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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Honest question, are you against the NUSC because you're genuinely not in favour, or jealous that they're actually getting attention unlike your two-bob organisation? Sorry like, but this "two-bob organization" has been better spoken during this period of crisis than the NUSC, NUFC.com and all the crummy fanzines put together. They have insisted that only one thing will keep us united and one thing alone, and that is supporting the team 100% on the pitch. I dont think getting behind the team has been an issue over the last few games either. No you're right. It hasn't, but that's because the majority of fans have realised that getting behind the lads on the pitch is the only thing they CAN do. The Hull game, start of the second half when the mong banner was going around the ground, with no one paying attention to the play in a quiet SJP was probably the most sickening moment I have felt in my time as a supporter. I can take close defeats, and I can take maulings, and I can take shambolic tactics etc... it's all part of the game. But THAT specific incident I will never see it any other way. That moment felt like the nadir of my time as a Newcastle supporter too. We've had real bad times before but that feeling of no manager, no owner, a dejected team, hostile fans and these opportunists seeing it as their moment to gain attention in such a cringeworthy manner. and you - and others - support the person responsible for this ? Incredible. Actually, there has been far worse, but we won't go there. Its a long time ago now. I don't support Mike Ashley per se, and I don't think he's gone about the job the way he should have. What I don't support is the sucking on Keegan's cock and absolving him of all blame in this. He has a history of getting into a huff, which is why I have always maintained that the blame cannot rest entirely on Ashley's shoulders until we learn the truth. Shepherd on the other hand is a cretin. A cretin who has done some great things for the club, and undone them as well, sending us into this downward spiral. So no NE5, not THAT long ago.
  2. Is that right? http://www.toonultras.com/ scroll down to the Hull part. Still nowt but support for the team eh? and no ashley bashing. I have the utmost respect for the Ultras they try and keep the ground going and are going about it the right way. They also dont spend their time slagging off those that dont fit in with their all singing all dancing view of things on message boards. fair enough. just read that, and I hadn't previously. but still, they haven't made it their life's mission to form a group specifically to boycott pies and beer. they were around before this mess started, and expressed their views, and got on with supporting the team
  3. The others are footballing events. It f***ing happens. You win some and you lose some. It's the reason we love football. The banner was a disgusting act of childish and clueless mongs You compared it to quote "close defeats, maulings and bad tactics" - all football things. I would also say the banner reflected the feelings of most people there. I compared the low feeling towards these events. Of course it makes me angry to lose against anyone let alone the f***ing mackem c***s!! But that's football! The fans' reaction was disappointing, especially that it went on DURING a football match while the players were ignored. So it was worse then than the fact 200+ fans didnt turn up for the 1st 15 minutes (including Ultras)? It was worse than Dyer and Bowyer scrapping on national TV? worse than our previous chairman taking the piss out of the fans? Or is it a perceived worse to you because you believe it was an NUSC banner? something that would have been friggin clever unless we had Michael J Fox and a DeLorean on board. Although no doubt you'll attempt to blame the NUSC for some of the things I've mentioned above as well no doubt. if I get to be your age and my lowest point in football is 3 blokes parading a banner round a stadium then Im either damned lucky or not a Newcastle fan because theres already a thousand things in the last 39 years that sicken me more. With all due respect, and you may have misunderstood my post, but the above is a load of unfounded bollocks. Nowhere did I say that the NUSC was to blame for the banner. It wasn't 3 blokes parading that banner around, it distracted the entire ground, and drew standing ovations and rounds of applause from fans who were understandably upset. Bowyer and Dyer are two cretinous individuals who are thankfully no longer associated with the club. Shepherd is a cretin himself, who is thankfully no longer associated with the club. It's like Benwell Lad said. It hurts more when the damage is done by our own.
  4. Was nowt special against them tbh. Was the kind of performance where he didn;t do anything wrong, but didn't do anything special either. Made one or two driving runs, but that was it.
