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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. The problem with whataboutery is that it does deflect to another issue to the point where you no longer focus on any single issue being a problem. It’s a logical fallacy that because lots of stuff is fucked/compromised we shouldn’t care/engage with any of it. That applies to society at large really but that’s for the chat section perhaps. Of course we can watch our football - but if you’re going to leap on critics citing hypocrisy when you have a rainbow laces campaign whilst wearing Saudi National colours as a player or fan you’re going to look a bit daft. None of us operate in a vacuum.
  2. Sportswashing is a thing that works btw. I mean whether the PIF do it to what end remains to be seen but look at the defense of anbramovic despite being a key oligarch I’m Putins inner circle - that happened to fanfare under everyone’s noses and the ‘romans army’ banners were there til the end. It wasn’t just in football either. I think it’s naive to think we’re immune from that despite fans not being ultimately in control. I refuse to be wilfully ignorant.
  3. In relation to Ashley I think the presentation of their comparison is also skewed. I don’t take the view one is necessarily better than the other as media liked to paint it. They are two sides of the same fucked up exploitative modern football coin - it’s just this time there’s fan recognition and I can see why that resonates when people pay a kings ransom for their hobby.
  4. In the interests of balance I look at Saudi investment in this new green transit mirrors edge city and think why are we not capable of thinking that way with economies our size and the history of Britain and colonialism is brutal and cruel with global influence. Still it’s a cruel autocratic regime and any talk of separation is for the birds. Flag kits and money. I don’t have a problem with Saudi people - they share problems of most laymen no doubt. Worse if you are gay etc. I do have issue/ critique of this idea that everyone who has concerns and has the will to express them is automatically of a different competitive agenda. Perhaps should just see how these protests pan out and in what form/voice and go from there.
  5. You literally have a 3rd kid which my own nephew wears flying Saudi colours. I find it quite insidious tbh.
  6. Bruce also got less stick because Ashley backed him and it’s just not a story at that point. Big PR wheels in the background.
  7. I’d be happy with the FA cup one like. I’m pretty anti monarchy tbh. Plenty other places can indulge in Union flag waving. Keep it about NUFC and it would be nice to have some subtlety in all this posturing.
  8. I’m pretty deflated about the Saudi kit like. National flags or Ashley’s business colours - it doesn’t matter. It’s needless.
  9. There are people who will jump at anyone criticising NUFC tacitly or indirectly. Every club has this I’m sure. It happens with journalists ,rights activists, our own protest movements and even former players.
  10. Darth Crooks

    Nick Pope

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  11. Mike Ashley’s apparently ‘lovely’ in person too. When they have to make decisions or act to the benefit of others or institutions then they are found acting petulantly in entire self interest.
  12. Saw the thread title and knew this would instantly descend into calling rugby fans wankers ? Thing is with that...they are two completely different games in terms of what you are and aren’t allowed to do. I don’t know why people bother. You gain advantage in rugby from smashing a man in half. You don’t in football as much and you aren’t supposed to be just twatting people - the premise is entirely different.
  13. He probably won’t get near MOTY to help Bruce save face despite it being overwhelmingly true.
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