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Everything posted by Novocastrian

  1. Posting live from the Benfica-Fenwt game. Great turn out, great atmosphere.
  2. I've had every home shirt since the mid 1980s and I won't buy that shirt. Wonga can fuck right off and take their creepy TV ads with them.
  3. Me too, and that's with us getting 1 point in the last three games (against QPR) and Wigan getting 5 points.
  4. Has Ron Manager been mentioned?
  5. Novocastrian

    Alan Pardew

    Horses are too big but I feel like punching a hedgehog.
  6. Novocastrian

    Alan Pardew

    We are in the cack now.
  7. Novocastrian

    Alan Pardew

    Me too, been hovering around the news feeds at work all day and progressively getting more and more angry; now I'm fucking seething.
  8. They didn't do enough but the game was lost before it had kicked off. Do you not credit players (or individuals) with any human agency? Pardew is not controlling the players movements from the side of the pitch. I manage people and, in turn, am managed by others higher up the food chain. I wouldn't dream of under performing in order to make my boss's plan purposely fail, no matter how I'll thought out I felt it was. Why? Because it's unprofessional and the impact on my organisation, which I actually care about, could be disastrous. The game was lost before a ball was kicked? Shame no-one told 50,000 Toon fans beforehand.
  9. This view lets the players off the hook. Oh, they don't like the tactics or don't like playing out of position? The poor dears, they could always fuck off and get a real job. Whilst Pardew is nominally steering the ship (or at least he's supposed to be) and is ultimately responsible for this disastrous season, the players have just participated in our worst home performance in living memory (confirmed by some fans who have been watching since the 1960s). Pardew will carry the can and he should because he is out of his depth and has patently lost the trust and support of the players but Pardew didn't take a corner during the game or hit a sloppy pass, or fail to pick up an opposition player. As clueless as Pards is I'm pretty sure he didn't instruct the players to stand still when they had the ball. Although he's obviously responsible for the amount of aimless hoofs upfield. I'm angry at Pardew but yesterday's gutless performance can largely be laid at the feet of the players who should be ashamed, as professionals, by such a capitulation.
  10. Exactly, we have no leaders on the pitch who can take charge when things are going wrong.
  11. I think this is probably the worst performance I've seen from a NUFC team since I started watching in 1985.
  12. You're not serious, man? The players don't deserve a bonus, but I find it astounding that you seem to indicate that the buck doesn't stop at Pardew for managing these players and building a team out of them. Pardew is an idiot but he hasn't taken a corner today, fluffed a cross, ran into trouble or failed to track a man. The players need to take some responsibility because they have utter bilge.
  13. Fucking brain dead these players. Think it must be the ink from all their gash tats.
  14. Liverpool will be able to put their shirts straight in the kitbag for next week, they've not had to break sweat.
  15. Better make sure the vicinity around St James' is kept clear of horses at full time.
  16. All of those players have technical ability, it's the easy things they are not doing: simple pass and move and pressing the ball.
  17. Pardew: The players were tired from (watching) the Europa League Semi-Final.
  18. Novocastrian

    Alan Pardew

    I'm not sure he could spot a good coach, or even if he did wouldn't be threatened by him. He'd much rather have around him people he knows are below him and have no chance of challenging him. What brings you to this conclusion? f*** off muppet. RTGtastic A lot of the stuff I've read on here the past couple of days has been tbh. Depressing. It is fucking depressing, someone post that picture of Saylor strangling that disabled bloke. That always cheers me up for some reason.
  19. Novocastrian

    Loïc Remy

    What's delusional about that? He is a gem and he will be gone in the Summer.
  20. Novocastrian

    Alan Pardew

    I read somewhere that the only reliable indicator of (final) league position is players' wages. On this indicator alone he must be vastly underperforming. To look at the players he has had at his disposal this season and then watch the abject, clueless and pointless hoofing to no-one in particular is heart breaking.
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