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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. Well he's playing for a two bit London club now so no doubt the recall to the England fold is just around the corner.
  2. After tonight I'd actually like to see it be Nicky Maynard his second goal was pure class.
  3. Someone, who unlike yourself has a general grasp of irony. After most of the crap you post in here, having the brass neck to call someone else immature demonstrates, at best a brass neck of the highest order and at worst a serious lack of self awareness.
  4. So from your general musings on here, I can only presume you're 18 or younger then?
  5. So if you lain to have never seen more blind hatred elsewhere, could it be suggested it is you who is blind. You ever seen an Old Firm game? Ever seen a Liverpool Man Utd game? Any South American derby? Belgade derby? And that's just off the top of my head. Yes we get carried away on derby day, although to be fair I can't remember watching Newcastle fans destroying their own stadium.
  6. That's Ledley king. Since breaking into the scene (1999) Ledley King has only been booked 7 times and never red carded. In fairness he's barely played more than seven games in that period
  7. Youll be like the lass at the match I kept seeing with her adidas blue and black stripe Carroll 39 shirt during the championship season. Grown men should not be getting numbers n names on back of shirt like. I'd agree with you if the club didn't insist in producing shirts that look shit without numbers, I only get them when the club insist on putting blank panels etc on the back.
  8. He bloody better wear the 10 as that's what the wife was told to put on my shirt she's getting for my birthday
  9. just replied to that lying self promoting w@nker Morgan on Joey's behalf. Really can't stand the prick and despise how he is allowed to remain part of the UK media
  10. Surely a limp from this kind of injury would be a muscular problem, which would be easily solved with intensive physio. I'm not worried about how he'll cope physiologically its more the psychological effect this injury could have had which concerns me
  11. Why have they released a pic of the third kit before a pic of the change kit?
  12. Yup what we need is a photoshop genius to construct some pictures of him abducting toddlers or something Get them put on twitter with the tagline 'Not so funny now eh?'
  13. I've heard a few people compare him to Rob Lee in his peak. Which I'd be reasonably happy with, In the same way i'd be reasonably happy if Liv Tyler and Rachael Bilson walked into my room and said take both of us now big boy
  14. Not sure how it would work to be honest, I could image there'd be a seriously high risk of painfull burns. But then some people pay good money for such things
  15. WOuld that be a song about using Eggy Bread in a masterbation ritual?
  16. It also helps that there's a contingent. It means that players like N'Zogbia If he comes) and HBA will be happier living in Newcastle. I'm sure that's worked out well with the Latin trio, Jonas. Colo and Enrique. As long as they all get along i'm sure it helps. But equally I think getting a good buy in to the local feeling and vibe to the club is what can help us keep players. Ginola, Asprilla etc still rave about the club and area despite having played for historically greater clubs.
  17. You see if Owen had any wit about at all he'd just say at least i've played a first team game for Man Utd or similar. Or better still make a jibe about the feminine looking twat getting chatted up by Giggsy
  18. Since when has Tiote been French? He's an Ivorian who played football in Holland. I know the Ivory Coast is a former French protectorate but thats a bit like saying everyone from the Asian sub-continent is British.
  19. Their thread on this: http://www.allezlelosc.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=91776&sid=a0422ad997594c02cc8be3375cbf0476 So what seems to be their thoughts on this rumour? My french isn't the greatest although it would apear Barton has at least one fan on there
  20. On council estates accross the land
  21. And yet he went to Wolverhampton, not exactly Monaco is it?
  22. Indeed. Thats the problem with MRI scans etc tho, when it initially happened the main detectable signal; change may have been mid thigh, now the swelling has reduced. Remember MRI are all passive scans too so not all scans are conclusive. Found this out to my own cost recently thanks to a football related MCL and cartiledge problem, which has had me laid up for the past 4 months.
  23. no we don't. would be nice but give me talent,technique and nouse everytime. True who would you rather have Franz Carr or Nobby Solano
  24. no just checked was definitely at the stadium of plight
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