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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Thats PP AJ and BZ that Fulham have let go since January... Wonder who they have in mind to fill the gap... Maybe Jol himself could fancy trying to tempt Luuk De Jong...
  2. How long does he have left on his contract?...
  3. I can see Blanc re-signing for France for 2 more year...
  4. AP said today things will start happening after 5th July...
  5. LFEE

    The England Thread

    So baring in mind the players who asked not to be selected and the injuries the original squad has sustained what would your first 11 be HTT?...
  6. LFEE

    Rangers Newco

    Already sold to Green...
  7. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I see a few links to Chelsea for £18m beginning to surface... Can't see why they would need him with Hazard and Mata...
  8. Laurent Blanc might be worth a punt...
  9. Is it just me who thinks Chelsea have been lacking a quality RB for a good few year... Also there will be the Hazard angle now... Ivanovic? i suppose it is possible if they sold Ivanovic but i cant see them going for any RB unless Ivanovic is sold. He's done well filling but i was thinking that they haven't really got a natural RB on there books... Until recently they had 3 international LB's and half a dozen CB's...
  10. LFEE

    Fraser Forster

    Not quite but should know one way or another by the weekend...
  11. Is it just me who thinks Chelsea have been lacking a quality RB for a good few year... Also there will be the Hazard angle now...
  12. LFEE

    Rangers Newco

    I can see them being out of football for a year such is the mess and time restraints for apply for a league position...
  13. LFEE

    Rangers Newco

    Will be interesting to see if the players show loyalty and allow their contracts to stand with the NEWCO...
  14. Better than Matchday 2 & Kick Off 2?...
  15. Still mildly irritated by our lazy performance that day. Stroll in the park for Everton. Yeah me to... Couldn't understand the mentality of the team that day considering what was (albeit a long shot) at stake...
  16. Couldn't of put it better myself... The amount of times I've said exactly the same to friends, family and fellow fans doesn't bare thinking about... I think due to AP and DL's quite open and honest approach about our current standing in the footballing food chain leads too many of our fans to think players will be sold when any old bid is received...
  17. £5M-£7M spent on a replacement for Guthrie seems just very strange though. Yeah i think Amalfitano is Guthrie's replacement..... this is more a quality addition to the squad that can play DM and in both fullback positions. Disagree from what little i've seen of both... Amalfitano appears more of an attacking midfielder so replaces Lovenkrands for me whereas Anita seems to player deeper... Either way they both look like technical upgrades... Are you seriously suggesting Anita would be a Guthrie replacement as in a mere squad player for us? Why would he leave Ajax where he is a guaranteed starter and in the CL to sit on our bench? Also, can't see us spending >10m on a "Guthrie replacement". No... I'm talking basic like for like style replacements to our squad... Not sure where he would fit into first eleven considering the positions he plays are currently held by our better players... Maybe more competition for Jonas and to rotate with Tiote/Cabaye when unavailable... As for a £10m fee I can't see it myself...
  18. It'll go well for a while but then the usual/inevitable thing will happen. That is, once things go wrong or once Chelsea go on a bad run of form, Abramovich will have a few (angry) words. I'll give Di Matteo, at most, a season and a half. Maybe Abramovich is only looking for someone to keep the seat warm for 12 months before seducing Pep...
  19. £5M-£7M spent on a replacement for Guthrie seems just very strange though. Yeah i think Amalfitano is Guthrie's replacement..... this is more a quality addition to the squad that can play DM and in both fullback positions. Disagree from what little i've seen of both... Amalfitano appears more of an attacking midfielder so replaces Lovenkrands for me whereas Anita seems to player deeper... Either way they both look like technical upgrades...
  20. Was impressed with Jelavic when we went down to Goodison... Caused us all sorts of problems...
  21. Think the whistle in crowd played a part there...
  22. Guthrie's replacement sorted if this happens...
  23. LFEE

    Graham Carr

    What has he said that you're not keen on? It's more the whole hype surrounding our scouting system... Which kind of goes against everything how it worked this year... Every time I listen to TS 5Live or Sky and NUFC is mentioned so is GC... I honestly think anyone on here or in the media would struggle to name the chief scouts from the other teams in the PL... Basically I feel all this crowing will make the selling clubs & agents just that little more smarter this summer... He's doing a great job but rather he wasn't seen nor heard... Just keep his head down and keep doing the great job he has so far...
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