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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Fo Sho why do we have 2 threads on this btw? merge please somebody!
  2. He has also been mentored by the Dalai Lama, is fluent in 24 languages including Swahili and Esperanto and is a registered Jedi Knight. He's Nile Ranger? Banned for blasphemy. See ya
  3. Good manager. Possesses vast knowledge as a true student of the game. Yes from me
  4. I could understand Xisco not getting a game ahead of Owen, Martins, Viduka, and the relatively more experienced Ameobi. I cannot for the life of me understand why he won't get a game ahead of Carroll, or at least come on as a sub for him in a 0-0 FA Cup tie?? It's quite clear he has been singled out, and I'm personally not very happy about it.
  5. So that's obviously why Keegan by the end couldn't stand his guts? You know that for a fact do you? Louise Taylor told us or summat Once again your maturity holds no bounds. My responses are as good as the posts I've replied to
  6. So that's obviously why Keegan by the end couldn't stand his guts? You know that for a fact do you? Louise Taylor told us or summat
  7. The thing is, for me personally, he's already shown a great deal more than Jenas showed in his time here. Jenas had the technique and vision, but hardly ever applied himself. IMO Guthrie is the real deal in terms of application, and long may it continue to improve. The key is for the player not to believe his own hype and just get on with things.
  8. So that's obviously why Keegan by the end couldn't stand his guts? So? Just because Keegan doesn't like him equates to what? He was ruining the club, the fact the fella walked out showed we are not first in his mind. I fail to see what Wise has done bar stop us getting over-rated trophy signings and securing some good young talent. Don't talk sense mate! If you don't dream of sucking on Keegan's nads every night in your sleep then you need your head checked
  9. You know I've had my share When my chairman left home for a brown eyed man I really didn't seem to caaaare
  10. There isn't half some bollocks being spouted in this thread. Whoever was behind our summer recruitment has done a very good job, as we have assembled a quality (albeit short on numbers) squad of players. We need 2 or 3 additions of similar ilk, and we'll do very well imo should we bring in a quality manager and hold on to Owen.
  11. Exactly. You build attacks from the back, and defend from the front. I have noticed our forwards doing a very good job of defending from the front, and dropping back to help. And with Martins' pace he can afford to do that. We're not going to win the title or get into the CL this season or next. We might as well establish a solid and stable back 4, to go with good organisation that will last beyond Kinnear, and hopefully spill over into the new manager's reign. I see no reason why the current back 4 along with Taylor shouldn't serve us for a good few years yet.
  12. If a chairman who slagged off Shearer as being boring, and Newcastle women can put things right (which I think Shepherd did to be fair), then why can't Ashley be given a second chance? I couldn't give a damn about that particular argument, I have no real feelings on the issue other than he will not get another chance with me and there is no chance in hell I would ever welcome his being at Newcastle United regardless. If others want to give him a second chance, knock yourselves out. You're as fickle as they come. You just admitted you slightly changed your mind about Shepherd. If things start going right, you'll change your mind too
  13. We'll get to see the best CB in the league in Faye, and how our attack will cope with his defensive threat
  14. If we had a January window where we got Heskey, Benayoun and Warnock, sold Duff and Ameobi I'd be quite chuffed
  15. Not many good memories for old motor carr bar a few crunching challenges and his goal at St. Mary's. Nowhere near the cult hero he could've become if he'd recovered any of his Spurs form. BYe
  16. That's a fine opinion you have there sire. Cretinous and downright pathetic, but still. Racists ARE people afterall
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