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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. I like your thinking, are you basically saying he is talking the player up in the hope to sell him in January? The problem with that is, when you are Newcastle manager those quotes get thrown back in your face when said player is sold and the headlines read that you have no say in transfers.
  2. No imo. Shola must go. He's done alright for the club overall considering his lack of ability. But he's gone stale here and is better off starting fresh somewhere else. Thanks but no thanks
  3. Right. I've just put 50 quid on Smith scoring the goal that keeps us up this season. Greater odds than him scoring the own goal that sends us down this season. By the way, I can't stand that sorry excuse for a footballer myself, but I think the vitriol towards Kinnear is rather cute
  4. and do you kin why that is bonny lad? it's coz Simon Bird is a cunt
  5. the mickey mouse comment? the FA, the Premier League, the PFA, the LMA, FIFA, UEFA, CAF, CONCACAF, AFF, etc...are cunts
  6. It's more that Desailly was the Bassong of the past.
  7. well of course they lived in the houses of cypriots. What were they going to do? knock them down and build turkish houses? FYI in the last few yrs the borders have opened, and greek cypriots have been going back up north to check up on their land and homes, and there have been a few touching stories whereby turkish families opened their homes to the previous greek owners, and handed over personal belongings, furniture and photos etc... Hope there's a resolution some time soon
  8. Something that Kevin Keegan dreams are made of. It's what Temuri Ketsbaia dreams are made of son
  9. Go get some sleep if your tired. God knows your on here long enough. Fail x2. Alan Shearer strikes me as a very principled man, so yeah, in the same circumstances I reckon he'd have walked too. Any excuse to have yet another go at Keegan though, you ungrateful little twerp. Another grammar triumph! Well done! Give yourself a hand! Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me. Ungrateful? From where I stand Keegan was given a job he wanted. Was paid £3 million a year to do the job. Agreed to a setup put in place. Acted as though all was well. Started the season well. Then suddenly leaves at the most inopportune moment. That's my opinion. Keegan handled the situation just as badly as Ashley and his pals did. Simple as that. Do you have details of his contract to say how much he was being paid? Do you have details of exactly what went on at the time of Keegan's departure?
  10. There replacements are taking us to a lower level......how I yearn for Newcastle United to be challenging for a Intertoto place again. As far as I'm concerned, that lot (Faye apart) are deadwood that needed shipping out
  11. That local lad with little experience is doing okay at is hometown club Barcalona Thats true, but at least he'd been involved in the background at the academy for a while now. I'd say SG has a fair bit more experience than big al. He managed the reserves for one year, I dont think he worked at La Masia or worked with the youth sides. Do you not mean JG? Anyhew, this was denied rather sharp, makes you wonder if Ashleys even trying to sell. SG/JG = same thing
  12. ok. i was one of those fuckwits. what some of you (of the non-fuckwit type) don't get is that Avram Grant WAS and IS a no-mark manager. He got the job to steady the ship and as a stop-gap until Scolari could move. Chelsea finishing 2nd was seen as a FAILURE after spending all that cash. It's not like Grant dragged them from 10th at xmas to finish 2nd. All he had to do was keep them ticking over. Besides, a managerial appointment is a little more complex than saying: "right, this bloke finished 2nd with a star studded chelsea side, let's get him in". There have to be other qualities about the manager, and Grant possesses NONE. Don't be emo about it. He's a decent manager, and that's all we can attract at the minute. Right, and my point is, if we're going with "decent", I'd have Steve Bruce over Grant any day of the week. In fact Grant wouldn't even make my top 10 list of choices
  13. That local lad with little experience is doing okay at is hometown club Barcalona Thats true, but at least he'd been involved in the background at the academy for a while now. I'd say SG has a fair bit more experience than big al. He managed the reserves for one year, I dont think he worked at La Masia or worked with the youth sides. Really? I thought he was the one responsible for looking after Bojan, Dos Santos and the other bairns. Could be wrong mind. Still though, one year more experience than AS, as he's been around the club on a daily basis. Not arguing against Shearer though by the way. I'm just being a knob jockeying pedant
  14. ok. i was one of those fuckwits. what some of you (of the non-fuckwit type) don't get is that Avram Grant WAS and IS a no-mark manager. He got the job to steady the ship and as a stop-gap until Scolari could move. Chelsea finishing 2nd was seen as a FAILURE after spending all that cash. It's not like Grant dragged them from 10th at xmas to finish 2nd. All he had to do was keep them ticking over. Besides, a managerial appointment is a little more complex than saying: "right, this bloke finished 2nd with a star studded chelsea side, let's get him in". There have to be other qualities about the manager, and Grant possesses NONE.
  15. That local lad with little experience is doing okay at is hometown club Barcalona Thats true, but at least he'd been involved in the background at the academy for a while now. I'd say SG has a fair bit more experience than big al. Having said that, I'd take Shearer now anyday, as long as he's happy with the structure and agrees to work under whatever situation he finds himself in. No more dummy spitting managers please.
  16. Would have been my first choice if he'd not been a perma-crock. Top player, weak body unfortunately Nice to see you posting in other threads
  17. Can;t make my mind up if this is a good time to play Chelsea or not
  18. Why would he actually go out there to lie on purpose?
  19. On paper our midfield isn't bad, but you're spot on about ball retention. Butt, Duff, Martins and Enrique give the ball away so many times in general it's disgusting
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