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Everything posted by Novocastrian

  1. Hawking's battery lasts more than 20 minutes to be fair to him. He's also comfortably faster than Ameobi.
  2. One look at SJP proves this. I don't think he has any ambition for the club beyond plugging SD and clawing back the money he lost by not undertaking due diligence. I think that was his original intention but the success of the 'model': buy younger, or damaged/maverick, players with a sell on fee and put them on relatively low wages has, I think, changed his outlook. As long as he can keep them coming in and has a compliant,semi-competent, manager who can keep us in the top flight the cunt is literally printing money. Once the TV moolah starts rolling in and we continue making a profit he has no need to jeopardise the status quo by doing anything risky like attempting to win a trophy or crazy shit like that.
  3. He bought us as a platform for his gash sportswear empire, he (or one of his cronies) admitted that ages ago.
  4. We nearly did but the fat bucket of shit won't be going anywhere until he's had his money back, then some.
  5. I know I should be pleased that Soton are getting beat (embarassing isn't it) but after the week we've had? Demba Ba
  6. There's a great belief in the group.
  7. They will never be met by the board, the 'system' does not allow it. He'll be off before too long, not to one of the real big boys though, just a more ambitious club than us. The players can always move on but we are stuck here
  8. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Considering the cunt can't read or write, or use a computer he's a fucking menace.
  9. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Are we still scouting Kuyt?
  10. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Cheers, I wasn't going to put that s*** on and now I'm not going to put that s*** on.
  11. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Ryder on Talksport now.
  12. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    In a normal world (without Pardew) we would be zipping the ball around between HBA, Cabaye, Debuchy, Marveaux etc and flying up the league table. In that setup I think Remy would fit in and be a success. I don't think he's the type of player that anyone in a hard core relegation scrap needs though, maybe I'm wrong but I think he's a huge gamble in that scenario.
  13. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    They are spending next years TV money trying to stay up. Exactly, as far as they are concerned it's low risk as they'll ship him out if they are relegated and probably get a decent fee for him.
  14. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Me too, I stopped investing too much emotional capital in players a long time ago, f*** him if he doesn't want to come here and f*** any of our players who want to leave. There'll always be 11 lads in black and white shirts............they'll probably just be a bit crapper then we've been used to Are you sure? You'd think most of us would be used to some pretty bad crap I was around in the 80s so I've seen some proper shit, Frank Pingel anyone?
  15. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    Me too, I stopped investing too much emotional capital in players a long time ago, fuck him if he doesn't want to come here and fuck any of our players who want to leave. There'll always be 11 lads in black and white shirts............they'll probably just be a bit crapper then we've been used to
  16. The problem is that the 'model' has not been sufficiently developed further. Beyond bringing young and cheap, by PL standards, players in from France and having moderate success there doesn't seem to be a plan, or even a will, to progress. We had a chance to strengthen the team and cement ourselves as a top 6 side pushing for the Champs League places. This was not taken and it would be no surprise if some of our better players were asking the question 'is this as good as it gets'?
  17. If we were to loan Lescott, for example, until May, I wouldn't be too against that. Still need another centre-back on top of that though. Lescott makes perfect sense to try and get on a loan, we really need to try and make that happen. No way will we stump up anything significant for his wages. He's on almost 100k-a-week... That's Man City's look-out, there is no club in the world that will pay him 100k a week. City can either pay him to sit on the bench or offset his wages with a loan club, hoping a permanent deal can be constructed in due course. Of course this relies on the player accepting a probable (and possibly quite hefty) pay cut. The player may not want to do that, once again that's city's stupid fault for paying daft money to fairly average players.
  18. In fairness 30,000 blokes regularly offer him the chance of a shag with their missus so if he has took someone up on the offer he can't really be blamed
  19. I'm game to have a go, here are my penalty credentials : I read a book about the history of the penalty kick, the book states that for best results aim into one of the top corners and hit it 60-70%. I've only took 3 penalties in proper games but applied this technique and scored 2 and missed 1, although I scored the first time and the ref ordered a re-take for encroachment. I blasted the retake over the bar. I reckon I would score 6 or 7, some of these keepers do look pretty big though.
  20. They both look thrilled to be part of this picture. Odd that, if I was professional footballer the thing I would most enjoy about the job and commensurate status would be getting stopped by random passers by to have my picture took. Especially when I was shopping for shower gel and mouth wash with my bezzer.
  21. The only bloke who could shut Clough up! (even that failed)
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