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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. What the hell is this, we inviting them to score or something
  2. I keep hearing the name Butterfield, where the fuck is our midfield.
  3. Mackems lying in 13th, 3 points from the relegation spots. BRUUUUUUUCIE OOOOOOOOOOOT. Penalty turned down
  4. Fucking hell man, score and end this crap. Why the fuck are we giving them chances
  5. Why? And why's Williamson playing? Thought he supposed to be back up. Their administrators have specifically asked for him not to be played, prized asset.
  6. http://forums.cpfc.org/showthread.php?t=196025 These guys are hilarious.
  7. I'll have to disagree with that, Forest fans are one of the friendliest ive met. Stoke fans are BY FAR the worst ive ever seen.
  8. MOSES NOT PLAYING. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1246513/Crystal-Palace-administrators-ban-Victor-Moses-playing-Newcastle-bid-safeguard-3m-rated-star.html?ITO=1490
  9. Its like having loads of Pokemon cards. Except their all common and unrare.
  10. That's an appalling decision if true. Would LOVE to have him here next season.
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