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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. How about throwing the 12 pt lead away? Think people just gave up on us for letting Man U storm by us and nick the title
  2. I remember him clattering one or two opponents last season, so I wouldn't say pansy
  3. Is that the Enrique who plays left back for Newcastle ? Cos if it is you're seeing a completely different person/player to the one I am. plenum's on the wind-up surely!
  4. NE5 seriously!!! The same way there are potential suitors out there who will turn out to be worse than Shepherd, there will also be those who will turn out to be better - a FACT of life that makes your above post look bafflingly stupid.
  5. That's the feeling I get as well. It's those who need to whore themselves around the media that know they need the attention to give their bids some leverage. The silent ones are the ones with the heavy wallet. So let's hope!
  6. I know some gnats with fairly large cocks tbf
  7. HTT wouldn't be judging him now if he was a righteous "Keegan" signing
  8. love you too baby Aside from the love-in, could someone quickly drum up a JFK poster with his face in place of Chuck Norris' with some bad-ass captions?
  9. It's a shame that a thread like this had to be tarred by NM's post. Of course he has every right to air his opinions, but it's a shame some people can't see the logic behind Kinnear's actions so far. JFK realises that something drastic needs be done, and is trying to do it. I hope and believe we'll see a different Newcastle United outfit on Sunday (in plain view of Sky cameras). Roll on Sunday
  10. Absolutely spot on. If the "cockney mafia" was clueless about the "area" and the Geordie nation, then what on earth will a consortium from Nigeria know about it? Bringing back Keegan (under a consortium regime) will be a massive massive mistake that could spell the end for the club in the not so far future. Having said that, I will say it again, IMO Keegan is finished with football, and in particular, NUFC.
  11. He's obsessed with the past. The title of this thread was intended to be provocative and make us think about the post Ashley era now he has been hounded out. Even NE5 has to realise that whether FFS and Co gave us courageous and successful leadership or whether they gave reckless leadership leading towards oblivion, it doesn't really matter any more. They are not coming back. It would be good if he could tell us what he wants post Ashley in specific real world terms rather than continuously using abstract expressions such as its gaining success on the field that matters, and thats his main requirement which he must do to the best of his ability. We ALL know that and we ALL want that, it's just that a lot of us thought that's what Ashley was doing until Keegan walked and he may just still be our best chance. If you want him out then specify what will improve our situation, but with specifics please not just "Ashley's s****, Keegan's a messiah, the old board were great" type remarks which frankly any retard can spout. Even if you think he might have been our best chance there's no way he's going to do anything positive with the club now. He will sell to the highest bidder (as yet unknown) and will try to tick it along keeping losses at a minimum until that happens. A quick sale has to be preferable since at least there's some chance of something constructive happening. In terms of what I would like to see - something along the lines of what Lerner has done at Villa would do for me. Villa have Martin O'Neal A proven manager backed Lerner style then. Keegan could be that man - if not there are others who would take it on if they were assured of the new owners intentions. A proven sensible manager who has won trophies at clubs he's been with, who is there to do a professional job and get on with things. KK on the other hand is a petulant genius who will desert ship when the going gets tough
  12. He's obsessed with the past. The title of this thread was intended to be provocative and make us think about the post Ashley era now he has been hounded out. Even NE5 has to realise that whether FFS and Co gave us courageous and successful leadership or whether they gave reckless leadership leading towards oblivion, it doesn't really matter any more. They are not coming back. It would be good if he could tell us what he wants post Ashley in specific real world terms rather than continuously using abstract expressions such as its gaining success on the field that matters, and thats his main requirement which he must do to the best of his ability. We ALL know that and we ALL want that, it's just that a lot of us thought that's what Ashley was doing until Keegan walked and he may just still be our best chance. If you want him out then specify what will improve our situation, but with specifics please not just "Ashley's s****, Keegan's a messiah, the old board were great" type remarks which frankly any retard can spout. Even if you think he might have been our best chance there's no way he's going to do anything positive with the club now. He will sell to the highest bidder (as yet unknown) and will try to tick it along keeping losses at a minimum until that happens. A quick sale has to be preferable since at least there's some chance of something constructive happening. In terms of what I would like to see - something along the lines of what Lerner has done at Villa would do for me. Villa have Martin O'Neal
