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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. I think a massively important thing is how we have/are growing the women's team. While undoubtably we've got the financial clout the other teams in the league can only dream of, we have put that money towards giving local talent the opportunity to step up by giving them professional contracts. It really feels like the club are investing in the talent already available, from Becky Langlely down. It really helps grow that connection between fans and the team. The social media posts too are really on point and make it clear that (most of) the lasses are Geordies living out their dream by playing in the black and white... I mean we've even got a player called Keegan! The development team absolutely destroying their league, I hope, emphasises the point. I'd love to see us become a real force in women's football, driven by developing local talent.
  2. I know its only been a few minutes, but Gordon looks a different player this half. Is he okay?
  3. Decent video I watched on it while ago.
  4. That goal is exactly what we've missed from Willock. Finds the space between the lines, exploits it.
  5. Cut them open with ease, basically what teams have been doing to us. Brilliant run from Bruno to catch up to the front two.
  6. Dreadful positioning by Botman, miles behind the other defenders.
  7. Seems to be bus replacement service on the line between St Pancras & Luton. Great location/timing choice here...
  8. Seriously? I've never known a season filled with such ridiculous cup draws Man City twice. Man U Chelsea PSG Milan Dortmund sunderland Fulham Blackburn.
  9. Aye thats it, just let their player jog the entire length of the pitch with the ball
  10. 2-1, 89th minute, about time, we've been all over them this half.
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