlikely. more likely than owen not trying very hard whilst trying to earn himself a move to a bigger club. I do see what Crumpy's saying, and it doesn't look good at all for a player of Owen's stature, and the captain of our club to be pulling out of 50/50's. However I do agree with Libertine that we do NOT need him injured, and will need his goals to stay up. Having said that though, Kinnear should have taken him off at 70 minutes if he wanted to keep him safe, and gone for broke with Carroll and Ranger.
  4. Just on the off-chance that we're signing him, Brighi is on a completely different planet when compared to our central midfield, and that includes Barton!
  5. With that crater face. What a c***. http://www.corrieredellosport.it/images/07/C_3_Media_362207_immagine_det.jpg meh cover the face and fuck the base
  6. Why do people keep saying that? looked like an utter c*** when he was in charge of us. There's a difference between being out of your depth & being an "utter c***". You've forgotten the golden rule: "everyone associated with NUFC since 1991 apart from Keegan and Robson are utter c***s" And you can cross Robson off that list if you're talking to Niall or Biffa. Or Keegan if you're talking to me or Tooj
  7. Quite a lively one. Decent player imo. I prefer De Rossi though, and think he's got quite a future
  8. Bellamy for 12 million or Kaka for a 100??? I'd have Bellamy over Kaka any day of the week!!! Bellamy for 20 million or Kaka for 30? Thats when I'd pick Kaka over the welsh gobshite
  9. Agreed. He's worth alot more. no chance. overrated. big time.
  10. Agreed. Every year the media licks Liverpool's sphincter ring and we don't hear the end of it until round about this time of year when Man Utd hit real form and Gerard stops being able to do it all on his own.
  11. Kaka is not worth 1/8th of that
  12. yes yes yes yes yes yes. only thing that will save football
  13. no mention of italian or argentinian, sounds promising though, in the way that the fees HAVE been agreed Where's this talk of fees agreed coming from?
  14. You heard anything UM? Geremi hasn't done anything of note for us, apart from a few crucial assists last season, but it sounds like he was good to have around the dressing room. Would be a bit sad his last outing for us he got booed the way he did. Would have rather his substitution was more of a non-event, much like his contribution to the cause.
  15. Credit for what, exactly? Do you seriously think he's the one doing the deals here?! Whoever is doing the deals does not matter. They are working together. The level of involvement of each does not matter. What matters is who we end up with, and on what terms. Some on here will have you believe that JFK/Wise/Ashley were bringing Lovendkrands in for free, giving him a 5 year contract on 60k pw, and parading him on an open top bus. They are doing a sensible thing with this deal. It's by no means sensational, and on its own will not improve much. But I'll wait till Feb 2nd before I make any accusations or have any heart attacks.
  16. Haven't you heard that Joe is the anti-christ? and that he was originally one of the 3 stooges?
  17. He played for one of the worst teams I've seen at SJP in recent history, when they got relagated out the prem under Bryan Robson. My god they were awful and he was part of it. He is just a shocking player with no ability at all and would be the worst signing we have ever made. I remember him scoring a couple of wonderstrikes for QPR when he was a teenager, as he made his breakthrough
  18. This kind of deal would have crashed this forum under the old board. A load of bollocks. You cannot tell me this deal is worse than re-signing Bernard, or bringing in Le Sib!! I'll just blame it on your short term memory/new agenda
  19. here's your coat back! that was funny! you can stay!
  20. and just picturing a bunch of NUFC-official-wear-clad scouts singing that..... mackems.gif
  21. I don't know what's up with Deco. I have a feeling he's realized he's too old and lazy for this PL lark and is just going through the motions. Don't see him lasting past the summer at Chelsea (or England for that matter).
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