  13. OK. The main points: Does NUSC join Supporters Direct, which can offer government funding. The problem being that Supporters Direct requires that groups who want funding aspire for representation on their club's board. There's still a bit of debate as to whether NUSC is to aspire to that or not. Nothing has been ruled out though. Honorary Memeberships: Several names discussed. Some people unsure about awarding them to KK and Shearer as it might be something the media can have a go at us for. SBR to be awarded Membership no.1 An NUSC Bank account is to be set up A secretary has been appointed as have people to undertake admin and extra press contacts. Merchandising will be looked into, what sort of stuff would be feasible. There have been no decisions made as yet. It's at an exploring/researching stage. What will membership fees be used for? At the minute, it's pretty much to get the thing up and running and for printing costs etc But it's going to be looked into how the money could be used, and what members can be offered in return. This will be displayed in the website. Again, on going protests - more leaflets/newsletters, demos etc. The possibility of contacting sponsors at NUFC will be looked at to see if they (or at least some) will support us. Ashley's business management (which has been lambasted in business/econnomic circles) will be highlighted. I should say that a lot of the stuff is looking at what could be done, and having people investigate further and report back their findings. right. so if I'm against the NUSC's anti-Ashley measures, I'm to understand that to be a member of this "save our future" supporters club, i'm to pay 10 quid, which will be used to print anti-Ashley drivel on leaflets and banners? no thanks. i'd rather re-new my subscription with the Mickey Mouse club
  14. Habib Beye's the man to bring back communication
  15. how are you privy to such information good sir?
  16. The same way the local fans think it's rich of foreign fans to give their opinion on anything NUFC, I also think (As a foreign fan) it's quite a bit rich of the locals to tell me who to support. No I wasn't born in Newcastle, and have no Geordie parentage or heritage whatsoever, but I chose to support this club when I was 13, and haven't looked back since. Surely you can't question any 13 yr old's decision to support a team, can you? The club caught my eye in between the promotion season and first season back in the top flight. There was definitely an element about it that attracted a 13 yr old who was still learning about football. I will not make any apologies for that, and I suspect most of our foreign fans relate in the same way. I love it though when some of the local mongs come on here telling us to fuck off support another club, and I love the fact that it pisses them that I just simply won't
  17. It's so hard to be taken seriously because everyone thinks it's only said because he left Newcastle, but he is a very average to poor footballer. He also has no character or leadership qualities. To actually make him captain was an unbelievable decision. correct. very poor decision making him captain. having said that, i don't think he's a poor footballer by any stretch. i think he's very good in fact, but lacks the bottle and the football brain that could have made him a midfield general.
  18. except that Man U appointed Alex Ferguson in the November, and Arsenal appointed Wenger in September 1996. Bad timing ? i'm usually impartial when it comes to the 2 of you, but that argument has so many holes punched in it, it's not even funny
  19. No,I like him... :violent
  20. It's f***ing incredible. I feel like I should be really angry that things have got to this but...I just can't find it in myself! I think the main problem is that the English language doesn't contain the words required to sum up the madness of it all. I hope the players run out to "Hey Joe" next home game, that would be a major silver lining. aye. let's hope it would end at the opening line, rather than go on to ask where he's going with that gun in his hand... way I see it, thank fuck it's not Gerry Francis
  21. Overreactions galore :toke:
  22. I hope he gets a massive reception from the crowd on his first appearance. Definitely underwhelmed, but respect to a man who's never shyed away from a challenge, and who has walked stright into the firing line taking this job. Hey Joe, welcome to the circus.
  23. IMO a club's soul is its very existence. As an example, I will use my Sunday league team. A club essentially started up by a group of friends and pub-amigos 12 years ago. The "club" has since won the league 4 times and is regarded as one of the top teams in Cyprus outside the 4 football league divisions. We get on average 7 or 8 in attendance nearly every week. Had about 23 there to watch the cup final (which we lost). Say these "fans" didn't show up at all, the club would still be there, and fixtures would still be played, until there wasn't enough players to play them, or a "club" to play for. Clearly, professional footbal is different. But if we're talking philosphy wise, a club's soul is its very existence
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