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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I'm a pro lip-reader and could see him mouthing to the physio "5 more minutes! tell them to wait. 5 more minutes". Guess Kinnear didn't want to take any risks and just threw Guthrie on anyway. Good choice imo
  2. So true.. just look at the statistic of our midfielders, league appearances (goals) for us: Butt 96 (5) Duff 49 (2) Barton 29 (2) [both of them penalties if I'm not mistaken] Gutierrez hasn't played that many games for us, but he isn't really a goalscorer 1 in 99 for Velez and 5 in 96 for Mallorca Then we have Guthrie 0 in 25 for Bolton 0 in 15 for Southampton 0 in 9 for us I'm pretty sure Guthrie scored at least 1 for Bolton tbf His rocket of a volley should have won us the Wigan game.
  3. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: can't fucking tell you how happy i am!!! despite my hard shell exterior, i've got to say a massive THANK YOU to all the mods and everyone else who's brought us back to life. love all you twats now let's start winning some fucking football
  4. serie Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh load of wank
  5. Cacapa had a poor game yes.... but aren't you lot a bunch of fickle whining girls!! get a grip ffs
  6. Newcastle midfielder Joey Barton was spotted late last evening walking around the Bigg Market sporting an I LOVE ASHLEY t-shirt
  7. In other news, messrs Barton and Glitter were spotted scouting future talent for NUFC at the local park in Durham
  8. When pressed on the matter further, Lucifer admitted that he IS Joey Barton
  9. You watch the number of bookings and sendings off of opposition players that will come about after these comments. He does it constantly to sway referees. No more, no less. Nowt to do with him being a soft cock (which he is, and so are his players).
  10. Chopra is a Geordie who plays for the mackems and would probably kiss the badge if he scores against us. Got to be boo'ed no two ways about it
  11. Dear Joey Barton, It's clear that the British media hates you, and have launched a witch-hunt to get you banned at any cost. As a Newcastle fan, I beg you....rather IMPLORE you to keep it all on the football pitch. Play hard, and play fair. Your game is picking up, and your influence on our team is massive. Keep your gob shut and your arms down. Walk away. Everytime. Walk away from any scum (cockney, brummie, geordie, scouse or mackem) that tries to goad you into a reaction. You've done time for doing some horrendous s*** in the past, but that's that. In the past. They want to see you fail, so what better way to flick two fingers back at them all than to do it on the football pitch where it matters. I know you will bleed for the club's cause. So just get on with it and help us win as many games as you can, score as many as you can. It's the only way. f*** you for previously being an odious little s***, but now you're our odious little s***. Get out there and do a job son. Sincerely, thedudeupstairs
  12. No! to be honest I wouldn't give a fuck! It's petty meaningless words that get said on a football pitch. If we're going after players calling another big lips or whatever, why not go after players calling each other cunts or cheats or poofs! the whole thing is a cheap petty ploy to heap more pressure on Barton, and indirectly, NUFC.
  13. Simply stunning. Boy oh boy!!! I really hope this Villa officials crap isn't true. They will look like complete fucking idiots no matter what the outcome is. Lip-reading experts? fuck me!! What a joke
  14. If this is true (that Villa have requested this additional footage) then they are more of a two-bob piece of shit club than I had previously thought. ....and I was only just starting to like their style. they can fuck right off now
  15. He is an intelligent and powerful runner with the ball. The reason he got into a pickle on the wing is that his crossing and acceleration are poor. Always needed 13425 stepovers, and to beat his man 16 times just to make sure he gets enough space to put the best cross in that he can muster. He can also spot a very good pass, and is technically gifted (can do a good trick or two). Good shot from range, and can tackle and work extremely hard. Look, i'm by no means saying he's the finished article in the center. But his attributes are definitely not of a winger's. His managers should have focused on developing him into a central midfielder. He does a very good job of it for the U-21's. Never a winger in a million years. all in my opinion of course
  16. two fingers up the slimy wretch that is the British media. opposition fans and players (from any club - especially the arsenal cunt Sagna) who also wanted him done for can go do one as well. if someone's got the clip of Barton's tackle on Nasri, and can convert into .gif for me, please pm me with it? this latest incident and the media's reaction to it has turned Barton into a cult hero in my eyes
  17. yup. think i'll be going to that. Anorthosis aren't my local side here, but i'd like to take that game in as celebrations will be out of this world should they beat the germans, and Inter beat the gutless greeks.
  18. great point re: Milner. said it all along. he's a natural born central midfield player.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/3331234/Newcastle-United-see-off-Aston-Villa-thanks-to-Obafemi-Martins-double--Football.html Henry Winter doesnt even mention the incident. Actually he does, and goes on to say that although it was a nothing incident, Barton's capable of much worse. Then says "just wait" The most impartial and factful match report however
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