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Everything posted by Neil

  1. In seriousness, a backline that can mix sensationally dramatic acting, WWE and football is a backline worth serious season ticket money.
  2. Erm. Good on you? Your thoughts on Boyd being a match for Everton?
  3. ? Also, Dave would have a heart attack if he could see that 3rd word.
  4. They'd be one funny comedy act I can't not get the image of it resembling the Chuckle Brothers. "To me.. to y-.. oh no Steve, they've got the ball!" "Uh-oh!"
  5. You're trying too hard, Ash. And thank fuck Moutinho's moved.
  6. Carragher and Saylor would be quite the defensive duo.
  7. Neil

    James Perch

    To me, that statement was a clear case of lowering expectations, so that if you did go on to get a few players, it's a pleasant surprise. Ish.
  8. Formations are absolutely paramount. They're the basis of any tactical plan.
  9. You can't put a price on sideways passing.
  10. Neil

    Football pet hates

    Overuse of the word 'unlucky'. A player hits the woodwork, it's automatically "unlucky". No, it was close and most likely a good attempt, but how does it make it unlucky? Also, pretty sure it's been mentioned; commentators/pundits who praise a shot just because it was on target. "At least he tested the keeper". No, the whole point of football is to get the ball beyond the keeper, hence I'd be more pleased with a player from my team missing just beyond the far post for example, than whacking it straight at the keeper. "He made the keeper make a save", I don't give a flying fuck!
  11. also need a bit more mobility from the front man. i know carroll has provided some fantastic balls from out wide but i cant imagine him doing the movement necessary when on his own. I don't know, I can see him learning and developing next season. I also think Nolan could do a decent enough job 'in the hole'. Cahill has shown you don't need to be some sort of creative mastermind to do a good job in that position.
  12. Would like Germany for the team/football or Holland for the history. Definitely not Spain and it won't be Uruguay anyway. Don't mean to rattle on about Uruguay but they've got a great chance. Netherlands are favourites, yes, but if Uruguay can produce another 'solid' performance, Forlan is liable to produce something. Will be interesting to see how they do without Suarez, though. Pretty much halves their threat.
  13. Germany yesterday produced a simple performance; players knew exactly what they needed to do, all worked together, and broke at pace. It wasn't Barcelona but it was still brilliant to watch.
  14. As for the formation, I'm a big fan of 4-2-3-1 but you need good organisation at the back, the 2 midfield players need to be well-drilled and have the quality to keep possession and feed it to the wingers and 'number 10'. It is, in my eyes, just an extension of a 4-5-1/4-3-3 system. It is also the way forward IMO.
  15. Said for a while Taylor should be given a shot at RB. Obviously you lot will know better: are there any major reasons why he shouldn't be given a go here? Enrique-----Colo----Williamson----Taylor seems a relatively strong backline.
  16. We drew with a class Germany and went out on pens, we didnt get dry piped 4-1 off the German youth team like the current shower of shit
  17. Neil

    Football pet hates

    Players falling over when they've been "fouled", and clutch the ball to make it suddenly seem more convincing. Drives me mad.
  18. Aye best of luck Messi. Is the Villa top scorer reduced if he's joint top, i.e. 1/3, 1/4? That said, if Spain are to win the thing, I can't see him not scoring again.
  19. Personally, it would take an astronomical offer to consider letting Arteta go. It can't be emphasised enough how important he is to us. And even if we got big money, to get a midfielder in as good as him would be pretty hard due to the fact few of that level would realistically come to us.
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