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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    f***'s sake man Missed a sitter at the weekend... lovely chip through by ayew, let's get him instead It was a lovely pass...
  2. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    f***'s sake man Missed a sitter at the weekend...
  3. Real Madrid are ready to offer €10m which is €2m more than the €8m we thought Lille were holding out for? No... Lille were always hoping for €10m but some on here refused to accept it and insisted they only wanted €8m as fact... We'll find out for sure in next few days if the Madrid interest is genuine... Arbeloa has been in decent form of late but Debuchy has very similar qualities to Contrao so would make some sense having them playing either side... Hang on, no-one knows for sure what the official asking price is / was. Both €10m and €8m were quoted in equal doses off various different tabloids. If Real are intrested they could be offering €10m as they know we havnt got a hope in hell of competing with it. Blowing the competition out the water so to speak. True... No one really knows... Probably a case of €8m gets your name in the hat whereas €10m has Lille packing his locker for him... €6m might be get him if no one else wants him... For the optimists... Ben Arfa turned down late interest from RM to join us... Exactly yeh, the €10m offer is one of a club that has the money and wont hang about in bidding an unrejectable offer. Sadly, we're not in that boat. Hopefully Lille will be out of the Champions League this time tomorrow and we can have one last effort from our board to get him. I'm sure I heard Copenhagen will be taking a massive following so hopefully that will spur them on...
  4. VI: Out of interest how much would the fee be or are we just talking a loan?...
  5. Real Madrid are ready to offer €10m which is €2m more than the €8m we thought Lille were holding out for? No... Lille were always hoping for €10m but some on here refused to accept it and insisted they only wanted €8m as fact... We'll find out for sure in next few days if the Madrid interest is genuine... Arbeloa has been in decent form of late but Debuchy has very similar qualities to Contrao so would make some sense having them playing either side... Hang on, no-one knows for sure what the official asking price is / was. Both €10m and €8m were quoted in equal doses off various different tabloids. If Real are intrested they could be offering €10m as they know we havnt got a hope in hell of competing with it. Blowing the competition out the water so to speak. True... No one really knows... Probably a case of €8m gets your name in the hat whereas €10m has Lille packing his locker for him... €6m might be get him if no one else wants him... For the optimists... Ben Arfa turned down late interest from RM to join us...
  6. Real Madrid are ready to offer €10m which is €2m more than the €8m we thought Lille were holding out for? No... Lille were always hoping for €10m but some on here refused to accept it and insisted they only wanted €8m as fact... We'll find out for sure in next few days if the Madrid interest is genuine... Arbeloa has been in decent form of late but Debuchy has very similar qualities to Contrao so would make some sense having them playing either side...
  7. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    F***ing cringe. Really sad how he's just destroyed himself. Absolutely loved him during his last season. Avoided controversy, played with grit and passion, was a real leader, was at the top of his game, and genuinely loved playing for the Toon. Maybe until January then we sold Carroll and his influence slowly diminished again... We got 6-8 good months out of him in 4yr...
  8. Kevin Gameiro or Loic Remy or Zaha
  9. Jason Manford. Think more along the lines of our favourite uncle from Sunderland...
  10. Then he got a big comtract... Then Liverpool came in with even a bigger contract... And the rest is history... Or at least it should be in my eyes...
  11. Oh lord! That's brilliant. It's also a Giggs from earlier in the thread... So I'll ask the same question... Does 4 down not remind you of someone...
  12. This game should of been part of the season ticket... Be lucky to get £25-30k...
  13. LFEE


    Basically Douglas is happy to stay and Twente might need to keep him anyway due to an injury to their other key defender... Seems like our interest is because we could loose Colo... Ruiz didn't want to leave last year but when he did he choose Fulham over us despite us having a helicopter ready if he changed his mind in the 11th hour...
  14. LFEE


    Why? If we sign Douglas and he proves to be a better player then I don't see what would be wrong with that. Tomorrows Journal headline is about Taylor not fearing new signings...
  15. LFEE


    Dave's short version just as good to be honest... You are here › Home › › FC Twente FC Twente would quickly clarity about Douglas FC Twente wants clarity quickly about Douglas Sunday, August 26, 2012-22: 46 ENSCHEDE-Twente wants clarity on Douglas as soon as possible. Tuesday evening the club wants to know whether the Defender departs or remains still a year in Enschede. Douglas says that he would like to remain at FC Twente, he wiil while previously many times left to know to a new club. Fulham had interest, but not according to English sources have indicated to Douglas would club trainer Martin Jol and Bryan Ruiz wanting to relocate. Newcastle United has also already months interest and is an interesting club for the Brazilian Dutchman. If the English club still what does, it should be quick. Twente would not be raided again on the last day with a tranfser. Bryan Ruiz became the last season on August 31, according to President Joop Munsterman still lost a big surprise. A replacement was no longer so fast for hands and that has the club the whole season haunted. The '' Twentsche Courant Tubantia Monday more about Douglas in
  16. LFEE


    Not sure if Giggs but seems he prefers us over Fulham... I think... U bevindt zich hier › Home › FC Twente › FC Twente wil snel duidelijkheid over Douglas FC Twente wil snel duidelijkheid over Douglas zondag, 26 augustus, 2012 - 22:46 ENSCHEDE - FC Twente wil zo snel mogelijk duidelijkheid over Douglas. Dinsdagavond wil de club weten of de verdediger vertrekt of toch nog een jaar in Enschede blijft. Douglas zegt dat hij graag wiil blijven bij FC Twente, terwijl hij eerder vele malen liet weten toe te zijn aan een nieuwe club. Fulham had belangstelling, maar Douglas zou volgens Engelse bronnen hebben aangegeven niet naar de club van trainer Martin Jol en Bryan Ruiz te willen verkassen. Newcastle United heeft ook al maanden belangstelling en is wel een interessante club voor de Braziliaanse Nederlander. Als de Engelse club echter nog wat wil, moet het snel zijn. Twente wil niet weer op de laatste dag worden overvallen met een tranfser. Vorig seizoen raakte het op 31 augustus Bryan Ruiz kwijt, volgens voorzitter Joop Munsterman toch nog een grote verrassing. Een vervanger was destijds niet meer zo snel voor handen en dat heeft de club het hele seizoen achtervolgd. Maandag meer over Douglas in De Twentsche Courant Tubantia Edit: Same old same old after closer inspection other than more likely he will move rather than stay as Twente tempted to cash in now...
  17. Has always struck me as someone who will need service/chances which isn't our strong point... Was hoping for a pacy forward that could spin off and run down the channels more...
  18. Getafe consistently average the poorest crowds in La Liga. Most of their "fans" are bored Real Madrid fans that want to see football the weekends Real Madrid play away. It's a bit of a pity, since they are excellently well run and have been punching above their weight for years. Considering its no more than 15 mile from Madrid that is quite a damming sign of football fans in Spain...
  19. LFEE


    Mental, hasn't Demp said he wants European football? He wanted Champions League football... But when Jol pointed out Liverpool weren't in the CL I think his aspirations became more realistic...
  20. Maybe we should have a banner made up like the one AC Milan have today...
  21. I'm sure that a nobody like Wenger will listen to their sage advice, after all what he ever done compared to their achievements in football......... @CaulkinTheTimes: Wenger: "Tiote is a good player, but he's not on the way to Arsenal." #Afc #Nufc
  22. Yep...not sure if thats him 3 down as well but in an older top...
  23. So Tevez COULD speak English all along...
  24. Weirdos Not reckon 4 down reminds you of someone...
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