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Everything posted by geordiemonster

  1. geordiemonster


    We have no ambition. Under the stewardship of Ashley I think we will get some decent young players but make no mistake they will be for sale from the moment they sign, going to the highest bidder and then the whole cycle will begin again.
  2. I don't believe a word of it. I fully expect nice soundbites from Pardew about how he expects to get x number of players in, followed by fuck all and a last minute rush where we sign two or three panic buys. Then a sympathetic media outlet will let slip how nice, benevolent Mike Ashley has kept the club afloat out of the goodness of his heart. Its like a roundabout and until that fat fuck and his slimy, cretinous mate fuck off then we are not gonna be able to get off it.
  3. Sometimes I think he is having a bit of a game with himself to see how far he can push us before we rise up as a mass and say enough is enough. Surely someone who has made that much money from business can't be so fucking stupid.
  4. Most blatant attempt to appease the fans ever. Well it wont work you stupid fat fuck.
  5. He appears to have been deleted from the Sky Sports website
  6. I'm glad he's gone - not necessarily because of the comments he made but because he's a cock.
  7. I don't agree - no player is irreplaceable. Man U had the nearest when they had Ronaldo, but they've coped fine since he left. I'd prefer depth than relying on one player.
  8. Normally by this point in the season you'd expect to have at least one time that was pretty much nailed on to go down. This year there is only 9 points between 7th and 20th!
  9. Agree 100% He was quick and direct and whilst his crossing left a lot to be desired he gave us another angle if we needed to change things.
  10. I'd have been a lot more confident were it not for those two last minute equalisers. I think the threshold for safety this year might be quite high based on how tight the league is at the moment and we still have some very hard games to come.
  11. Haha, I guess this isn't a popular view then I think £30m is an obscene amount for someone who is basically unproven at the highest level. Liverpool only paid about £20m for Torres and he was one of the most highly rated players in the world at the time. Andy Carroll is a good player, but there is no way he is a £30m player based on half a season. Everyone has their price and I think that would be more that acceptable for Carroll. Also I meant to say that one of our major problems is squad depth. We need a strong overall squad, but with plenty of strength in depth to cover suspensions and the like. We don't have that now - we were down to the bare bones yesterday.
  12. In a word, no. What has he done though? He's had one half decent season in the premier league, but I reckon defenders are going to get wise to him next season and he won't be a £30m player then.
  13. To be honest, the more I think about this I reckon we should let him go if Spurs are willing to pay us a ridiculous amount. No denying he has played well this season, but we haven't missed him that much since he was injured. If Spurs came in with say £20m + Kranjcar I think we should snap their hands off. £20m would buy a decent replacement striker.
  14. Jamie O'Hara, but that's simply because I don't know enough about him to make a judgment. I wouldn't have Jenas back to be honest.
  15. When you look at the midfielders Spurs have it just shows the gap between us and them. Gareth Baile Tom Huddlestone Aaron Lennon Jermaine Jenas Rafael Van Der Vart Wilson Palacios Luka Modric Niko Krankjar Jamie O'Hara Stephen Pienar All but two would walk into our squad I reckon.
  16. He played 5 games at Spurs and that was spread over a 3 or 4 year period in which he was loaned out twice. His assists record for us last season, which is more relevant than when he was 19 or 20 years old is one in almost every two games. In the Championship aye. This season, just under 1000 minutes played, 1 assist. So, if Nolan is out of the running for tomorrow, how would you line up in midfield, and who would you have on the bench to come on in midfield and make an impact? Only option I can think is to put Shane Ferguson in there somewhere and hope for the best. Just shows how weak our squad is really.
  17. Inman was born in Australia to an English father, Dave,[1] and a Scottish mother, Lorraine,[1] as the youngest of four children. He began playing soccer at six years old. Inman played for the youth team of the Modbury Jets where he captained the side for two years. His coach said Inman was "an attacking architect, a workaholic in the midfield and [that he] has excellent vision."[2]
  18. Who else have we actually got? According to Wiki - Kazenga Lua Lua (on loan?) - Harris Vuckic - Shane Ferguson - Ryan Donaldson - Bradden Inman (who??)
  19. I'm a bit concerned about this to be honest. Radio tonight said Nolan had been sent home with illness, so I'm not really sure who we have in midfield for tomorrow, other than Barton, Guthrie and Jonas.
  20. You'd have to think we had someone coming in before allowing him to go because we are not exactly the squad with the most depth in the premier league. Then again this is Newcastle under Mike Ashley.
  21. http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/4401/tsarbombalargestnukeeve.jpg
  22. geordiemonster

    Alan Pardew

    I think we'd have beaten Liverpool cos' they were woeful. Not sure about Wigan cos' they were lost without N'zogbia and didn't seem to create anything.
  23. and you've came on here to ask for the answer haven't you ? Nah, I got it wrong 3 times and they blocked my IP
  24. Haha, when I went to register I got the following question: What is 2 + 1? (To prevent spam robots registering) Surprised they have any members at all with questions like that!
  25. dunno bout that, as usual they seem to have a very soft centre, unless that is the one player you are on about. Perhaps two then cos' I think they are lacking a top-class striker in the mold of Berbatov or Drogba
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