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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. pardew was too but he still ended up with 2 prem jobs too many
  2. Fucking hell. Is there a PFM phrasebook or something?
  3. He’s thick and arrogant with it. A bad combo we’ve seen before. An Ashley Constant too.
  4. the gammon impression does grate after a bit tbf like.
  5. He’s that shit. He engineers his excuses. I genuinely believe that. What else does he have?
  6. He's just Pardew without the sliminess or PR grin. Dragged from relative obscurity and willing to take the shit served to him with thanks and sycophancy.
  7. we're down this year imo. The Willock stuff was freak.
  8. He just fucking useless. Players like him because he's that shite supply teacher that gives you a free pass and his media PR is about on par with Moira Hindley. Less said about his football methods the better. Another jobs for the boys cretin our club is happy to put on a ill earned pedestal to serve the whims of Tatshop Sauron.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvQyRXoCA_Y
  10. It's implicit though not a 'dig'. When your problems as a team stem from a lack of forethought and tactics don't be shocked when it's argued as criticism. Wouldn't be so bad if Bruce wasn't a thin skinned little bitch who needs little media bitches to stroke his fragile wittle ego.
  11. This has been the worst thread on the forum for years ?
  12. A fitness plan. Not some variation of. There’ll likely be one.
  13. Anyone in an argument with Simon Jordan and doesn’t come off looking better for it needs to have a long hard look at themselves.
  14. ‘You’re just too sexy for this shirt, Christian’
  15. Absolutely up for anyone calling out Ashley as the two faced shithawk he is at any opportunity. Can’t happen enough. Strange bedfellows now or not.
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