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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. I especially mlike how one of them has said . At least some of the Mackems can see the potential.
  2. Have they been smoking a bunch of crack or something?
  3. That was a completely different kind of injury though.
  4. I know that people are a bit worried about Ben Arfa Not being the player he used to be because of the break but a good example to use woul;d be Van Nistelrooy. When Man Utd where fiorst going to buy him didnt he bust his knee in training and injure himself for several months only to come back and be, arguably, ONE of the best players the premiership has had.
  5. This thread will never die. Toonies never say Die!
  6. Check this out. Maybe Invicta_Toon knew more than he was letting on 4 and a bit years ago...... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,31054.msg592441.html#msg592441
  7. I would like to think that we won't get rid of JB especially after 'The Club' have basically stood by him throughout his time here.
  8. How can ppl judge that players are worth keeping/key players based on a couple of games is ridiculous. surely it's just the same as judging players when they are at other clubs ? Players play differently at different clubs. I never try to judge players on the 1st 6 months they are at a club playing (unless they are utter garbage). The biggest factor is that ppl are willing to sign Ben Arfa after a major injury despite NUFC's history with signing players with injury record. The guy has got to play for 3 months properly for me to see whether he would be worth signing. You said Perch was s*** after the Everton game, five games into his Newcastle career. Make your mind up. Read my f***ing post, unless they are utter garbage. Which Perch is. So you made that judgement after five games? Why can't that work the opposite way then, if they're class for five games for example? Or does it just take you six months to decide if somebody is good as opposed to a few games to decide if someone is s***? I've never rated Perch and never will based on what I seen of him last season, pre-season and the first few games he played this season. Also he hasn't had a look-in since Danny Simpson has been back which might show what the management think of him as well. It can work the opposite way, but I've seen plenty of examples of players starting off well and then becoming utter garbage at the end of the season. but you can't say they done well at the start without judging them can you.
  9. 1.5 Fuckin Million. The press really do come out with some shit. One minute you got Mildew saying Barton and Nolan are key to the team, then the next minute some prick comes out with the £1.5 million story. I personally cant see Joey going anywhere. In addition, This club needs to lift the Veil of Secrecy that it seems to have adopted because if they dont shit like this will keep emerging.
  10. I think he did play well last year but so did Perch.................
  11. How about £20 million and RVV, Bale and Crouch? I think Pardew will insist on Crouch being part of the deal just so he can shag his bird.
  12. Cheers for the Heads up about Th e Two Escobars. I watched it last night and it really was good. Even my bird liked it.
  13. Just seen on the local news down here that a Sports Direct 'Megastore' caught fire and suffered a fair bit of damage. Shame.
  14. I dont think that they will take us down. I doubt that any of them will want to go through the same shit that they did before.
  15. Not too Sure if this is the right place for this BUT A polish guy I work with (who looks remarkably like Gollum from LOTR but with 99% less teeth) has just rattled on about how a 'Lot' of the Polish Media are banging on about Newcastle being after Tomasz Kuszczak of Man Utd F(ail)AME. Don't know whether to read too much into it as I am sure he was only waffling on so he could get hold of my ring [insert joke here]
  16. People will make sure that his death is quick and not a prolongued agonisiing one.
  17. ffs man, IT IS PARDEW It wasnt fuckin confirmed at 09:50 so there was no need for that reaction MAN! In addition did you not Notice the big 'IF' ffs!
  18. Its welll known that Charlton fans Hate Pardew, Its only because he is not Alan Curbishley!
  19. £10 million to everyone on here = £10,000,000 £10 million as far as MA is concerned = £2,000,000 and 2 loan signings.
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