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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. it’s just a really expensive social club in all honesty. Where the proprietors actively hate you.
  2. They literally were contemptuous enough to think hiring two Geordies at once would get them off the hook in Bruce and Carroll. Wilfully wrong messages ‘learned’ every time. They active laugh at fans who pay them and invest time. Sports Neglect.con.
  3. It’s never worked for me - especially in the Strawberry
  4. It’s no less than this club deserve tbh, I mean that without particular venom - just in line with the usual pattern. Celebrating individual PR victories like a goal or a late draw or a win for a smug yes man to hang their hat on for 5 minutes and never seeing the bigger picture. That’s NUFC in a nutshell. That thinking will only ever lead to one outcome however attritionally and drawn out - it is inevitable. That’s what will happen and Bruce the superfan will have played his wilfully ignorant part in that. Let’s see how Saudi interest/non-interest factors at that point.
  5. It’s a shame. I run a fairly prominent account and have zero interest or stake in any of this shite. Yet we all look bad.
  6. ‘Mike, draw me like one of your French girls’
  7. I remember being threatened when saying it was in poor taste.
  8. Comparing it to COVID affected periods when noones ground is full is folly. If it was only SJP after everything had opened up then it would be massive. Not going to happen mind. People have vlogs to film, apps to promote, kids to brainwash and social lives to have alongside a myriad different reasons to pay Ashley. He operates in the languages of aggressive, assertive gesture and money and we're seemingly content forsaking the former and providing him with plenty of the latter when it comes to brass tacks. plus ca change.
  9. I think people have this perception that our PL status is a given in the short-medium term and that the likes of the Saudistyle takeover is the only instance where the pledge is relevant. I for one don’t want to be in a Sunderland style position where the club is fucked and the fans have no say. All this fiscal responsibility talk counts for shit when we get relegated again in the manner the club is run. The conversations around finances change drastically if we emulate that and I’d be unsurprised if that wasn’t a factor in the pledge’s inception. Still a staggering amount involved but becomes a lot more realistic as a safeguard at that point.
  10. There’s the rub. It’s very much not and Ashley exploits that belief but yes it’s still ours of a fashion and try telling people otherwise.
  11. I also don’t know why being nice or avoiding Ashley in all this means he’s going to pass up the opportunity to leave if he’s so desperate. This strange bedfellows and amnesty of criticism because the PL are cunts doesn’t give him license for free passage.
  12. It’s whether it’s because of income or the PR. As long as the stadium is at least half full they can spin the issue as bring made up by a vocal minority. The 10k dished out lets you know it’s not a case of not being bothered. I’m inclined to think it’s a case of the latter. Every club has had empty grounds over 18 months but if you are the only one after that for non Covid reasons it’s a different picture. It’s an academic exercise at this point as there’s no sufficient will or means of effective organisation but ultimately Ashley only speaks in the currency of cash and customers. Appealing to the right thing or deference to knowledge or heritage, which is what critics have tried and failed to do, is folly and the road to continued madness.
  13. It’s been done in a very piecemeal fashion. Problem is there’s always a new group thinking they are the first to have an idea - not learn from what hasn’t worked and not recognise what has. Protest doesn’t work is too broad a stroke. Relying on paying ST holders to engage with it and relying on others to behave how you want definitely doesn’t
  14. It never will. No product damaging protest will get air seriously. The folly of many a protest group so far is relying on someone else’s editorial or biases. Say what you like about the likes of Wraith et al, he does his on media and exposure and it works for him.
  15. I wonder what the difference is ??????????????
  16. Charnley might as well be Ashley’s actual thumb the difference their is between the rhetoric they spout/function they serve
  17. If the pressure mounts he’ll IED vest Lee Ryder at the next presser before he’s sacked anyway.
  18. ‘The one area where we have to improve on, you don’t have to be a Rocket science to look at it, is we’ve conceded too many’
  19. He had a point to be fair. A bit fuzzy but it was about why not just say you like Benitez and don’t like Bruce. Great effort has been made on moving forward by not focusing on comparisons by some sections of the fan base and now criticism of Bruce is around his actions rather than comparison. Obviously both is fine to shoot him with.
  20. What makes you so sure PIF or whoever are interested in that? To my mind their agenda will come first same as Ashley’s. Difference being they are arsed about quality of product...which we then assume.
  21. I do live in the fens so fair point.
  22. It’s Friday night lads. Look out of a window or something.
  23. No doubt get battered and he grin like a cunt because he’s rubbing shoulders with his old buddies
  24. Interesting but not as much as the bloke in front who’s morphed into a Maowam
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