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Ghandis Flip-Flop

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Everything posted by Ghandis Flip-Flop

  1. I think not paying over the odds or being held to ransom is fine. However at a certain point we should simply move on and persue other targets instead of playing a potentially dangerous game of bluff where we could conceivably end up with no one. I'm sure Debuchy isn't the only right back in world football who would improve our first 11 and would be prepared to come to us.
  2. It's been mentioned before that Ashley is following the Lyon transfer model of accepting everyone has their price and accepting that 'Big Fish' will come along and poach their best players. However the big difference is they have their replacements lined up and sorted before their crown jewels are sold. We really shouldn't find ourselves in a similar position to the Carrol January window as the masses of cash in the bank can't play for us during the following 6 months.
  3. Good point. I think we're about to find out if Ashley is the real deal or just not that arsed. This is said in every transfer window, we know exactly what the policy is. Yep was going to say it but couldn't be bothered, as you said that line must be posted every single window. Yes but in other recent windows had we just finished 5th in the league and only narrowly missed out on Champions League qualification, something which would increase the profile of the club and massively increase its revenue?
  4. Well if we're talking context the team worse than us paid £15M for a midfielder from a team which also finished way below us last year. And from reading between the lines we'd be pissed off if we sold either of our Midfield duo for less than £20M. Now I was always of the impression that strikers tend to cost more than midfielders even when not taking into account the young and English factor. So getting a striker we know a lot about and who has been successful for us in the past for less than we'd be prepared to let our midfielders go for wouldn't be such a bad deal no?
  5. I'm pretty sure they've had experience of buying a good goal scoring midfielder who did well at Fulham only to be utter garbage for them before. (I know Malbranque came from Spurs, but the point still sort of stands)
  6. Ok he's been a bit indifferent with the exception of Norwich away when he foolishly got sent off. He's still young hasn't played a lot of football in over 2 years, of course he's gonna be rusty. I for one didn't think he did much wrong in his sub appearances towards the back end of last season. I would also say that our passing on a whole wasn't great tonight and Gosling wasn't the only one guilty of playing at half effort. Yet he still got in a few scoring positions which was more than can be said of a few other players who've played more football in recent times.
  7. Could it just be that being a big unit meant he was quickly knackered whilst playing in 30deg+ temperatures? God some are quick to write off kids based on one poor performance.
  8. possibly but who the hell are liverpool these days A team who are still light years ahead of the Mackems, who'll pay him close to what he's on at City perhaps?
  9. Have to say I can imagine teams like Liverpool and Spurs being in for Johnson if he's available. Can't see him going to Sunderland.
  10. Is it just me or has MoN aged about twenty years since he took over the dark place? He certainly looks more gaunt than he did when he was in the pundits chair.
  11. I think the reason everything was so slow and stilted from us today was down to the fact that Cabaye was obviously off the pace. As a result Tiote was trying to operate as the link man which stilted our attack somewhat. Looked better when Anit came on as there was another player moving and making himself available. I'm sure it won't take Cabaye long to get up to speed though.
  12. You can just admit you're wrong. Saves time and effort. He,s a blinkered greedy idiot, two or three times if he had any awareness he'd have fainted to shoot and played in players a couple of yards either side of him who were in much better positions. He's just a slightly better Peter Ndlov IMO, never has his head up and is solely interested in himself.
  13. I honestly think people are reading a bit much into this to be honest, I bet he's just being kept fresh for Thursday where he'll start.
  14. Thought it was down to the fact that Cabaye was so off the pace which made Tiote look poor in the first half. He was having to play as the link man in midfield which is obviously not his strongest suite. I look forward to seeing him Anita and a fit Cabaye in a few away games this season.
  15. Been linked with Cheik M'Benge (Spelling?) in the press over the past day or so. Weren't we linked with him last year?
  16. Well if his age was the issue then they should have pursued Clyne more vigourously. Are we buying players that are going to improve the team or to sell on for a profit?
  17. I'm pretty sure Guti played a fair few games for us at left back in the second half of last season, so wouldn't call it that daft.
  18. Also yes the Demba's may go to the ACoN in January, but the window is re-opened in that month If required. I would say that improving our First 11 is of more importance and as such I'd rather see Debuchy or Van de Wiel come in ahead of a third choice striker. I mean if we're playing 433 this year players like Sammy and Ferguson can play in a wide forward type position so only having one central striker might not be the end of the world. For what its worth I also wouldn't say that Ba's inclusion in the Senegalese squad is a forgone conclusion either, what with the emergence of Konate and his relatively poor performances last year.
  19. I saw it on Teletext and promptly lost my s***. My mate called me and I still didn't believe him after checking teletext etc. ended up calling that Clubcall number or whatever as another source. Anyway fast forward a few weeks and cue my Mam going apeshit when the phone bill came in accusing me a calling sex lines, had to get her to call the number again to confirm my story lol
  20. no, please. i hate the attitude of rugby players. this is a top level sport. Eh? And Interbational Rugby isn't? Have a word with yourself, the way the players act towards the ref in football is disgraceful and unfortunately it filters down to the grass roots, with kids emulating their heroes. Like others have said every petulant little whining twat should be booked until the clubs start to get a grip of their players.
  21. Wolves rings a bell but not last season was it the year before?
  22. I agree it's not so much the lack of numbers coming in, it's the message that signing no one for the first team sends out to the fans and the existing players. The whole situation has parallels to the Bowyer signing window and we know how that worked out.
  23. When? I still find it incredible that he can use his pace to beat a guy, then after he's beaten him suddenly stop to allow the defender to catch back up and dispossess him
  24. I'm pretty sure he had to struggle on alone for a good while until Dogleash bought the totally ineffective Andersson months later
  25. Rumours in the press today that it's now Southampton in the driving seat to land him. Maybe Reading have seen sense and targeted Clyne instead?
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