  5. The others are footballing events. It f***ing happens. You win some and you lose some. It's the reason we love football. The banner was a disgusting act of childish and clueless mongs You compared it to quote "close defeats, maulings and bad tactics" - all football things. I would also say the banner reflected the feelings of most people there. I compared the low feeling towards these events. Of course it makes me angry to lose against anyone let alone the fucking mackem cunts!! But that's football! The fans' reaction was disappointing, especially that it went on DURING a football match while the players were ignored.
  6. The others are footballing events. It f***ing happens. You win some and you lose some. It's the reason we love football. The banner was a disgusting act of childish and clueless mongs While the Toon Ultras are a shining light when it comes to demonstrating maturity and intelligence. Dude! not the point! At first I didn't take to the Ultras. At first they seemed to be a group of outspoken charver bairns. All I'm saying is that I respect them for not jumping on the fanzine anti-ashley slagwagon, and concentrating on the team. That's all.
  7. The others are footballing events. It fucking happens. You win some and you lose some. It's the reason we love football. The banner was a disgusting act of childish and clueless mongs
  8. Honest question, are you against the NUSC because you're genuinely not in favour, or jealous that they're actually getting attention unlike your two-bob organisation? Sorry like, but this "two-bob organization" has been better spoken during this period of crisis than the NUSC, NUFC.com and all the crummy fanzines put together. They have insisted that only one thing will keep us united and one thing alone, and that is supporting the team 100% on the pitch. And when the club comes through the "period of crisis", Ashley's gone and the "Ashley out" agenda is finished, I know which group the majority of people will join. Fair enough like. NUSC is meant to be more of a general group, whereas the Ultras are more specific. My point is that even this "two-bob" origanization was able to come across in a much better light than the NUSC with their shambolic ramblings in the midst of this crisis
  9. ZOMG Milner says there's been problems at the club for a long long time!!! What a blinkered idiot!!!! Doesnt he know that our problems only started when Mike Ashley dipped his curry-laced cockney fingers into our arses?? Before that we qualified for CL more times than any other club bar 4 blab blablablablablablabalblablablabla
  10. Honest question, are you against the NUSC because you're genuinely not in favour, or jealous that they're actually getting attention unlike your two-bob organisation? Sorry like, but this "two-bob organization" has been better spoken during this period of crisis than the NUSC, NUFC.com and all the crummy fanzines put together. They have insisted that only one thing will keep us united and one thing alone, and that is supporting the team 100% on the pitch. I dont think getting behind the team has been an issue over the last few games either. No you're right. It hasn't, but that's because the majority of fans have realised that getting behind the lads on the pitch is the only thing they CAN do. The Hull game, start of the second half when the mong banner was going around the ground, with no one paying attention to the play in a quiet SJP was probably the most sickening moment I have felt in my time as a supporter. I can take close defeats, and I can take maulings, and I can take shambolic tactics etc... it's all part of the game. But THAT specific incident I will never see it any other way.
  11. I look forward to it, it'll be like finding out father Christmas isn't real all over again for some of the mongs on here if it turns out Keegan isn't the victim. Not really, no. At least then though you'll have your wish of being proved right over Leazes, f*** what happens to the club though. LM's eternal wish is to be proved right above anything else, if his argument logic is to go by!
  12. Honest question, are you against the NUSC because you're genuinely not in favour, or jealous that they're actually getting attention unlike your two-bob organisation? Sorry like, but this "two-bob organization" has been better spoken during this period of crisis than the NUSC, NUFC.com and all the crummy fanzines put together. They have insisted that only one thing will keep us united and one thing alone, and that is supporting the team 100% on the pitch.
