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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Wonder if GG was 25 stone, there's got to be a perfectly acceptable explanation to Pilko's hate.
  2. Literally don't know who anyone is there bar a few notable exceptions. Is Tamwar the lad Pilko kept referring to GG as? In hindsight, that was slightly (majorly) racist.
  3. Where is this? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,93588.5950.html Jack Flash's 2nd best post ever. :lol: This is a blinder as well. Enjoy seeing that regularly being cracked out on HIGNFY whenever Kilroy is vaguely mentioned.
  4. Where is this? http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,93588.5950.html Jack Flash's 2nd best post ever.
  5. Can't help but think to that Kilroy intros compilation that was posted recently. "So you agreed a deal for one of the most talented youngsters in world football... only for a club favourite to block it?" "Oh dear."
  6. Spinning Dowie facepalms all round.
  7. Was getting a lift earlier and Talksport was on. Generally a reprehensibly bad radio station but a West Ham fan called up reacting to the news Allardyce was staying. Spot the similarities: "I'm absolutely livid. He is a manager built in and for the stone age. He has shown a total lack of ability to manage one of our most creative players - arguably our most creative (Morrison) - and instead preferred to hoof it up top in the hope Carroll will win the header. This is combined with an utterly clueless board who show absolutely no ambition. They keep saying that they listen to the fans, which is a bare-faced lie. Several polls have indicated the vast majority of our fans want Allardyce OUT yet they come up with yet more terribly communicated schpeel about how they want stability and the best for the fans. All we want is a modicum of entertainment, we know we're not going to get into the top 4, so why can't we - as punters paying a hell of a lot of money - look forward to Saturday afternoons and seeing our team at least try to play decent football and entertain the fans? The board are a disgrace, the manager is a disgrace, neither of them show any respect to the fans, and they're not getting another penny from me as long as Allardyce is here."
  8. Isn't that William Carvalho supposed to be a massive talent?
  9. Is that the one with Henning Wehn (sp?) and Mark Watson? Pretty shite comedians but watched a bit of an episode last week, looked decent. Seem to remember they were at Ricky Villa's gaff having a barbecue.
  10. Think I read Ter Stegen has signed now? Pinto off too. Edit: https://twitter.com/FCBarcelona/status/468463289077596161/photo/1
  11. What's he been like at Celta? IIRC they finished the season really well, and would I be right in thinking getting Celta to 9th is a pretty good effort? Will you give him some time if things don't work out straight away? Sounds like there could be a lot of change this summer. Perhaps some of it unnecessary.
  12. Aye, mind they've needed defensive cover for a while now. Perhaps Puyol officially going will push them into buying actual centre backs for once.
  13. Good thing that pesky transfer ban was fobbed off.
  14. Blimey. They need to freshen things up a bit but seriously, that many? Could be another dose of classic Balague bullshit mind.
  15. Neil

    Arsene Wenger

    You've obviously watched more of Debuchy than me, but from what I've seen, I completely 100% disagree.
  16. Neil

    Arsene Wenger

    No probably about it. Him, Ivanovic and Coleman.
  17. Giggs has retired from playing too. No really, he has.
  18. Fiorentina score. You're silly at these 20/1+ accys.
  19. Nice finish from Ganso there for Sao Paulo. Flip, what's he been like recently? Know a lot of noise was made about him a couple of years ago but don't really know how he's done since?
  20. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/012/132/thatsthejoke.jpg
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