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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Ameritoon


    Looking into things too much 101
  2. Last year was my first where I set my lineup for at least 70% of the weekends, think I got somewhere around 30 in thee N-O league. Going for 29 this season.
  3. Probably contemplating giving up the cocaine business because moral ambiguity is not worth it.
  4. That was fucking you?!! I fucking saw you on TV, man. (Pretty sure it looked like you! ) It was definitely him.
  5. Well, I don't need anymore confirmation than that.
  6. Odd that we don't move Amalfitano in the middle and Jonas out wide.
  7. Now that I've given it a few minutes...dear lord. This may end up rivaling the radio broadcast from last summer. Wanted to watch it for the novelty, couldn't stomach it though.
  8. Looks like Jonas is fullback. Amalfitano on the wing with Sammy?
  9. Can you try and not mention America or American things for a few days? No he cant http://www.norcalblogs.com/post_scripts/american-eagle-and-flag-ii.jpg
  10. Ameritoon

    MLS 2012

    Yeah but weren't 2 of their goals scored by their DP? As fat and useless as he is renders the point a bit moot. I just mean in terms of the quality of and number of DPs LA get, no team in the league can stop them when all three are on form.
  11. Not sure it will cripple us tactically, we'll have to be a bit more direct with him on the field, but that's not a huge problem as long as it's not relied on frequently. It would just be too awesome to think we sold Carroll, bought a good squad with the money, then got him back. Plus, wouldn't mind seeing him back in the shirt, still have good memories of him.
  12. Ameritoon

    MLS 2012

    They let him have just as much time in the second half too, you'd think he's the one player who gets closed down immediately. Wish he finished off the hat trick. Also, have to feel bad for Portland, they score three and get beat by a bunch of DPs.
  13. Michael Bradley to Roma looks done, finally. Probably the biggest transfer for an outfield American player ever, in terms of where he's going. Unless you count Onyewu to Milan...
  14. Ameritoon

    MLS 2012

    Should be taking the pk
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