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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Amir_9

    Players in public

    Shes fucking everywhere man. I facepalmed myself literally when I saw her in my visit to Newcastle for the Boro and Derby games.
  2. Both of them have designated players, no? Becks off in the summer then? Who's the bird in your avatar
  3. They never signed him. SSN got it wrong. Thought they missed out on him? Ah right, didnt know that, in anycase it depends wether Benjani will do the job for them or not, they DESPERATELY need Bent to get back into form, their defence is dodgy and their midfield contains of too many holding midfielders, their hopes in attack and goals mainly are on Bent's shoulders, otherwise their rubbish, and that is after what, the shitloads of spending in the summer, glad we did not sign Kilgallon as he looks to be absolutely shite, he was average in this division anyway.
  4. Bent has lost his form anyway, that new Egyptian lad they got is a livewire, they are not too good to go down, but their not as shite as Hull, Wolves, Pompey and Burnley atm.
  5. Rooney, Defoe, Crouch Bent - Only if he finds his form again and is in form at the end of the season. Otherwise Heskey.
  6. Well, hes better than what we have really. Not by a huge margin tho.
  7. Passed his medical apparently.
  8. Hes been awful this season
  9. If he was going to get loaned out, I can only see him going to Preston.
  10. Wayne Bridge sent his missus a replica of his cock made from Cadburys chocolate. She said that she prefers Terrys. I'll get my coat.
  11. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho. So he's not good but he is good, I see what you mean. , His form suggested nothing promising before he was injured anyway, not the player we thought hed be in this division before it started, but will add something new when he returns if played in the centre in comparision to our usual Smith/Nolan partnership. So he was rubbish before he got injured but will add a new dimension to our midfield on his return Thanks for clearing that up Yes, but not a major improvement I made that clear a couple of posts ago, any creative midfielder in this division would help us play better if im not wrong the majority of our chances this season have come from the flanks, central midfield hasnt offered much unless Nolan was played as Second Striker with his advanced role. Guthrie has racked up our most assists from right midfield to prove that as well.
  12. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho. So he's not good but he is good, I see what you mean. , His form suggested nothing promising before he was injured anyway, not the player we thought hed be in this division before it started, but will add something new when he returns if played in the centre in comparision to our usual Smith/Nolan partnership. I can imagine a few months from now we'll be saying the exact same stuff about Guthrie right now when we talk about Barton.
  13. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho. that sentence hurt my head. Tough, let me make it simpler for you, I cant see him becoming a major improvement from Nolan and Smith, but certainly will add something new to midfield, his form before he got injured suggested nothing special.
  14. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho.
  15. The usual crap which with a decent striker would have us a long way clear by now? It got us to where we are now, im not daft and I know that, but lets face it weve been struggling lately and the weakest link in all of our matches this month has been our midfield.
  16. Hughton's clearly been reading these forums.
  17. Ambrose is a midfielder, Best is a striker. We need a striker more. What else you need to know? Then why didnt you say this in the first place insead of the usual " is the only thing I have to put because it clearly describes everything", I know hes a striker and we need a striker, and Id be happier if we got him instead of Best, because even as a midfield player I see him more of a goal threat and much more creative as well, Id rather have him ahead of Smith. Because with him in the side I see us being more dangerous than our usual midfield and a striker as Best leading the attack. The facepalm neatly showed you i disagreed. Now you are suggesting a Ambrose/Nolan CM i should have just used one here as well to save the bother of replying tbh Where on earth did I suggest a Ambrose/Nolan midfield Id be content with, Routledge - Guthrie - Ambrose - Jonas Lovenkrands - Amoebi rather than the usual crap, with Best in the side to compete for a place.
  18. Ambrose is a midfielder, Best is a striker. We need a striker more. What else you need to know? Then why didnt you say this in the first place insead of the usual " is the only thing I have to put because it clearly describes everything", I know hes a striker and we need a striker, and Id be happier if we got him instead of Best, because even as a midfield player I see him more of a goal threat and much more creative as well, Id rather have him ahead of Smith. Because with him in the side I see us being more dangerous than our usual midfield and a striker as Best leading the attack.
  19. I see him more of a goal threat from midfield than Best as a striker in the CCC and PL.
  20. Would f***ing love it. Certainly better than Best. f***ing hell. You lot are fucking arrogant as fuck at times, give me your point of view then.
  21. He has no media hype like our 'very good players' such as Nolan, Smith and Butt.
  22. Would f***ing love it. Certainly better than Best.
  23. Peter Beardsley scored 9 goals in 59 England appearance. Andy Carroll's England record is clearly better. Therefore, his clearly much better than Beardsley. Alan Shearer scored 23 goals in 118 appearances at Southampton. Therefore, Any Carroll and Shearer are almost identically talented. [/Ronaldo] Please think about what you say. If you know f*** all about football then that is fair enough but please stop pretending you do. Carroll is no Shearer, how can there be any comparison and I know thats the point your trying to bring up but Best is a striker who has scored more than Carroll this season in an inferior team, we cant deny that.
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