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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I was also there... Ben Arfa unfortunately played like he was the one at home listening to it on the radio...
  2. LFEE

    Danny Guthrie

    LoL... Just noticed in other thread that it was Cabaye!... I was in the back row but could of sworn it was DG... Thought YC walked away from it... Ok he looses a mark! I'm tired... Was a long drive not helped by the diversions at Catterick...
  3. The team missed him badly tonight...
  4. LFEE

    Danny Guthrie

    One of the better performers tonight... 2 great goals and great set-piece delivery... Good squad player...
  5. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Big fan of his but he was poor tonight... Like the Blackburn fans I kept forgetting he was there... Did nothing... A real step back for him...
  6. He wasn't great... But then none of the back four were tonight...
  7. He wasn't great... Certainly not a left back... Improved when switched to right back... Best I could say is a steady-ish full debut...
  8. For anyone wondering how bad we are playing... It's as bad as Leeds Pre-season... The crowd imbalance is working against us... Always a bad sign when Perch is one of the few who could amerge with some credit...
  9. The people (JH) who have paid for this service will be well and truly miffed at this. I'm disgusted! They should have offered this service to friends of current subscribers! f***ing fuming It would be still wrong, people would have paid £20 for those few video's and now people are getting them for free, not on. What's this about JH? See the last several pages of the season ticket thread...
  10. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    I see Cabaye more as an Observer or FT Weekend man. I agree!... But you know where I'm coming from...
  11. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Maybe when Cabaye reads this he will learn more about the professionalism or lack of it when it comes to the national media... Let's stick to doing our talking on the pitch...
  12. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    I hope you are not claiming me a fair-weather fan? I think you'll find most of them now down to the local with the Greek channels with no need to return... Others returning are doing so because they will want to be there but struggle to pay for a full season but miss the match day experience, craic with their family/mates... See you all down at Blackburn... Was only trolling. Nee bother... All good craic...
  13. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    But they are only allowed to do that if YOU allow them being the season ticket holder paying "full" price... The club is actually rewarding YOU!... If you don't want any of your friends or family to benefit you simply don't offer to get a 2nd season ticket... People need to be thinking of the deal more down the 2 season tickets for £700 line.... There is no £200 15 game season ticket available to anyone without the other... If there was then I would sympathise with those not happy... But i really think people are missing the point here...
  14. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Yeah, I'm pay £550 whilst someone in the same area will be paying £200. Lord knows why I'm not happy, need to get a grip really... are you gonna ask for a partial refund on your tv when the price drops on that as well? You not read a single one of my posts in here? Thought not. Just out of interest and to keep it lighthearted... How much did you pay for FIFA12 and how long have you been buying FIFA for?...
  15. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    I can only except that point if ANYONE could buy one... But like i've stated several times... It can only be purchased by You!... Not me!... So you choose if you want to subsidise anyone... As my family or friends would have to make that decision... Family and friends who may already be paying more for than you for the same experience at the same time...
  16. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    I hope you are not claiming me a fair-weather fan? I think you'll find most of them now down to the local with the Greek channels with no need to return... Others returning are doing so because they will want to be there but struggle to pay for a full season but miss the match day experience, craic with their family/mates... See you all down at Blackburn...
  17. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Eh... I don't see it that way... Sorry... Don't see the parallel at all.. Apples & Pears maybe? Same product, same time, completely different prices. Nope.... 5 League games have passed... so not the same time... A total exaggeration in fact... It's nothing new either... My seat is Gallowgate mid-tier (£550 approx)... Someone else is watching the same game yards away paying more and always have done as they are side on of the pitch ... You pay your money and take your choices... Be it for game by game...1yr 3yr 10yr...Different stands.... all for the same product... vastly different prices... Even when queuing Saturday for a mate to get them a cash ticket... £27...£33...etc...
  18. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Eh... I don't see it that way... Sorry... Don't see the parallel at all.. Apples & Pears maybe?
  19. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Yeah, I'm pay £550 whilst someone in the same area will be paying £200. Lord knows why I'm not happy, need to get a grip really... See my reply above...
  20. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Bollocks man Why is that bollocks? Some ST holders will use the offer to make £50 towards Christmas. Some ST holders will use the offer to help out a friend or family member (see IP's Dad). Some ST holders will not have a need to use the offer; it won't cost them anything else, they'll hopefully enjoy the busier atmosphere, the team they support will hopefully benefit from the greater support. As the offer is only available to ST holders, then every additional ST purchased through the scheme is rewarding the loyalty of a Season Ticket holder in some way. Exactly... I do worry about peoples selfish attitudes today... Especially towards family and mates who this is aimed at... If you don't want someone to benefit from this scheme it is in your hands... If others want to help their family and friends it is their choice and has no impact on you other than probably giving you a better match day experience and might even help the team on the pitch a little... Take my case for example... Been going to the match since 1982 and hardly missed a home game from 1992 until we appointed Fat Sam in charge in which my financial position changed and have sold my season ticket at face value ever since to mate so he can sit with his wife... Leaving me to pick up the odd home game and my usual half dozen away trips per season... This deal has got me thinking I may forgo the pub and pint of shandy and return to the full match experience if I can scrape £200 together... My dad brother and several mates in the same row would welcome me back... Can't see the negative impact on those against it? No different to some seats being one price and others yards away a lower price... And if anyone is asking... No i wouldn't ask people for £50 commission etc. or expect a pint every match... It's just what mates or family do for each other isn't it?
  21. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    People complaining on here missing the point... Only they can buy the season tickets at this discounted price... No one else... Great deal all round... Just got to do your own negotiating with whoever you buy the ticket for...
  22. Wonder if any of our new signings are watching the Stoke game... We'll do well to get anything that night... Great test for us...
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