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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Its been belter reading RTG the last couple of days - some right mongs on there
  2. I thought it was class - he might grow up to be a charva and steal pop from Asda BUT then again he might not, he is just a very confident 8 year old and he had a laugh and it seemed to piss off the mackems, that can only be a good thing
  3. Simpson played well yesterday BUT I still dont rate him - we need Steven Taylor back asap
  4. His passing is fine - keep it simple The sheer frustration when Nicky Butt attempted a Pirlo type pass and failed miserably, dont want that happening :facepalm:
  5. Not really - apart from the Wigan match he has looked okay on the foul front 1 yellow card in 5 matches
  6. have to say i was all for Krul being number 1 but seeing Krul in a run of premiership games he is not ready for it yet IMO , his kicking with his right foot needs a lot of work. Hes not done a lot wrong and made no howlers but id like to see him get a loan run somewere but cant see that happening this season. I hate Harper but to say krul has made no howlers is being a bit generous mind. He didn't cover himself in glory for Wigans goals last week and last night was too busy waving at the linesman appealing for offside rather than attempting to either cut out the cross to Cole or attempting to save from Cole. He was all over the shop in the 1st 20 minutes last night but settled down a bit and did command his area pretty well. Couldn't really judge his 2nd half performance as we were so on top i honestly can't remember him even touching the ball in the 2nd half. I argued this with people at the time but should Krul have come out for the first goal? I felt he done the right thing considering there were 2 defenders already attempting to cover the opponents. Which one? Wigan? If so then yes i think he should. No mate, Cole's goal yesterday. It would have been nice yesterday if he'd actually made an attempt to do something for their goal rather than just wave at the linesman appealing for offside. he stopped playing, he should have at least attempted to cut out the cross to Cole. Collocinni and Jose didn't cover themselves in glory tracking Cole back (collocinni just ambled back) but i thought Krul should have played to the whistle and at least tried to do something about the situation. Dont really agree with that cos if he was off his line and Piquionne shot went in the near post then he would have been blasted (and rightly so) The first goal was the defenders fault
  7. Brilliant win - started off badly, West Ham were the better side BUT after they scored we dominated the game The standout players were Joey, Jose and Tiote - quality performance from them
  8. Last week was his worst game for us, he was only average compared to the usual mint performances he was putting in BUT more importantly it was still better than what Smith would have mustered up
  9. His crossing could have been a bit better BUT other than that he was class as usual - him and Tiote are confident and cool as owt
  10. He was brilliant today - solid as anything and very rarely loses the ball :clap:
  11. He did win the ball a few times BUT he conceded a lot of fouls - was surprised the ref didnt book him earlier
  12. I thought he had an average game yesterday, gave away lots of fouls BUT he was still better than what Smith usally did so happy days
  13. Raylor, Simpson and Perch are all shite BUT Raylor is the least shite of them - also he offers us something with his crossing The sooner Saylor is back the better
  14. I would not start with Lovenkrands I would stick with 4-5-1 as we have done well with that away from home - would have Tiote, Barton and Guthrie in the middle
  15. Certainly gave us a lift when he came on - did well
  16. Quality cross for the Shola goal and he put in a decent corner Overall though he farts about too much on the ball when he should just put it in the box
  17. Delighted with the point cos we were shite Wonder how much longer Hughton will persist with Perch?
  18. Nolan has to be dropped for this match - I do think 4-4-2 is probably the way to go BUT even a 4-5-1 might not be so bad as long as we have people in midfield that can actually run and move about
  19. Tiote is quality - solid and keeps the play moving. He doesnt try to go for Hollywood passes like Butt and Smith ( :rant: )
  20. Geordie Ahmed

    Sports Direct

    They are crap and look tacky - if it was a decent company then fair enough BUT I would be surprised if we see anything other than sportsdirect on it - just like the naming rights its an excuse for the fatty to get his company some advertising
  21. How about the poor touches from just about every other player on the pitch on one or two occasions? Never mind those, eh? Who says never mind those? This thread is about Perch and I was highlighting a moment where he did fuck up - under no pressure whatsoever he gives them a throw in, from which they then won the free kick
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