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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Nice to come away from a ground we always seem to lose at with a point.
  2. The difference between Rondon and Joselu is huge. Even knackered Rondon gave us a better outlet up front.
  3. Assuming it’s bollocks aside. People be happy with that? Assuming it’s bollocks aside. People be happy with that? After 11 years of Ashley, I’d be happy if the bloke who goes round selling dodgy DVDs in the pubs bought us.
  4. First away game for me for a while. I’ve only ever seen us win in London twice and they were 10 years apart and both against West Ham. So I’m assuming it’s going to be a typical disappointing loss. Anyone know of any away friendly pubs near the ground?
  5. Shelvey, Kenedey, Muto, Rondon. Pretty decent bench at least.
  6. Not a bad half, defended well, created a half-chance, some decent balls in from set peieces too.
  7. ‘Leakage from above’ pretty much sums up all that is wrong with the club
  8. Going to be back in Newcastle for the England game, any good suggestions on where to watch it?
  9. But again, none of those scenarios would involve a family fleeing potential ethnic cleansing, the kosovan flag came out of that struggle (although most people don't like the flag). Also, I don't remember this much uproar when Mustafi took pictures with the world cup doing the double-eagle hand gesture...
  10. Kaizero, I could argue with you, but fuck that, I spend too much time discussing the bonkers nature of the balkans as it is... and England have just won on pens, on actual fucking pens, even Shearer is singing,never thought I'd see either of those things.
  11. it’s not about them identifying as Kosovan nationals, it’s about them identifying as ethnically Albanian and being proud of that.
  12. If they fucking love Kosovo so much, they had the chance to play for them and make them better. Instead Kosovo is still shit. Hlory hunting cunts. You can be proud of being from two nations Difference being proud and bringing in politics that has nothing to do with the nation you’re representing and putting another flag on your equipment. Mainly the fact they put another flag on their equipment that has me riled up moreso than the eagle shit. Like a Newcastle player playing with a Southampton logo on their equipment because they’re a Southampton fan. Keep tht out of official shit. There’s a massive difference between that. Just because they’re proud to represent the nation that took their family in when they had to escape from attempted ethnic cleansing, doesn’t mean they should have to forget their roots and their ethnicity.
  13. Ronaldo, Messi, football. All on their way home!
  14. This half is going to be shit.
  15. 3 yellows more than us now?
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