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Everything posted by Neil

  1. It's alright, it's early on so it doesn't matter.
  2. Year 6 Cup Final when I scored from an impossible angle into our own goal to round off a humiliating 4-1 home defeat. I was a broken 11 year old.
  3. For 5/7 a side purposes, the passing of Xavi and the shot of Lampard - unfortunately I'm not at all fit, shit at tackling/heading, and 9 out of 10 shots for an 11 a side game see the ball scale new heights towards the clouds.
  4. Err, but didn't you see how they thrashed defensively inept 10-man Australia?
  5. The French exposed for the heap of shit they are and the Germans given a dose of misfortune, this is going too well...
  6. It's alright. Carragher's experienced!
  7. Anyone see that stat on SSN about how England and Rooney's 'minutes per goal' are both better when Rooney is playing with Crouch, and not Heskey?
  8. The one your lot conceded was hardly Brazil 1970 esque. ;-) Switzerland's was what I call a 'FIFA goal'. Ridiculously fortunate, the crowning moment being Deyrediyidoriydriok flying through the air and the ball bouncing off him to the other lad.
  9. I bet BBC can't believe their luck this shitheap on paper has turned out exciting.
  10. Your lack of confidence is amusing Sound like Darth Vader. Your pessimism displeases me, oldtype.
  11. oldtype, you need to calm the fuck down. You're making it sound like a game against the world-dominating force of Nigeria is a write-off.
  12. Whoever said Greek football should be euthanised made me spit my drink out.
  13. ITV are offering some of the build-up time to the 2 teams actually playing!?
  14. But at the same time, Argentina weren't exactly at their best were they? I'd expect another single-goal Argie win.
  15. You won't have to wait long for Jermaine to knock a couple past you.
  16. I think you'll take them, which will make it very interesting to watch you against Japan after that. Assuming Holland beat Japan, even a draw wouldn't be disastrous for Denmark. I'd fancy them over Japan most days of the week.
  17. Chile. Glad they lived up to expectations even if it was against Honduras. Edit: 2 seconds, sigh.
  18. Neil


    Another thing: I know England are a priority but must we have so much of a build-up to a game dominated by England news? A quick segment on them I'd understand, but for example, about 70% of the Chile-Honduras build-up was just blabbering on about England (anyone see Desailly being an utter pleb?) and come to think of it I'm not even sure they gave any time to either of the 2 teams they were showing! Pathetic.
  19. You lot need to do the business for my only 2 group bets that are still alive!
  20. Similar here in Darlington. Seen a canny amount of cars with flags, not that many houses though.
  21. Minister Babatunde strikes me as the kind of person people stop in the street to ask for advice. Eh? He's been giving someone advice in the street for a few days? I dunno man, I wouldn't put it past him. Was a reference to you saying he's likeable. Ah I see. He's almost loveable, Baba. Sod it, he's loveable. I don't know. His likeability is ample, not loveable, but more than ample.
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