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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. wow well as a current Muslim it makes me proud seeing Demba represent :smitten:
  2. As did all of the other players, especially Best so don't understand why when Ben Arfa loses the ball it gets highlighted yet Best losing it does not raise the same level of concern
  3. Bit of a cop out imo, none of us know how any player does in training so we can never complain about any selection Pardew makes? To an extent, yes actually. But much more in the case of someone who has missed a year of football with a serious serious injury. BUT he has clearly recovered from the injury, why else would he have started 3 games in a row? that too against 3 tough teams I can understand if players in the starting XI were performing BUT Best and Obertan (Jonas too) have by and large been average of late so it is reasonable for fans expecting Ben Arfa to be picked ahead of them
  4. Bit of a cop out imo, none of us know how any player does in training so we can never complain about any selection Pardew makes?
  5. Even a rusty Ben Arfa is better than the alternatives so don't buy this he needs to be at 100% nonsense Also makes no sense how he can start 3 games in a row yet a month later not be fully fit, sounds like excuses from Pardew BUT it is only a matter of time before Pardew accepts he is being stubborn
  6. Was disappointed when he left BUT not keen on getting him back at the price being mentioned. Also I suspect his off the field problems will return If we have that kind of money to spend then we are better off going for Giroud, Cisse etc etc
  7. Theirs a difference between them being given permission to put up advertisement signs and them being allowed to actually change the name of the stadium and address. NUFC can refer to the stadium as Sports Direct arena all they want, the name legally still remains St James' Park. Aye BUT surely Ashley can have that St James' Park sign removed?
  8. Is this still up ? Aye, surprised it hasn't been removed yet
  9. I know that but I believe there is potential for gabby and I want to see him go good. He's only 22 so he has lots of time to improve and I'm confident that he will. We should send him out on loan, let him get his practice elsewhere because he has been shite for us and I can't see that changing any time soon
  10. Agreed, that would have been a good performance for Butt or Smith
  11. Played well, has one hell of a shot on him BUT does not appear to be suited to a central midfield slot, needs to play higher up the pitch
  12. It seems like Obertan was his own signing so dropping him would probably be seen as an admission that he bought a shit player
  13. We need about 3 players BUT I think we will only sign 1, a centre back
  14. Agreed, though that is not saying much Would kill for Robert and Nobby on the wings :love:
  15. It is obvious the side he will pick, which if we were winning/playing well you could understand BUT we are struggling so things need to be changed This is the side we will see (maybe Santon for Raylor) Krul Simpson--Perch--Colo--Raylor Oberturd--Cabaye--Tiote--Jonas Bes--Ba Perch and Krul (when he doesn't slice it out for a throw in or straight to their midfielders) will keep lumping it towards Best BUT Knight will win the aerial battle all day long. Obertan whenever he gets the ball will run towards Robinson, do 10 step overs and then have his cross blocked. Pardew will then bring on Ben Arfa with 20-30 mins to go, expect him to win the game all by himself, when he fails to do that he will talk about him needing to step up a level even though he is being kept out of the side by a guy who does not even have a level, never mind stepping up. Oh and he will bring on Shola with 15 mins to go, who will then proceed to fall over numerous times and fail to control the most basic of passes [/rant over]
  16. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    Needs to stop being stubborn and drop Obertan asap
  17. Aye, such a s*** crosser, just floats them in which get gobbled up by the defenders/keepers most of the time. If they do manage to get to one of our players then they struggle to do much with it because it lacks any pace santon done a fair bit of that tonight. i'll check his thread and see if he's getting the same reaction. harsh i know but true. Don't recall Santon putting any crosses in In any case the comparison is hardly fair considering Santon has hardly played for us whilst Simpson has played almost a 100 games and in that time his crossing has been mostly shite
  18. Aye, such a shit crosser, just floats them in which get gobbled up by the defenders/keepers most of the time. If they do manage to get to one of our players then they struggle to do much with it because it lacks any pace
  19. Was poor tonight BUT he was poor at the start of the season before the class performances followed LOL at the doilems saying we should sell him, that too for £15mill
  20. Needs to start the next match, did more in 30 mins than Jonertan have in the last 2 matches combined He did lose the ball badly in the middle once today BUT the rest of the players lost the ball time and time again so not fair to just highlight his error
  21. Obertan was always going to start Hope Vuckic plays well and HBA gets some decent game time
  22. The free kick after a couple of mins was close, also the one where Colo headed onto the post was canny BUT other than that it was poor, failed to beat the first man far too often on corners
  23. I would go with the following, never gonna happen though Krul Simpson Williamson Coloccini Santon Jonas Tiote Abeid Hatem Best Ba
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