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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. From friends I have spoken to (West Ham and Southampton Fans) they have all said that they thought 'Pards' was a better than average manager and did a reasonably good job for them. They all said that he was pretty good with the media and seemed to get the teams playing together BUT they each shared the same oppinion as the guys on the Footie Mad Forums - LOCK UP YOUR WIVES! At the end of the day if he turns out to be a shitter, someone just needs to tell Pards that Andy Carroll's bird was giving him the eye and then let nature run its course. It wouldnt be long before Big Andy knocked him the fuck out.
  2. This thread has made me forget about all the oother threads being posted in right noww and long may it continue.
  3. If you opened your eyes and read, Klinsmann has NOT signed a contract with Toronto, He is Vice President of 'SoccerSolutions' which seems to be Advisors to football clubs. So in FACT Toronto signed a deal with SoccerSolutions to help them build the club NOT with Jurgen Klinsmann.
  4. I see someone has updated Wikipedia to say he is the manager
  5. Just found this whilst scouring the internet looking for ways to get rid of Mike Ashley Permanently. The heading was "Mike Ashleys Manager WishList Leaked" Made me lmao! http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab344/ajt1452/Lager.jpg
  6. Blackpool? or maybe even FC United of Manchester?
  7. I wonder what will happen if Newcastle get relegated under this Chump?
  9. I feel Anger, Sadness and a constant need to smash some people round the face with a hammer and for the first time in my life my ability to support the club is in question. I know it will always be a rollercoaster ride when it comes to NUFC but it is starting to get a bit stupid now. I try to be optimistic but all optimism has left me. If Pardew comes in, I am NOT attending any more games I will just go and wath Gillingham instead.
  10. "I was in the east end making sure no one was selling trackie bottoms cheaper than me when I suddenly realised that I had not fucked about with people lives for a while so whilst I was eating my 3rd portion of Pie and Mash I thought to myself, I know I will buy Newcastle United."
  11. Hughton was close to the players and had a bond, Pardew isn't and therefore will have no qualms with shifting on the big earners in January. With a much smaller wage budget NUFC becomes a more saleable asset. Of course we'll have no decent players, a threadbare squad and be at least one division down come the time of the sale.. but that's how Mike Ashley operates. Stack 'em high, sell 'em cheap. Lets hope He shifts on Smith
  12. "Just a small town boy, born and raised in south Catford"
  13. I do despise you too for mentioning the 'P' word. Golfmag should have done the old Sneezing / Bullshit thing when he heard this info may have led to a change of mind by the board
  14. True madras. This one is a case of wait and see what develops over the next few days/weeks (dare i say it, months)
  15. So that they can put their own man in, Bit like what MA did to Big Sam. Tbf, They're hardly setting the world alight.
  16. You know this thread may not be as pointless / Stupid as it seems. Ashley Sacking Hughton now means Ashley would have to pay any compensation (albeit a small amount) so that the new owners would not.
  17. I expect Newcastle will lose another Match before the end of the season. Now if this comes true that must mean I have the same powers as GolfMag
  18. If Golfmag does work with Ashley why the fuck doesnt someone tell him that if he hires Pardew he is going to have a problem? What News has GolfMag actually broken before anyone else??? (I had not heard his name before today)
  19. The German Don't trust ze Germans
  20. When did Pardews name first get mentioned or is this a classic case of Mountain / Molehill?
  21. Pro-test or Pro-Chris I dont care. Bad move doing any sort of protest. Just get fuckin great banners instead 'Supporting Chris', if you slag of MA of DL you will just look like Dickheads IMO
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