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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Shortage of multi-billionaires eager to play Fairy Godmother and splash obscene amounts of money, fractious and quite possibly ungrateful fanbase, global financial meltdown etc etc. Got to face it, we have made ourselves very unattractive with our latest protests etc. In fact, the worst part is that we have made ourselves investable only by exactly the kind of people that we don't want - someone who's only in it for the money. Bollocks has a week of protests which has since dwindled out changed anything. Any potential owner who doesn't realise they're going to get a bit of stick when they don't spend any money on the team after collecting unprecedented amounts of TV money, asking for 3 years up front season ticket revenue, and then having a respected manager walk out saying he's not happy with things should be nowhere near a football club in the first place. What about the 7 interested parties? They all knew about the protests before they expressed an interest. If it's such a great deal now Mike's fixed everything wrong with the club, they'll be fighting over themselves to get their hands on it. So what are you accusing him of today? Wanting to sell the club or not wanting to sell the club? check the weather outside. might give you a clue
  2. yeah, 95 want him back, that leaves about,..erm....50,000ish who dont. Er, that doesn't make sense, we're a representative sample of fans with all sorts of views. Sadly, we're not. The thread about where we all come from shows that 99.99% of fans on this forum are band-wagon jumping cockney loving southern softshite johnny foreigners, as well as centrepaddock82, kingdawson, brummie, NE5 and Mick
  3. oh how they crawleth back up from underneath the rock
  4. I think thats fair enough.. Yup I'd settle for that as well, just as long as the top drawer manager isn't Keegan
  5. so we're telling Joe Kinnear to go and do one now are we? You always think you've heard it all on this forum, until you read the next thread.
  6. oh wow! a shining beacon of optimism! an over flowing basket of positive! a loaded gun of happy-jizz!! agree totally mate
  7. Shearer yes, Keegan no But it all depends on the new owners really, and the sort of regime we'll have in place. It's no use bringing Shearer in if he will not be given time by the board AND the fans. Bollocks to the media if you ask me, as they are full of shit more than half the time. However, whoever comes in next, board and manager, need to be given TIME!!! TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME!!!! ffs!!!
  8. As long as we have a top class manager in charge of course, and not a 2nd rate one. I love Joe Kinnear myself, and think he's exactly what this club needed in this period of doom and gloom. However, we need someone who will come in and spend that money right, to bring players who will fit with a progressive footballing plan that will materialize on the football pitch and not on merchandizing profits.
  9. Jason ? of Grimsby. You see, I think he would have had a right go at Shearer there too One of the Stevenage lads wasn't it?
  10. do it mods!! fkn do it!!!
  11. ...whilst shitting all over the mackem twats with a barey healed collarbone! ....and possible jet-lag
  12. ...whilst shitting all over the mackem twats .......and tea-bagging Louise Taylor all at the same time
  13. get fucked Robinho you overrated twat! come on Habib!!!!
  14. Well how do you expect me to feel about the italian league when nearly every single match I have ever watched for about 20 years has been a bore fest? The only sides I ever enjoyed watching were the AC Milan of the late 80's, and the Lazio of the late 90's. The rest of it has been utter utter w***.
  15. Keane is bastard enough to be thinking that way. Should not start against them
  16. blasphemy i tell you Do you wanna know the real reason that makes Italian football look bad? This is my waterproof evidence, and is something i have understood a long long time. Look at a PL game, then look at a Serie A game. Try to remember the quality of the program and you will understand what i meen. I speak from what i see on Canal+, they dont even send it in widescreen, its with 4:3 ratio, and the sound is horrible, the commentators is sitting in some room at home or something. Quality of production is the difference imo I see! I just put it down to empty grounds, inferior players, racist fans, shit pitches, corrupt officials and boring football. Glad I see the light now
  17. But then it'd be worth less, wouldn't it? Why not wait until it's in the Conference? it won't be worth less at all. The potential is the same. Just a cheaper buying price. Brace yourself for the possibility. Been bracing myself for the possibility for a bit longer than this season. But let me get this straight; the club won't be worth less, but it'll be cheaper. I don't even need to point out the nonsense there. you're just being pedantic, you know exactly what I mean. And this struggle has been on the cards since this time a year ago, all the signs were coming to light. you can't possibly keep out-doing yourself can you?
  18. Agree with that All we need now is a strong good in the air partner for him... oh wait we sold him for peanuts to stoke! Have you watched Faye this season? He's been very much less than ordinary
  19. correct. Keegan wanted the glory all to himself, and when he couldn't have it all, he made sure he slipped out unnoticed he'll never admit that the fat b****** who embarrassed the poor dear has turned out to be massively superior to his blue eyed boy Lets hope this takeover comes soon, bins this DOF bollocks, and Keegan is restored by someone who knows what they are doing never been a statement more full of shit
  20. i don't even think style's positioning was that bad considering the way the move broke but you are right about needing to be 100%certain on decisions like that. it's a catch 22 if you ask me. the ref's wrong decision galvanized our team and the fans, and we may not have put in the blood and thunder performance had we not been wronged. it's part of the beauty and addictiveness of football, and I feel the system works well the way it is (in terms of reviewing incidents and rescinding cards etc.). the players make human errors during the game, so why shouldn't refs be given that right as long as they admit their mistakes, and are punished accordingly.
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