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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. I think we need to increase the size of this thread beyond that of the Pieters one... Trailing six pages behind... Will feel a bit more positive for some reason!... Team Cissokho!
  2. Played the full game but only caught the last 10mins... Didn't join in with the late goal celebrations even though it was a big one... Not sure you can read much into that... But hey... We're football fans...
  3. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    Would of been nice to get a fee... But probably for the best in the long run... Been here 4yrs... In one word... Overrated...
  4. Might watch him in action tonight... I guess we want Lyon knocked out to increase their money troubles... Making them more willing sellers and possibly decreasing the asking price... However if they qualify for the CL I've a feeling we'll go for Pieters sadly...
  5. LFEE

    Erik Pieters

    This lad's got false economy written all over him (cue photoshop reply)... Hope we push the boat out a little further and get the deal done with Lyon...
  6. People here forgetting how poorly we are playing and what happened the last time we rolled up at Scunthorpe... Wouldn't want us to be making anymore than a 2-3 changes if any...
  7. LFEE

    Erik Pieters

    Can he play elsewhere in the back four?... Would be my 2nd choice LB from what I've saw of him compared to our other targets...
  8. Spot on to be fair... From my seat in the stand we were woefull 1st half and apart from a 15 minute spell in the 2nd half from which we scored we weren't much better in the 2nd half... Sunderland not much better... Will need to improve against Fulham if we want to take more than a point... Can't see many goals in the team at all... Don't let a derby win cover the cracks...
  9. LFEE

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Out of all (the few) names mentioned I would happiest with him... Could see him being a better fit from what I've seen of him... Think he would thrive on our fans...
  10. Had to take a penalty against him at a 5-A-Side tournament a couple of years back... He really filled the goal... And that was before the buffet!...
  11. Still suffering a little from blisters perhaps...
  12. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    Arsenal are appealing the red card...
  13. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    We've already signed his replacement, so no worries. Not according to today's press conference... For what it's worth AP did say today that if Barton does decide he wants to leave they will have to bring in a replacement as good as if not better...
  14. How much were the SAFC v NUFC tickets for next week?
  15. LFEE

    Football pet hates

    Presenters like Keys and Gray asking almost rhetorical questions to dim witted football players and managers instead of posing a brief simple and on occasions searching question to allow/force the guest to actually have to think of answer for themselves...
  16. LFEE


    Doubt Depor will be paying the full £50k... Guessing £20k max... They are skint and that was before they got relegated...
  17. LFEE


    Nope... Wise & Co.
  18. LFEE

    Alan Smith

    Can't see where Bates is having a go at NUFC?... Just looks like the facts with a bit of player agent encouragement via easily influenced journalist looking for a story putting the usual spin on things... Bates doesn't once state we are being unreasonable... Not sure why I'm defending him... Guess the journalist got the reaction he was looking for judging by all the mis-judged comments...
  19. Not really... Iirc his agent put the request in a few minutes after the transfer window closing much to the amusement of the media... Hope he turns out to be a bit brighter than his agent...
  20. LFEE

    Football pet hates

    The over hyping of players by pundits using the phrase "he's a top top player" which has lead to the extra hype by some pundits now reverting to "he's a top top top player"...
  21. River Plate survive relagation... What a surprise... :-/
  22. Looking like Forest could be leading the race now...
  23. LFEE

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    It was a different French journalist - Xavier Rivoire (I think) but how gushing was he about Cabaye. If he is half as good as he said, we will have one helluva a player. Happy to stand corrected... Good to hear both them singing Cabaye's praises all be it a little over the top today I'm guessing... What did he say about Cabaye? Listen from 3:30 http://www.talksport.co.uk/radio/hawksbee-and-jacobs/blog/2011-07-22/rivoire-taarabt-deal-psg-still-cards And for those using Apple products... Hard to pick it all up as the journalist was very excitable at some points... With regards to his footballing ability he raved about his passing and dribbling and made a few comparisons with Messi which he knew as soon as he said that he didn't mean so literally but on the other hand didn't want them taken as throwaway remarks... If that makes any sense?... Intelligent and creative but not physical and good enough to grace the current top four... Man Utd and Chelsea weren't interested... Arsenal were concentrating on signing Gerviniho and Liverpool running short of money... Revealed during an interview with this journalist a soft spot for Newcastle after watching us under KK's first spell saying "They made us dream..." when watching Ginola and Tino etc... and also discussed the passion of the Geordie fans which he wanted to experience and convinced him to sign and give it his best shot... If you can track the interview down it's worth a listen... The tail end of it really got my blood pumping in a daft way... Got the feeling this lad knows what we are all about and he's not come just to pick up his salary... Can see him dovetailing nicely with Tiote and Ben Arfa... Sorry... Finding it quite hard to convey... Maybe others who heard it will make a better job of it!
  24. LFEE

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    It was a different French journalist - Xavier Rivoire (I think) but how gushing was he about Cabaye. If he is half as good as he said, we will have one helluva a player. Happy to stand corrected... Good to hear both them singing Cabaye's praises all be it a little over the top today I'm guessing...
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