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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I know you're only half serious...but some of the defeatist attitudes on this forum!!! Yee of little faith! Have a word man
  2. How is that beneficial to you?. Heskey's a decent player but he's very similiar to Carew. What happens when you're a goal down in a game and you need to change things? Heskey isn't exactly going to get you a goal from nothing is he. Pogrebnyak is a much better option as he actually scores (as well as everything else Heskey is capable of). Heskey=Carew if you want to look at it in basic terms. what he would offer is a substitute/rival for Carew's position which they dont really have atm, other than errrr Harewood. agree though that Pogrebnyak would be better, based on what ive seen. if he is available on a loan id love us to bring him here. Precisely. Heskey is like Carew. Carew hasn't played a match in over two months now. Giz him then!!??
  3. You're right. And we also have to remember how the league table has panned out so far. There are technically 10 or 12 teams who aren't exactly safe. A team lying in 9th at the moment could go on a bad run and easily find themselves in the mire. Another reason why quality players from the clubs around us will not be leaving, as their clubs cannot afford to slip up. It's been a deadlock. A mass clear-out from West Ham & Man City could have helped matters along, but so far it's only been Bellamy outgoing, so not much has given way.
  4. Seriously now!!!! WTF??? Are we really on a road to nowhere? Poor lad. Get well soon son! Shall wish him the best on facebook.
  5. it doesn't mean we should support him, what it does is give us a little bit more of an understanding of where we were when he took over and the reasons for where we are today. there's an argument to be made that his lack of due dilligence was a good thing for us. Correct. You can look at this information from so many angles and come up with different views on it. Bit like Infocubes.
  6. Yup Fantastic thread, with some very good debate going on. I'm no accountant, and nearly totally ignorant in finances in general. Have learned quite a bit on here. Cheers fellas
  7. Has he a history of it? Debateable. Also he did lose control over transfers but still wanted to soldier on for the club he loved.... SBR was 10 times the manager Keegan was, antoher reason why i dont understadn the messiah like status afforded to Keegan. Exactly. SBR is the real McCoy imo as he came back to this club and lifted it back up to the heights (nearly) of the Keegan days, which is a much more difficult ask the second time around.
  8. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/01/21/nufc-trial-for-ex-borussia-dortmund-defender-72703-22744127/ Bundesliga title? 7 subsitute appearences with one being longer then 10 minutes... "Starring" for Leverkusen? Not even 20 appearences in two seasons. Nevermind the medal/starring bollocks. Just how pap is he Ise?
  9. Maybe because he actually plays for Hull? He's on loan from Wigan. 99% sure of it. fuck me you're right!! didn't realize the deal had fallen through so he went there on loan. soz like
  10. One of our best campaigners this season. Fucked. We are that is.
  11. Maybe because he actually plays for Hull?
  12. Lookign at tarts in G-string bikinis no doubt. Now here's a man who knows about life's simple pleasures
  13. Pointless, because he'll not take it serious. He'll say something like "The ones who wrote that lettre aren't the ones at the matches" or "This might be the opinion of the minority, but definitely not the majority of the Toon supporters..." Oh right. Because he's stupid enough to think the majority of Toon supporters think we're going really well this season, and have massive posters of Geremi, Butt, Duff and Cacapa up on their bedroom walls for inspiration!
  14. To be fair reading that letter, it's well balanced and realistic. It's not deluded and downright embarrassing like some of the tripe we've seen before. No reason for the press to laugh at it.
  15. That is a brilliantly written letter tbh, and we cannot afford for Ashley not to read it. This is why the letter must be directed to him through different avenues. It needs publishing in the fanzines, and possibly printed on cheap paper and distributed at the ground. A copy of it WILL get to him eventually. Refreshing to read that after the shambles that was the NUSC.
  16. Meaning he's told him to avoid coming here at all costs I imagine. GOOD!! I couldn't wish for a Burdisso on a scummier club than Spurs. Hope they all go down as one big happy family.
  17. Jenas is so overrated he's on that list three times??! Disagree with Lescott and Downing tbh, but the rest are fair.
  18. I can name you about 10 more overrated footballers before naming a single NUFC player, nevermind Owen. Go on then. naah can't be arsed point is, he's not the most overrated in the league. full stop What a defeat! :-) Making a list of over-rated players is quite subjective. I personally think Gerrard is over-rated. Exactly. Plus you would've stopped talking to me because I had John Terry on that list :colo:
  19. I can name you about 10 more overrated footballers before naming a single NUFC player, nevermind Owen. Go on then. naah can't be arsed point is, he's not the most overrated in the league. full stop
  20. I can name you about 10 more overrated footballers before naming a single NUFC player, nevermind Owen.
  21. I think it hasn't been discussed enough. Too much pent up emotions. People are people man! Give over
  22. Didn't SBR try for him years ago?
  23. Cana is immense but you lot should sign Angelo Palombo from Samp. Failing that, Tymoschuk from Zenit (heard he's going to Bayern though), or frings. Jesus for a minute there i thought you were talking to a toon fan, i thought you'd lost it.
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