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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE


    He's a major upgrade on Bruce... He'll have some sort of plan... It was never clear to me what Bruce was trying to do with their squad...
  2. The club said they'd work with the family to come up with a fitting tribute... So I would say its safe to pressume it's what she ask for...
  3. Thanks both of you... Still got my fingers crossed for him out of all the names we've been linked with... Good to hear he is maintaining the form of last season...
  4. How's Cisse playing this season?... Not caught much of the German league this time round...
  5. On a similar note the satellite signal for the 2nd half made the pictures stutter every 10 seconds... Went from HBA's run... Pub thinking what's he give!?... Pause... Corner?...Pause... Penalty!?... Pause... Linesman/Ref bottling it... Pause... Ba putting ball on the spot!... Pause... Run up to shoot... Pause......... Ba kissing turf and bedlam breaking out in the bar... Made for great drama...
  6. We'd only need an understudy... Santon is the future Right Back... It's a Left Back we'll be looking at next along with a forward...
  7. That'll scare him. And the rest of us. Jokes aside its no coincidence that Simpson got the shock of his life when it was him who gave way for Santon against Spurs late on... You could tell by the look on his face coming off... It's also lead to his form improving greatly since that game to be fair...
  8. Lack of options? No matter who we put there, it's going to be a case of square peg/round hole since we have no natural right wingers fit. Pardew will look for maximum defensive-protection, so it will be between Santon, Guthrie and Gosling I think - can't see Ben Arfa getting a look in as he doesn't have the work-rate to play that role. Out of the three, Santon would be the most sensible option since he's a natural wide player. Fair enough, just wondered if it was something Pardew had hinted at. I'll be very surprised if it is Santon tbh. Also Santon started his career at right wing and is apparently competent and has played in all wide positions. Santon would make a better right midfielder than left back in a game like this and would be my only change if Obertan and Tiote are still injured... He will solidify the right flank making sure Simpson is not over exposed and hopefully still pose a threat to Cliche by hugging the touchline more... When Gosling and Gutherie have played in that position in the past they look like fish out of water and drift inside... Also I'm sticking to my believe that if Santon is to ever play as full back for us over a concerted period of time it must be on the right... Ironically there is some YT footage of Santon playing against Man City only a month or so before signing for us and he played left back... But the footage simply highlights the problem of playing him on the left with regards to our defensive shape as he is so right footed he was shown up blind alleys or had to cut inside... So you are therefore just limiting him to just defending which seems a waste... He's looked at his best when playing on right late on against both Spurs and Blackburn but struggled when played on the left which is where he started against Blackburn...
  9. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Here's your answer... http://www.wordmagazine.co.uk/content/how-virgin-records-became-oz-records
  10. LFEE

    St James' Park

    No doubt... Put yourself in their shoes...
  11. Yep... Or at best the ability to at least stop it coming straight back and get the odd foul... We'll get swamped if we play with just one target man...
  12. LFEE

    St James' Park

    With Chelsea being live on Sky I can imagine they will be pulling out all the stop over the next couple of weeks... Only time will tell... Man Utd is live Jan 4th... Must be tempting for them...
  13. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Will be interesting keeping an eye out at the ground as there is quite a significant amount of NR branding about which is where they will start first I guess... That and the post match interview backdrop... Might get a good indication about the strips from there...
  14. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Hope you're right... Though things like this are the main reason i treat myself to a retro top rather than the official shirts...
  15. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Just posed the question of our shirt sponsorship to a mate who works for NR and she reckons' that VM are looking to start the rebranding ASAP with the likelihood of the shirts being changed from Jan 1st... Nothing official I may add... Just the general feeling within NR...
  16. There's a pub called The Joe King Arms near the station mate. Too obvious... But nice try!
  17. Can anyone recommend a bar in Glasgow with the appropriate channels showing the Man City game please?... Away this weekend for the Okkervil River gig...
  18. Can anyone recommend a bar in Glasgow with the appropriate channels showing the Man City game please?... Away this weekend for the Okkervil River gig...
  19. Any precedent on what the suspension length would be if found guilty?...
  20. That's how I would go with the personnel available...
  21. Looking at my post above and listening to AP on TalkSport this morning... Which way do you think the board are thinking now regarding Maiga due to our great start to the season?...
  22. Would definitely have him over Gervinho and Erdinc like. I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, but do you want Carlton before Maiga? Sorry... You seem to of picked up what i was getting up wrong... I'll try and be as concise as i can... (Though re-reading i realised i haven't again!) From what I've seen when he's been playing internationals I didn't see anything that really blew me away though to be fair the pitches weren't possibly not suited to him(?)... I also believe the more desperate we got in the summer to fill the number 9 shirt the further down the list of targets we got... With him at best being 3rd or 4th but more than likely 5th... Since then we are performing beyond everyones expectations... And I include owners and management in that... So I feel the club has a dilemma... Restart search as we are in a greater bargaining position theoretically and aim higher... Or revert to type and go along the purely value for money route... In my opinion they are thinking the later rather than the former so i was making the comparison on relative value that if Carlton Cole became available at overall smaller cost I wouldn't be surprised him being considered... Which i know is frightening... But if the logic is Maiga (Now at £8m than the original £5m) over Cisse at an estimated £10-12... Then surely this logic applies lower down the scale... And the difference in quality not the biggest... It's like the Cissokho was number one target but a poorer Pieters was deemed adequate and now that we are doing well the management are talking up Taylor as performing better than Jose and might make do... I was never expecting or calling for a trophy signing... I just feel this is THE key signing/addition to push the team forward and was hoping we would push the boat out for one of Carr's higher choices... I.E. Cisse...
  23. Still waiting for you to explain where all this footage is? I've not got a clue about the player, would like a look myself. I have a few Nigerian friends who I watch football with... Seen some games via them... Not saying he's a bad player... And I do trust Carr... All I'm saying is I don't see the obvious upgrade from what we've got already... I.E. Ba being our current centre forward alongside one... AP said they list their targets and start at the top and work down the list rarely going lower than third choice... I just feel after Gamerio Gerviniho Erdinc and Cisse this lad has got 5th choice written all over him... Maybe I'm wrong but dare I say as I'm not a fan of his that if Carlton Cole was going on a free with sensible wages attached then the board would have a decision to make... As if value for money comes before everything else... Maybe we will cast the net out further if still flying high come January...
  24. Eh...... Seem to remember pointing out Santon is a right back despite everyone else including the club stating they had bought a new left back... Happy to stick my neck out on that one come next season... Still waiting for someone to point out what this lad has got that we haven't already? Thought Erdinc was the better option personally... Would of give us something different as more of a Bellamy type forward...
  25. I'd like to think after watching the game for 30 year I can spot a player... Just don't see the upgrade from what we already have... What do you see different in him?...
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