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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. There going to be a mini Big Joe? Time to start a Geordie/Brazilian dynasty.
  2. Need to just hold on to the ball for a little bit now. Looking a bit shaky all of a sudden.
  3. Need to see a reply to decide if that was shit defending, a great run or both.
  4. But then we would have missed the bonkers Maradona years, which I mainly remember for him saying Messi, Mascharano and Jonas (at right back) we're the first three names on the team sheet.
  5. I was just wondering that...along with wondering why I'm still watching it despite nothing happing . I'm putting it down to the random Geordie medley playing.
  6. Murphy with the trophy This is low key mint.
  7. Fireworks and streamers for a friendly Fuck me, now the Blaydon Races being blasted out full volume in Saudi Arabia
  8. "There's Joe From Jarrow" was definitely a highlight
  9. Weird to see a squad photo where Jacob Murphy has his mouth closed
  10. Kane has been our best passer of the ball.
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