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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    The clause fee has never been reported consistently, either £10m or £7.5m depending on the source (it was even reported as £15m at one point..). The only thing that has never changed is the £2.5m to Ba's reps. So it seems we've either received £7.5m or £5m. That Sullivan interview is the only one that's ever mentioned 50% and frankly if you read the comment its pretty odd: Am I missing something or does that sound like gibberish to anyone else? Seems to make sense to me and is how it's been reported... As for the overall fee it's consistently been reported between £7-7.5m... My guess is we got around £3.5-4.5m out of it...
  2. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Personally I never heard that, but never mind. http://www.nufcblog.org/2012/02/dirty-david-sullivan-spills-beans-on-bas-toon-contract-and-ravel-bid/#.UOxQO1wgHCQ AP said as the deal was going through we wouldn't receive the full amount to go towards a replacement...
  3. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    As long as the release clause has been rumoured it was public knowledge we would only receive around half of the fee...
  4. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    I think it was nearer £4.5m for Ba... Apparently we got the lot and Chelsea paid him the £2.5m. No... We got about £4.5m... Ba got £2.5m... Agents got 500k of the initial deal then insisted on another £2m from Chelsea so deal cost Chelsea £9.5+m is what I understand...
  5. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    I think it was nearer £4.5m for Ba...
  6. Anyone know much about Ajax's Jody Lukoki that we are being linked with?...
  7. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Inter Milan sniffing... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2258690/Newcastle-face-competition-Inter-Milan-Loic-Remy.html
  8. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Someone could tweet Barton... I heard he was tweeting earlier saying he was out there...
  9. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    French transfer roundup on H&J on TS 3.30-4pm... If anyone can tune in might get some info as its from their French correspondant...
  10. Interesting that AP was quoted saying he thought the deal would've been done in time for the Brighton game... I thought it was...
  11. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Good call... And there lies the problem... We can't wait until the end of the month...
  12. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    We've got to be careful it doesn't grow too large...
  13. Aubameyang has already played at SJP this season... He looked very handy from what I remember...
  14. To be fair to AP he hasn't had an abundance of options to replace either with...
  15. I might be wrong but i have a feeling that in the situation we are in, buying french is a lot easier than buying anywhere else. Because it's easier to convince them to come because you're be playing with national team mates. I think thats how they are looking at it, France is basically the safety net and we think we can attract frenchies easier than anyone else. That and our wage structure...
  16. Basically he's saying i will defend LFC in anyway possible because no one else in the world cares about me. He also defended Suarez against racism, which after what he went through as a player for England is disgraceful and makes a mockery of issue. He's embarrassing... They all were... The footballing boys network close rank rather than just tell it like it is...
  17. What is John Barnes on about...
  18. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    http://m.skysports.com/article/football//8383119 Maybe the Barton/QPR angle may be of some influence...
  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2257991/Newcastle-target-French-defender-Nicolas-Isimat-Mirin.html
  20. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Out of interest how would people here compare Remy against Sturridge considering the fee if not wages will be similar?...
  21. Juventus beat at home off Sampdoria...
  22. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    My concern with Remy would be if he was to play as an inside forward its the right side that he prefers and i guess we are looking more for the left...
  23. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/pierre-emerick-aubameyang/profil/spieler_58864.html Thanks...
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