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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Brian Kidd, Sammy Lee, even Steve McClaren et al. Reputedly good coaches. Terrible managers. and Calderwood is coming to manage us?
  2. Well to be honest he couldn't make things much worse could he? Well we'll see. Could Bring back Nigel Pearson The next SAF. Mark my words
  3. dear me edit: what are spuds fans saying? iirc they were delighted to get shot of the mercenary cunt!
  4. you know he's telling fibs. he just can't justify his undying support for someone who's been shown to have been dragging the club down into a deep dark abyss. i'll be very surprised if he actually gives in and posts in that thread tbh from where we came, in the interests of balance...not like we had decades of top flight stability is it? which was relative obscurity was it not?
  5. I believe the Given transfer is a goer, and has given us breathing space in terms of funds. The 10m from the transfer will see us bag Ebondo and hopefully M'Bia, in addition to one of the youth strikers being bandied about such as Ruiz or Remy. Would be a decent window imo.
  6. :yikes: :yikes: 10m is not enough. I would have insisted on the original 14m. He's that valuable to us, and we know shitty can pay it. Nee fucker else is able to sell them their first choice keeper, as nee fucker else has a deputy as able as Harper.
  7. you know he's telling fibs. he just can't justify his undying support for someone who's been shown to have been dragging the club down into a deep dark abyss. i'll be very surprised if he actually gives in and posts in that thread tbh
  8. I will be gutted to see him go. Almost as gutted as I was to see Andy Cole get sold. I just hope they can sort out a gentleman's agreement not to play Given against us if it's his first match with City.
  9. A fickle Brazilian who may not have the heart for a relegation dog fight is not what we need at the moment imo. What we need is an experienced campaigner who will come in and know what it's all about. We need someone to come in and have an effect on the team similar to the effect Beardo had when he returned. i'd take someone like Danny Murphy ahead of Elano any day at the moment in this particular context.
  10. Certainly the gravest error our then powder-puff chairman had made during his tenure. A bigger mistake than hiring Souness and appointing the fans' no.1 choice Glen Roeder. Sometimes when I think of Ashley and this mess, I feel nostalgic about the Shepherd era and the good times we had back then. But then I remember the total shambles and cobblers of a job he'd done to send us into a spiraling free-fall and thank the lord someone was stupid enough to buy him out and rid the club of him.
  11. you tell the c*** wbcp'in I regularly like to pretend I'm a competent, caring, club owner. Oh! Thought you was pretendin to be hardman Joe! Soz big Mike
  12. Tuesday's press conference should be interesting... "Which one of you is Simon Bird?" "Me" "Alright Dezza, hand me the lube. Simon, bend over you c*** " Think we know the rest! FYP
  13. That he was, this was during one of Denmarks finest times for wingers, Jesper Gronkjaer on left Rommedahl on the right, two of the fastest players in the world. Lovenkrands by all accounts is really fast so I'm not too worried personally, I see him being a Sibierski esq signing slightly bemoaned at first but will turn out to be good. f***ing hell I forgot about Gronkjaer is Lovenkrands a left winger/forward so Rommedahl wouldn't really have kept him out of the side. I stand corrected.I don't know my Gronkjarse from my elbow. classic william tray
  14. Nope. But we're all on full alert. Quite interested in his input tbf
  15. Would everyone please, for the sake of all that is pure, start spelling Coloccini correctly? Thank you very much Signed tmu
  16. mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif
  17. JFK won't be everyone's cup of tea, but he's a hard b****** if he's telling Llambias how it's going down
  18. Fair enough, but why come out and say it? He's a cockend beyond belief, and the fact that he now works for the yids makes me hate the pair of them even more. Cunts deserve each other.
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