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Everything posted by Froggy

  1. He was only helping him up off the ground like no need to slap him.
  2. If that commentator says "You can't do that" one more time ffs. We fucking know.
  3. LOL. Joey Barton. He loses his head at Gervinho diving then dives from a slap to get him sent off. Mental.
  4. What do you guys think it would honestly take for someone like Arsenal to buy Tiote? Enrique was class and went for 6. A bid of 12m would probably secure Tiote, no?
  5. It's pies now fwiw. I asked for a sandwich last season and they had none. Lovely pie mind.
  6. If Obertan jumps ahead of Jonas in terms of starting, Pardew has lost the plot. Comparing Obertan to Routledge is fair enough, but not to Jonas.
  7. Looks like Obertan trying to go around a defender that.
  8. We could do this all day I just think you probably overate Routledge, how many times have you seen him play in the Premier League? About five or six times I suppose. Matter of opinion until he starts a few games consecutively for you. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does. I'm just convinced it will be horrible. I don't dislike him or anything. If he does well, fair play to the lad. I think I've to drink my own piss as well. Did you make a bet on here like? Just said it on the whim somewhere on this thread. Not sure if someone picked up on it. Nailed on last minute winner this season from him at SD.com@SJP* *
  9. We could do this all day I just think you probably overate Routledge, how many times have you seen him play in the Premier League? About five or six times I suppose. Matter of opinion until he starts a few games consecutively for you. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does. I'm just convinced it will be horrible. I don't dislike him or anything. If he does well, fair play to the lad. I think I've to drink my own piss as well.
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