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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Cheers for that Tom_NUFC My thoughts on the NUSC are still pretty much the same - meh - I also don't like that the FSF have canceled the event at SJP. SJP represents NUFC and not Mike fkn Ashley!! The worst thing about it is that the FSF guys are going about it as if "yeah this is what all newcastle fans want, so we'll boycott too", and i think that's rather stupid. NUSC still does not represent me and the vast majority of sensible fans imo
  2. Liverpool fans get on my tits. Many are knowledgeable real-football people, but the vast majority are as fickle as they come.
  3. I share the concern but hope it may force him to lower the price - especially if other areas of his business are short of cash. The minimum he will go is what he bought it for + what he paid out to cover the debts. He would be foolish to accept anything lower, even if he's in a "cut my losses" mind-set.
  4. I don't know whether to be afraid for the club or happy for the club, but yes, you're quite spot on. I hope we're one of the ones left standing when the dust has settled.
  5. no response again then mackems.gif no disrespect mate, but you got to admit it was funny
  6. My thoughts precisely. Yup. It's probably the most significant bit of news since Ashley's statement announcing that he'd be selling the club.
  7. would have said "the newly introduced singing section" rather than "the newly produced singing section" edit: sorry. saw it too late Cheers anyways mate. That would have sounded better you're right. My vocabulary isn't the greatest so I never even thought of using that...besides I was quite rushed because the people who said they would write the articles never bothered. Cheers for your help. nee worries mate. you lot keep backing the lads on the pitch and stay out of the s***-pot that is NUSC. That sorry excuse of a supporters club would do well to learn a thing or two from your lot
  8. It's just plain embarrassing that these people are fruadulently claiming to represent us. They have one agenda - an obvious hatred of Mike Ashley and anything he has anything to do with - and and an insulting and patronising tone to anyone who disagrees with their petty sentiments. As always with tin pot organisations they shout loud about what is wrong but do any of them have any idea of what will follow Ashley now they have succeeeded in their objective of forcing him to sell. I very much doubt that Ashley nor his mob will be laughing into Kristel, Highbury beer, cup of Rosy Lea or anything else right now. Their personal attack on a Newcastle player is absolutely disgraceful - in fact these are just the type of fans we could do without at SJP. The player they criticise came here from La Liga with a decent reputation but frankly should have been nowhere near the first team for at least 3 months. Due to a managerial walkout and a bunch of other circumstances he was thrown in at the deep end and despite being out of his depth absolutey ran his pods off for the team. Credit to him for that. A disgraceful personal and politically motivated attack lads, but that seems to be your way of bringing attention to your cause. The sooner this scam organisation is wound up before it causes more damage and embarrassment to NUFC and it's supporters the better. I know i've been going on about this over and over, but I still can't for the life of me believe they have actually named Xisco in that rant!!! Who the f*** is the writer to question whether or not he's worth 5m?? James Milner is nowhere near the finished article, and we sold him for 7m more than we bought Xisco!!! Both U-21 internationals for their respective countries!! I'm not debating and don't want to debate the pro's and cons of the purchase of Xisco or sale of Milner. What i'm saying is that from that last statement in above rant, you can see clearly that a) the NUSC agenda is a personal one and is blind to what could be good for the club, and b) whoever speaks for them hasn't got a f***ing clue
  9. would have said "the newly introduced singing section" rather than "the newly produced singing section" edit: sorry. saw it too late
  10. Will also be interesting to see how many actually get replies. You're right, it will It will also be interesting to see how many people contact them in the first place. Right, just e mailed them. I'll let you know. If you don't mind asking - what was your query about? If you do, that's fine. I'll post my query & their reply on here when I get it, no bother at all. I wouldn't want my e mail being answered just because it had appeared on here, if you know what I mean? I'm not saying at all that that would be the case, but I'd rather wait and see. FWIW I do think I'll get one. tbh I hope you don't get a reply so we can use it as an irrational stick to beat them with some more - us irrational mud-slinging cockney-loving folk
  11. Hardly breaking news is it? Just about everyone has already factored the £100m into the price anyway. Did anyone seriously think he was going to be hounded out of Newcastle but leave behind a £100m present to the new owner as a token of his thanks? Exactly!! It's not a fucking charity!! but then I think that even Shepherd's staunchest supporters will admit that no chairman would plough money into the club expecting nothing in return
  12. Did he tell you that? He doesn't need to, it is so obvious now. For clarity I am not saying his intention was to sell the club on for a profit a year or so later, the timing has obviously been forced on him or rather the situation has dictated the exit earlier than probably intended. But in general the aim was always to sell the club on for a profit. and that makes him evil because?
  13. that's exactly what i'm trying to say! clear as day imo, and i dont see why you can't understand that Big Geordie
  14. Not only do I oppose their statements and their stance, but the statements themselves are ridiculous and amateurish in content and smack of self-importance. To me personally the NUSC is more interested in ousting Ashley for getting rid of KK than in providing a voice and movement for the fans of the club. There is a massive difference between the two.
  15. what a load of tripe!!! the text in its entirety. I especially like the part where the writer points out one player by name, to make sure Xisco gets chucked in the Ashley/LL/Wise column of evil-doers. i sincerely hope NUSC never gets off the ground, and that an alternative proper supporters club is formed when all this has blown over, and at a more peaceful and stable time.
  16. With all the pies they're boycotting, they'll be downsizing on the shirt sizes anyway. Yup. And I guess the NUSC don't give a shit if the local vendors and cashiers and cleaners at the club's outlets and Shearer's Bar were soon out of a job.
  17. The more I read that statement, the more nauseated I feel. It is an absolutely disgraceful piece of work, and the mongs/cretins who have thought that drivel up should be nowhere near a mouthpiece that fraudulantly claims to speak on behalf of Newcastle fans. Really is infuriating!!
  18. I honestly can't believe the latest statement put out by the supporters club. Then again, shouldn't really expect anything different from the self-loving "voice of the people". NUSC can fuck right off imo
  19. Hmmmmmm.... not so sure about that myself Mr Allardyce ffs we weren't gonna go down! how long did it take Keegan to win his first league game? we still survived comfortably. sam would've turned it around eventually
  20. themanupstairs

