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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. So bizarre! Gazza is HT guest...
  2. Am I hearing right?... Man Utd away £55!?...
  3. Hopefully we'll get to see a Tiote Anita Cabaye for a few games and see how it works out...
  4. It was... And probably a handball also...
  5. Still yet to see Anita win a challenge of any sort so hardly showing the characteristics required for a DM in the PL...
  6. Never leave early but of late I've been timing it so by the time I'm near a stairwell the whistle blows... Bloke sitting next to me for the first time said as i got up "You'll miss the winner" to which i responded by pointing out to him the exact part of the ground I'll reach when we do... And sure enough that's how it transpired which lead me to return back so far when he spotted me and we shared a knowing smile...
  7. Don't think he "struggled massively" against him yesterday. When they won at SJP last season Colo was famously "left for dead" and Long did the occasional attempt at repeating that yesterday. Still think Lukaku unsettled us more than any striker has been able to do so far this season. Agree about Long, there was one time where i thought Long got the better of Colo, but Colo got back in position and cut it out...other than that, he wasnt a thread... If Pippo Inzaghi was born offside, then Shane Long has moved and helped raise 3 generations of his family there... I was actually on this thread the other week questioning wether he'd lost another yard of pace or just returning from injury... Ate my words when on numerous occasions he matched and more often than not beat Long to the chase...
  8. Someone's got to make a Gif out of that... (Mancini)
  9. @nufcfans: Captain Colo with his dad #LoveOfMyLife #NUFC http://t.co/smuAG5Uy
  10. Doesn't say much about us... Worrying that we struggled against both these teams at home...
  11. The best NUFC player I've seen play for us since I started following the club in 1982... Better than Waddle... Gazza... Ginola... Tino... Shearer... Robert... And Ben Arfa... Rooney doesn't come close either... Left foot right foot... First touch... Vision... Killer pass... Shooting... Dribbling... Heading... Attitude... Discipline... Leadership... Outragous goals... Free kicks... Penalties... Tackling... Team work... And finally why he's not talked about in the same way as his modern day pretenders he was low profile... The fact he did all this game in game out puts him in my view the best ever NUFC player I've seen...
  12. Just to confirm club are sending tickets not vouchers for those helping or being helped by friends... (Brugge Away)
  13. Too much on the fringes of the game when he plays...
  14. Is it safe to say ESPN will be showing all our group games?...
  15. Just seen the new iMac... Very pretty...
  16. 3 Loses out of 3... Looking like CL journey is over... Struggling in the league a little... Wonder if we will go back in for him in Jan...
  17. We'll need to play better than the last few times down there... Can see us loosing Tbh... We've been very poor this season so far...
  18. Quite a few of the derbies currently being shown on ESPN classic... Might not want to tune into the current one mine...
  19. LFEE


    Nope... Or a publicist etc...
  20. Anyone else think he's lost another yard of pace this season or has he been struggling with an injury all Pre-season?...
  21. LFEE

    Shola Ameobi

    http://twitter.com/69Kazz/status/257972697655541760/photo/1 Just found this on twitter for all you Shola fans...
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