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Everything posted by Novocastrian

  1. Never seen a team with a man advantage look so poor.
  2. Charlie Adam is an older and slower version of Geremi.
  3. Stoke are being dragged over the pitch by 10 men wtf!
  4. Which team's down to 10 men? Fucking Stoke are rancid.
  5. Just home after the match, sobered up somewhat. Great performance by Benfica, Fener fans very quiet all game.
  6. Ah, battery going. Ate breve geezers!
  7. Goal, I'm pissed but I saw that!
  8. Who you talking about? Benfica are bang up for this, they haven't won a European trophy since emwe have!
  9. Perhaps the guy who got kicked in the Jaw and knocked out. Glad you can see on TV but I'm at other end if ground. Is he ok? Or is he running around like he's a new born rabbit? I'm really concerned.
  10. You're drunker than I thought mate. Lol yeah, my mate just told me the score. Ok: disclaimer, match reports by be slightly awry due to Super Bock
  11. Why 'get in'? f*** you, you like kebabs or you have something against Benfica? Because the Turks don't dive all over the place? Ever watched football?
  12. Why 'get in'? f*** you, you like kebabs or you have something against Benfica? Bit of both really. Mate, have a word m, Benfica are a great club (and I favour Sporting) so come on!
  13. Why 'get in'? Fuck you, you like kebabs or you have something against Benfica?
  14. Ok I'm really drunk so don't read tooth into my in match analysis. Great atmosphere here though.
  15. Benfica well on top at the moment.
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