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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Kuyt is technically inept tbh. Work ethic, grand. Doesn't help he's been shot out to the wing at Liverpool, bamboozlingly. But that's Benitez for you.
  2. Emre; the little shit smashed one in against us from 25 yards a few years ago I remember. That might have been the same day Butt lobbed Howard. FML.
  3. As said before, my first port of call would be to get Taylor to RB and give him a sustained run there. I know it's only on paper but Taylor--Colo--Campbell--Jose looks a good defence. The problem being the retention of possession in front of them, of course.
  4. Would you be any more confident him running at Taylor, Williamson or Kadar? I know I wouldn't. Imagine Torres running at Terry n all. I think it'd be the same result. Fernando clutching his ankle?
  5. Mackem friend is getting desperate. After ridiculing Bramble for years, he now thinks "oh well if he plays like he did at Wigan I don't mind, he probably won't play..." And of Heskey (he doesn't believe the rumours but happily believed the ones that said Valdez was going to move there ()) he has laughed about him as much as anyone else but now, "he isn't that bad really, Jones isn't much better..." Straws ==> Clutch
  6. lescott seems to have survived ok with it. He's been too dead.
  7. I feel sorry for Milner. Not financially, of course, because he could be in line for a stonking payday (and I assume is on a decent contract anyway), but mongs will sooner or later think he should performing at a world-class level because of the transfer price it looks like Man City will pay. He's a good player, not great, as I'm sure most would agree. He's certainly not an average player.
  8. I agree he has to move, though. Don't Sunderland want him? It would be guaranteed football due to him being the best midfielder there. I think Villa would be a good match too, though I'm sure brummie will know more.
  9. We don't need him. Besides, we have no money.
  10. Really? I didn't think it was looking thin on quantity, just thin on quality in the final third.
  11. But on the other hand, it's 3 weeks. How would you all rate your chances if you went into the new season with this squad, apart from the addition of a decent, 10-15 goal striker? Obviously it depends on who but if that squad structure was the case, how do you reckon you'd do?
  12. didnt moyes say there was no cash left in the kitty a week or two ago Don't think they even have a kitty tbh. And when we do, we're not the smoothest in the market. The almost infamous Moutinho saga last summer summed it up: Sporting: £18m Us: Here's £12m Sporting: £18m Us: Here's £13m Sporting: 18m Us: £14m Sporting: You're not getting this, are you? Us: ....here's £12m.
  13. didnt moyes say there was no cash left in the kitty a week or two ago I believe he did, hence the above Sessegnon story becomes even less believable. When he says there isn't any more money, the "more" isn't really a necessary word.
  14. Purely a rumour but hey ho: apparently we offered £8m for Sessegnon. This however involves spending money. Also, we've been linked on and off with Ben Arfa for a while now. I don't expect a thing to happen.
  15. Quite enjoyed it. Wasn't particularly remarkable but a very interesting watch nonetheless.
  16. Neil


    No-one including Henderson in their Sunderland XI? Mackem friend has him as the 2nd name on the teamsheet. He'll improve, as well as looking very handy currently.
  17. As I say, if we avoid such a ridiculous amount of injuries again I expect us to do very well. 7th or 8th would be a failure in my eyes. Chelsea 1st, Man Utd 2nd and after that, no idea.
  18. I look at the league and to me, I only see Man Utd and Chelsea as teams we have to accept we're not going to finish above. Man City and Arsenal will both look at us and think "we'll easily finish above that lot", but as 1878 says, if we can avoid another plague we have every reason to be optimistic. 2 defeats in 24 is excellent form, after all. We just need to hit the ground running.
  19. I take it you're not as confident as the mong on SSN that said you were going to win the league? Top 4 is possible, albeit improbable. I'm resigned to the fact Man City will get one of those top 4 spots but it's perfectly realistic to be looking at finishing above Villa, Spurs and Liverpool.
  20. It's one of Moyes' greatest victories in his tenure so far - the way we are increasingly playing better and better football. It's that increased technical fluidity combined with our age-old hard work ethic that gives me great confidence for this season ahead.
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