    Michael Owen

    fuck England, fuck Capello, and fuck the WCQualifiers Owen is better off being fit and playing week in week out for us
  21. How dare he!! the selfish greedy fat cockney twat!!!! I agree Zero - although some will have you believe Ashley is the boogeyman. On the topic of Allardyce, if I were Mike Ashley, I would have never sacked him, and would have given him at least 2 full seasons to show the direction he was leading the club toward. I don't believe for one minute that we were going down. The vast majority on here will disagree I'm sure, and will be thinking, good job themanupstairs isn't Ashley
  22. themanupstairs


    I'd nick Mark Noble off the hammers if they fold
  23. what a load of rot. Ref your first paragraph - plenty of people have said in the past, when it suited them, everything stops with the owner [personally I don't necessarily agree] but why move the goalposts ? 2nd paragraph - I really don't think he did too much right at all 3rd para - of course he's to blame. He even had a chance to reverse the situation but didn't. The manager is his most important employee, so how the hell can you absove him of any blame < sigh > please tell us what you disagree with and why No mate, it's not that I disagree necessarily. I just found it funny that you made sure to cover all your bases from criticism with a good all-round use of the English language. Everything here is Ashley's fault, yet not everything was Shepherd's fault. edit: I thought bobyule's post was very reasoned, and told it like it is
  24. what a load of rot. Ref your first paragraph - plenty of people have said in the past, when it suited them, everything stops with the owner [personally I don't necessarily agree] but why move the goalposts ? 2nd paragraph - I really don't think he did too much right at all 3rd para - of course he's to blame. He even had a chance to reverse the situation but didn't. The manager is his most important employee, so how the hell can you absove him of any blame
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