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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Thanks... Can't think of a better idea... She got her ticket re-printed... I've told her come full time she'll realise she lost it for a reason...
  2. There was a quote somewhere that AP admitted they (MA DL AP) should've bought one more senior player in the summer but it didn't materialise for one reason or another...
  3. Thanks... Can't think of a better idea...
  4. Thanks for confirming box office closed... I ripped up ticket receipt one I handed tickets over safely... I've an email receipt though so sent them that... None of their names will match the receipt mind!
  5. Bit of a long shot but would appreciate any ideas... Sorted 4 tickets for the NUFC end for a group of friends who are now down in Manchester... Only for them to realise they only have 3 tickets with them and their best guess is the 4th has been shredded with some receipts by mistake a few days earlier... I can't see an easy way round this?... Other than a steward checking the seat 15mins into game and believing their story and allowing the 4th person in? They are two oldish couples so I guess that might help the situation though clutching at straws...
  6. LFEE

    Shola Ameobi

    Says it all about our current squad that the manager is fighting to keep Shola for January... Doesn't bode to well for the transfer window either...
  7. Raymond Verheijen. Was Gary's assistant with Wales and said he (Gary) was having hassle with the old duffers there but was fighting back. Sounded quite sensible actually. Was impressed with him... Wouldn't mind someone of that caliber on our coaching staff...
  8. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    It's the Mirror's Christmas party today so probably just a cut & paste job...
  9. Enjoying this Dutch fella dispelling the myths of the Premier League on the Footballer's Football Show...
  10. LFEE

    Loïc Remy

    Auclair on TS saying deal likely but reckons deal overpriced if £'s with Marseille being happy with €10... Didn't think Debuchy would make move in Jan also...
  11. Hard to make out the print but he's speaking out against the current tactics in this morning's Journal...
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2248107/Zlatan-Ibrahimovic-fails-attend-training-Paris-Saint-Germain.html
  13. You must have missed Napoli taking 15k to Bologna last season I doubt it was that many... Their crowd was only up 6k on its average for that game...
  14. An 11 man Fulham will be a be a better barometer of his progress...
  15. LFEE

    Football pet hates

    The only thing I hate about the Beach Boys is Sloop John B. They didn't write it IIRC...
  16. Why? Deliberate Handball. Jaaskelainen was sent off in 2001 against us for similar thing. Difference is that wasn't a clear goal scoring opportunity...
  17. He doesn't sound keen on switching clubs in January going off his latest quotes...
  18. Hope he doesn't prosper contractually due to our current injury problems...
  19. Hughes Would be an interesting read if it deducted player sales to get a true reflection of money spent...
  20. 2mins on the pitch and Fortune sloppy touch then off his head for goal... Didn't see any reason to make those 2 subs... Similar to when they played us...
  21. It was Chelsea's level of investigation that is the issue... The media were informed by them within less than an hour of game ending and the subsequent statements taken by the FA whilst conducting their investigation of the Chelsea players seem to highlight Chelsea's lack of thouroughness when conducting their own...
  22. All over for Douglas... Anyone see how he played?...
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