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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. Nowt like nuance to go out the window quickly in this discussion eh? Wearing tea towels is not the same as wearing actual cultural dress such as kandora. The first is ignorant/unitentionally disrespectful. The second could be construed as welcoming but ultimately all this taps into what Yorkie has just highlighted. You'll have a loud minority seeking offense in everything and a separate wilfully and gleefully ignorant,loud minority shouting 'woke left virtue signallers - I'll wear what the fuck I like end of.' Somewhere in the middle is a constituency of people going 'let's think this through and maybe we might be able to work this through without conflating all these different things.' Sadly, you end up with the poles of this chat being heard loudest. Don't know why you'd fly the Saudi flag in all good conscience at this point but again that's different and not in the statement. Nothing against the poles btw...great bunch of lads
  2. ‘Hur hur it looks like a tea towel’ and strapping a tea towel to your head is definitely not respectful and I doubt it goes down well - however intentioned. Problem is some people lack the ability to self reflect whatsoever and so all behaviour is a good idea because it’s how I feel/felt at the time.
  3. Or maybe if you would't go to Riyadh for 24 hours with a f'n tea towel roped to your head...don't do it here either?
  4. He’s left to be Adele by mutual consent
  5. Well its clearly divisive what he does - makes it fun/easy for lazy English lads like Shelvey and makes the most talented player feel most important because he is the only outlet. Those other quotes don't exist without that division.
  6. This was all for his 1000th which is disappointing but this news is geeeeewd.
  7. Died at are you fucking off today Mr Bruce? ?
  8. Very frustrating. A caretaker is absolutely fine.
  9. And the people who do it should know this. Probably the same ones who'll gan radge about featuring in negative articles.
  10. We're through the looking glass now with this stuff. So far from what makes the game great.
  11. If we get someone in and they keep us up that's enough at this point, with suitable progressive additions in January. We've got rid of the source of the rot but left a malignant cyst in place. The refit starts in earnest next year.
  12. I'm in the Howe camp I reckon. Got to be ballsy now.
  13. They clearly don’t perceive the Bruce we see or are concerned about the optics in the pundit and ex pro community.
  14. Went on spurs versus pod last night. Got grilled on takeover naturally. https://linktr.ee/spursversus
  15. I get the PR given everything controversial surrounding PIF and the PL. Binning off a popular PL old boy prior to 1000th game is not a good look and optics matter. Panders to hogwash sentiment but I see the logic. After this point it’s almost impossible to rationalise. Oddly perhaps they are speaking & listening to too many football people, who cite his good standing/golf handicap.
  16. The thing is an interim coach that isn’t Bruce doesn’t destabilise us or risk it. This is as bad as it gets.
  17. Excellent eh? Low bar to clear admittedly
  18. Your pals and you say end of. That’s that over, phew. Look, I know it’s the done thing to paint anyone who finds some things objectionable as humourless or a kill joy but I just happen to think the gag isn’t worth the buildup and that sometimes choosing to ignore what people think regardless of their viewpoint is seen as a virtue and I’ve listened to the other side of it. We’re talking about bad people who for whatever reason own our club. No need to ape them, accidentally mock them or fly their flags.
  19. It’s about calling out bullshit. I’m not higher or mightIer than anyone. It’s wrong to make light of what Saudi represent. I joke about many dark things in private but it’s about picking audiences. I probably have more problem with the flags (thankfully few) than tea towels but even then it’s daft to even have to say that because even if it’s trying to be welcoming - they aren’t tea towels. It’s clearly a bit more widely held than the confines of this forum and if you think it’s a bit of a laugh then that’s your opinion - it’s just a widely held opinion that it is more than that regardless of how you wish to downplay it. If you’re going to do it then be prepared to be called up on by some who disagree with you. It’s as simple as that. No excuse beyond wilful ignorance at this point. If it’s prompted people to think about thinks beyond what they deem a laugh then no harm done tbh.
  20. Embarrassment doesn’t even really done into it. Most overused word around. It’s just a bit needless and stupid and it’s fine to call it out.
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