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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Yeah but they can regulate themselves šŸ¤¦šŸ»
  2. Nah those Canadians are like a missing link between us Brits and them there Spams. We view Canadians as Americans with a sense of humour and our American cousins view them as Brits with good teeth
  3. You realise thatā€™s a tweet from the end of April donā€™t you?
  4. It was also reported that Chelsea needed to do the same and then quickly retracted. The truth is no-one outside of the club actually knows our PSR situation. As I said yesterday, this time of year is always silly season for the media, with them having to find angles to fill column inches when no club football is being played. When it was in the chronicle or the pink 30 years ago people didnā€™t pay it too much heed, now itā€™s online with even more space to fill, people want to take every story as gospel. I donā€™t get the hysteria and angst over stuff which hasnā€™t happened yet, save that energy for after something happens maybe šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
  5. How do we know that this is actually the case? Has this kid actually sold yet? I mean thereā€™s putting 2&2 together and coming up with 5, and then thereā€™s whatever the hell large portions of this thread consist of.
  6. Because a large proportion of outlay/loss incurred during Ashley's last summer and our First January window drops off from the 3 year rolling period, plus the club is expected to announce multiple new sponsorships relating to training kit etc? this stuff has been talked to death since the takeover, why do some still not get how it works?
  7. Maybe just spent too long in Scotland in general. The sectarian bullshit is prevalent everywhere sadly
  8. The anti-catholic bias remains strong since the reformation šŸ˜‚
  9. I mustā€™ve imagined us getting a top 4 finish with a weaker squad then? Honestly reading the posts on here is almost enough to make me believe in the validity of the BPD diagnosis (Only just for fellow MH professionals)
  10. Unless my memory is failing me they all also speculated that Slot wanted him at Liverpool about 2 weeks ago too. Itā€™s almost as if itā€™s some on here's first close season. Try to ignore the noise until something is confirmed either way, otherwise itā€™s an awful lot of emotional disregulation over nothing
  11. This! Remember Forest paid that for our version of Chris Wood after he couldnā€™t score in a brothel for 18 months.
  12. All of which are quoting the Edward's article
  13. Fuck me this place sometimes, itā€™s an article from Luke Edwards, letā€™s wait until things play out, if indeed they do at all before losing our collective shit. I mean how did Barella play for us last season after all?
  14. We are being over-run in midfield. Iā€™m really glad we are playing a long ball right back in the middle of the pitch again. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
  15. I doubt it given heā€™s asked to leave and signed a contract with non-compete clauses. If anything we would potentially have grounds to sack him given his misdemeanours. I suspect the only reason we havenā€™t is because it suits us currently
  16. If we're talking favourite German players, Iā€™ll have to show my age and say Matthias Sammer. The guy was an absolute machine for Dortmund and Germany back in the mid 90ā€™s
  17. Italy: Donadoni France: Kante Spain: Iniesta Holland: Van Basten Brazil: R9 Argentina: Maradona (86 QF excepted šŸ˜‚)
  18. Wonder if Portugal will continue to be as utterly detestable when fake Ronaldo finally retires in a narcissistic implosion?
  19. They werenā€™t even particularly good crosses, just looping balls from deep. They were made to look good by a bang in form Andy Carroll. The grifting cunt spent longer in jail or suspended for violent conduct than he managed on the pitch for us.
  20. Kante is still a phenomenal player on tonightā€™s showing šŸ‘
  21. Is it Lee Dixon on co-comms? Him constantly complaining about soft fouls, the cunt hasnā€™t played for over 25 years, his standard tackle would see you locked up for assault these days the absolute weapon
  22. Makes you wonder just how toxic that Man Utd dressing room must be given how well Ragnick has Austria playing here like
  23. Just knew the cheese eating surrender monkeys were going to score when that corner was somehow missed
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