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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Is that not just due to Cabaye doing the Tiote style donkey work though?
  2. It's like watching Peter N'dluv or whatever he was called, I don't think I've seen him lift his head up once when he's been in possession and as a result has run into blind alleys and conceded possession easily. Don't even get me started on the lack of work tracking back. pathetic. why start Sameobi at the Council House but not at St James'?
  3. What on earth made him think going 433 against Chelsea was a good idea?
  4. Yep. Really don't think people understand quite how important this guy is. Some very strange comments in here. I think most people know how good and important he is, however we are well aware of what our ownership will do if presented with a suitably high bid.
  5. This is what suprises me about the Tiote link, wouldn't the other clubs just go for Diame as he'd cost significantly less than Tiote who wouldn't be a guaranteed starter at Chelsea when everyone is fit
  6. I wouldn't be against this on the premise we actually bring someone else in before the sale goes through. There are others who can do the job he does out there, if the club are playing similar games to what they did with Carroll last year I just hope they actually have a replacement lined up.
  7. That is only the adverts on the outside, I'm not sure they need anything for the St James' Park signs. Well the Ricoh is having to be referred to as the City of Coventry Stadium during the Olympics, so maybe a temporary sign will have to be made
  8. wtf? To quote a well known website Damn You Apple Autocorrect
  9. The naming rights have been available for ages man, no one is interested it's simply a ruse to get more Sports Direct advertising. Wouldn't be surprised if its used as a tax dodge on advertising costs too.
  10. I think he was beingedantic as you'll have Heard it called the Sports Direct Arena not stadium
  11. Pretty sure Cabaye can't be sold until the summer, doubt even Fat Mike would be daft enough to sell both of them in the same window.
  12. And sarcastically cheering him is going to inspire him to play better? Fucks sake some people wonder why we get called fickle by other sets of fans. Discuss who was crap in the bar afterwards, but cheer the 11 on the pitch regardless surely?
  13. Think he'd be an Ideal impact sub personally. Yes he was poor in places today but I think people are conveniently forgetting a few of the great runs he did early on in the game. Particularly the one where he flashed the ball across the 6 yard box where Ba and Best were caught on their heals. Certainly not a write off but I think it would be unwise to continue starting him given the way Marveaux has played when given an opportunity
  14. I am starting to think he has compromising photos of Pardew at the minute as he's been the obvious person to take off in the closing stages of the last two games. If I were Marveux I'd be wondering what I had to do to get a start at the minute
  15. Whilst I see what certain people are saying about it being early in the season I'd say we've been saying the same thing since Pardew took over, it has to be to his and the players credit that since he took over nearly a year ago we haven't really had a run of poor results. The odd one or two here or there but fingers crossed no big post Christmas Bruce style slump.
  16. Can't remember Carl Cort being clapped off the pitch by Barca fans in the Nou Camp during a Champions League game!
  17. he didn't play, what does that prove? That they had the option of playing him, something Wenger hasn't had since he signed for Man City 'durr'
  18. You do remember that Arsenal weren't as weak against us as they were in subsequent games, it was against us that Song and Gervinho picked up their bans and Nasri hadn't yet departed either. Also how the hell can an away derby be classed as an easy game?
  19. Yup coupled with Gilks having the game of his life/C****** and Nolan seemingly incapable of hitting a shot with any real power.
  20. Disagreed there. Showed a disappointing lack of that. In any case, as said, any of Keegan2's qualities were irrelevant given that he had no intention on imparting them on the team. Eh? I'm sure he wanted to but there were 'just a few' mitigating circumstances preventing him from doing so.
  21. I find it particularly amusing that one retard is basing his argument on Ben Arfa getting hauled off in the Blackpool game. Now forgive me for having a slightly different memory of that day it being part of a 600 mile round trip. Ben Arfa was a 72 minute sub for Jonas in that game and as a result I don't remember seeing him hauled off.
  22. Funny that as my main memory of the lad was his eagerness to get forward and even have a crack from outside the box. Was unlucky not to score at least once. As for those apparently getting carried away, Remember just like a certain Mr Sturridge not getting a game in Chelsea's first team doesn't mean you're not good enough for 80% of the other Premier League teams.
  23. Just hope he doesn't get a sheep's heart in this years secret Santa like the last 'next Maldini' we signed
  24. Oh well looks like we can predict the rest of the draw, are Blackpool still in it? (teams that beat us away in 2009/10)
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