  13. Decent worded letter that, and respectfully written. I wonder what the chances of Ashley meeting with them are, and if that happens, I wonder what the chances are of these fellas coming out the meeting totally mesmerized by him and changing their tune
  14. I found this interesting: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2008/oct/30/tottenhamhotspur-premierleague Success leads to continuity far more than continuity leads to success. But we can surely agree that sacking the manager and the entire management structure a few games into every season is going to be bad for business? No it isn't Ozzie! It's professional The very hallmark of a well-run-down club? agreed
  15. I found this interesting: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2008/oct/30/tottenhamhotspur-premierleague Success leads to continuity far more than continuity leads to success. But we can surely agree that sacking the manager and the entire management structure a few games into every season is going to be bad for business? No it isn't Ozzie! It's professional
  16. I think he's a very good manager personally. Top class in fact. However, with NUFC it's all about the marriage between club and manager, and I would say Martin Jol lacks a certain je ne sais quoi to deal with a club like this. All good and well for a meh club like Tottenham, but not up here
  17. Are you trying to get another thread locked? no, I'm saying in reply to you saying you want a club "run in a professional manner" that you had one and didn't want it. You should concede this point but I'm not going to "ruin" the thread, nor do I expect you to admit what I'm saying is true, although if you did, then it wouldn't "ruin the thread" would it Sorry like, but the club under the previous regime had its great moments and its fair share of shambles as well. You cannot but admit that. Anyways, if you want to discuss this any further, let's take it to the thread it belongs in. Back on topic: NUSC blows goats
  18. Just out of interest, and you might have mentioned this before, but is your dad speaking as a football fan, or is he actually a newcastle supporter/sympathizer?
  19. NUSC: STRIVING FOR POSITIVE CHANGE That above is the club's initials and its mission statement. So will it still be striving for positive change when say we get a new buyer, a top class manager, start finishing in the top 4 and win the UEFA Cup and FA Cup in successive years? That's bollox imo. The very first supporters club's mission statement should be to support Newcastle United. Yet more evidence that this is NOTHING but a self-aggrandizing lobby group.
  20. Both right, I've been saying for ages that doing 'anything' isn't always better than doing nothing - in fact this is a prime example of how hasty action can be harmful. "There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction." - JFK (the other one) If you don't like what NUSC are doing, get yourself along to the meetings and have your say. If there were only 50 there, you'd have had an excellent opportunity to put your point across. I don't think they're expressing themselves particularly well, and in the short term I don't think any kind of protest or boycott will make any difference one way or the other. I'm sure in the future I'll disagree with a lot of their objectives, but I'm not going to sit here and criticise them for standing up and at least attempting to put across a consensus opinion and initiate some action. I've said it before, but if you're so convinced Ashley is selling up because of protests, start your own group up to show him the level of support he has. You're not going to persuade him to stay just by sniping and whining on the internet about other people getting off their arse and acting on their beliefs. Its not about supporting Ashley or wanting him to stay necessarily. It's more about the downright ignorance these so-called spokespeople have displayed, and I for one, frankly, do not wish to be tarred with the same brush. They DO NOT represent Newcastle United fans, yet that's what the media will pick up on. Just exactly what they need: more "loudmouth over-expectant dilusional Geordies" to take the piss out of
  21. you've become so fkn right-wing Parky. El Che is repulsed and will most likely be twitching in his grave.
  22. Quote: Michael Martin, who organised the first meeting, also stressed the need to carry on the action. He said: “It’s the whole point of this club to pressure Ashley to sell. “We have got to make a stand. If we don’t have the boycott then we haven’t got a campaign.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone still got any doubt that this is nothing but a lobby group?
  23. Brilliant attitude to have. I envy our next owner. what a boat load of numpties! complete muppets I tell yiz
  24. Modric even with Guthrie ?? Coloccini even with Woodgate? Bentley even with Jonas(did you see his goal the other night!?)? Doesn't see pretty f---ing even to me - small bet on who will finish higher at season's end...? I don't think he's saying that Guthrie is better than Modric. He's saying we've go some class players, and so do they. Teams are evenly matched somewhat, and I agree with him.
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