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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. We'd have certainly given it a go, that's for sure. Imagine if the board hadn't have screwed up the Modric deal as well. Yep... Sat in the hotel only to disappear for a bigger wage deal... Maybe that would of swung Woodgate re-signing though... Every cloud has a silver lining i guess...
  2. LFEE


    Sean St Ledger & Michael McIntyre... Feel free anyone to post pics... Not got the hang off it via my phone...
  3. I agree... Nothing against positivity... I just wonder what people are seeing that I'm not this season... Can't think of us creating many chances from open play in all 3 games... Cabaye against Arsenal... Gosling against Sunderland and the two converted along with Ba off the bar... Plenty of grit and determination though which we'll need down there...
  4. Mmm... The same s*** team who got a great 1-0 win at Everton and have since been took over by a new owner and have signed Barton SWP and Ferdinand... Not saying they are worldbeaters but let's not get carried away... Classic NUFC banana skin awaiting us in front of the watching millions... I think we need to remember that despite the results we have been over run for large periods in all 4 games this season... Those two are f***ing rank I presume you are predicting a comfortable away win then?...
  5. Mmm... The same s*** team who got a great 1-0 win at Everton and have since been took over by a new owner and have signed Barton SWP and Ferdinand... Not saying they are worldbeaters but let's not get carried away... Classic NUFC banana skin awaiting us in front of the watching millions... I think we need to remember that despite the results we have been over run for large periods in all 4 games this season...
  6. Dyer thought he was a lot of things... Doesn't always make it so... He looks far more comfortable and effective on the right than he does left the times I've seen him... I took it as a more, "I'll play anywhere for the team" type quote. Possibly was but looked like it was being highlighted on here to confirm he's two footed and as good a LB as RB... IMO he's not... Looking forward to see how he gets on... Very athletic and will assist aerially at the back with his height...
  7. Dyer thought he was a lot of things... Doesn't always make it so... He looks far more comfortable and effective on the right than he does left the times I've seen him...
  8. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Not questioning any of this myself... But these are his biggest two injuries to date for a player that is stats will bare out rarely plays 40 games a season for one reason or another in the first place... There are bound to be question marks whether he returns the player most of us know he is... I'm hopeful but only time will tell... HBA's signing was the most excited I've been since Shearer and Ginola previously... It's just a shame the way it's turn out for us and him so far... Fingers crossed...
  9. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What a chilling thought... But it's bound to be a little concerning until he strings some appearances together... Fingers crossed he hasn't lost his acceleration as without it he'll struggle in the same way Owen did to a degree...
  10. Unfortunately where we are at we need someone to hit the ground running... Hope people don't expect too much from the lad... Especially when playing out of position at LB...
  11. I think they've imalgamated the questions provided in places so the end result being they are a little more open to interpretation... Just going off the 10 I sent in I can see they are trying to cover all the main bases... Hope they don't readily accept the bland responses that many are predicting... I do sense a mood change of late with the local press... The journalists seem to have their finger a little more on the pulse with the general mood... Probably down to Twitter and greater forum trolling... Could never see Gibson or Oliver being the sharpest on the technological front...
  12. Credit to Collymore tonight... Spot on about diving with regards to contact... Couldn't believe what I was hearing when some pundits the following day said the Gerviniho and Richardson incidents involving Tiote were penalties... I really worry what modern pros and fans think are fouls and handballs...
  13. I wasn't disagreeing... But as Raylor offers more of a goal threat and scoring goals from open play is our major problem then this in my eyes gives Raylor the edge overall...
  14. LFEE

    Bryan Ruiz

    Yes... knowing the odds of the deal going through on the old terms or even improved terms are still stacked in their favour...
  15. LFEE

    Bryan Ruiz

    Why would the agent say he's still deciding between the two though? Simple... Get a little more for his client last minute from the Fulham end...
  16. agree, personally have no problem with us upgrading simpson. it might actually be foolish to give him a new contract at this point. if you look at out strongest 11 on paper he's clearly the weak link imo Santon should be our first choice RB from what i've seen of him... We should be addressing the left back spot in January... In the meantime I'd be tempted to swap Raylor for Simpson so he is on his natural side and would perhaps close the slight gap that lies between them both defensively but giving us a much greater gold threat at set pieces... Therefore giving Raylor the overall edge...
  17. He's not 2 footed... His left looks weak and he uses his right as much as possible...
  18. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    He's French, He's class, You'd let him shag your lass, Yohan Cabaye, Yohan Cabaye! Drop the Yohan and that could work... Think the old Albert song has the one caught on the most... It fits perfect mate with the full name! Really?... Think it would fit better finishing with "Cab-ay-eee..." x2
  19. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    He's French, He's class, You'd let him shag your lass, Yohan Cabaye, Yohan Cabaye! Drop the Yohan and that could work... Think the old Albert song has the one caught on the most...
  20. Di Canio on SSN... Telling it as it is about Clarke... Funny...
  21. When someone has the money and intent to buy... As proved previously... Not as many people around that we'd like to think...
  22. LFEE

    St James' Park

    Funny you should say that... My old man quipped at the Fulham match that he was having one long last look at the corner flags before MA put them on e-Bay...
  23. LFEE

    Bryan Ruiz

    Wonder if we are the mystery club who bid £9m for Jelovic at Rangers last minute...
  24. Defensive cover... Nothing more I'd guess... Maybe Ranger in a swap...
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